The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 2873: Ghost Buddha

Su Yu's heart sank continuously, and the celestial sword that had just been used up had consumed most of his power.

Consuming it like this will not only help but also put you in danger.

But this ghost is really weird and terrible. There is nothing to do, but his body is impeccable, except that his eyes are slightly weaker, and there is almost no place to attack.

Suddenly, Su Yu's eyes suddenly caught the slightest strangeness in the ghost's head.

After being attacked, the ghost head squatted on the ground and retracted his two feet into his skull.

When all the 100 remnants of the attack stopped, the ghost's feet extended again.


Su Yu noticed the anomaly, her eyes moved slightly, and she once again offered an ancestral technique.

Sure enough, those feet had shrunk slightly before they were displayed.

After confirming that Su Yu's attack was quite weak, he stretched out again.

"Feet?" Su Yu immediately grasped the sickle of Wancai, and cut a sickle to the only eye left on the ghost's head.

The ghost's head screamed, and the long black hair on top of his head fluttered like a snake, blocking the attack of the Mansions of Scythe.

However, it is unexpected that the powerful spatial meta-level field is implicit in the Great Scythe.

Just before attacking the ghost's hair, he disappeared out of thin air and appeared in front of those legs.

His legs were too late to retract, and he was penetrated by the arc of the Scythe.


With a crisp sound, the legs were weaker than any part of the body, and they were cut off at once.

The ghost's head lost support and immediately fell to the ground in sorrow.

The tumbling head kept rolling around on the ground, and under the neck where the feet were, a green liquid was constantly ejected.

Grief's mourning, accompanied by the squirting of green liquid, became weaker and weaker.

In the end, the ghost's head was lying motionless on the ground, and there was nothing in the eyes.

The ghost is so powerful that he hits the sky sword, and he is dead!

Su Yu was holding the Scythe of Wancai, and looking at the dead ghost, she couldn't believe it: "It's so easy to die?"

He expected his legs to be his weakness, but he didn't expect it to be a fatal weakness.

However, it is finally a solution to the crisis.

To deal with this ghost, he exhausted all his possessions. At the moment, he was so weak that he didn't have the strength to hold the Scythe, and his **** fell to the ground softly and kept breathing.

"Is it a bit unbelievable?" Bai Xue, behind him, suddenly answered.

Su Yu didn't look back, she said, "Yeah."

But as soon as the words came out, I felt wrong. It was not Bai Xue's voice, it was just similar.

Moreover, a thick stench came from behind, and at the same time, a pair of cold and wet arms entangled Su Yu from behind.

Look at Bai Xue behind Su Yu, where is Bai Xue?

Obviously a small stature like an infant, but with white hair and a wrinkled old woman lying tightly on Su Yu's back.

She opened her mouth, which was disproportionate to her face, and bit her into Su Yu's neck.

At this time, Su Yu was lacking in strength and had no strength to stand up. How to counter the sudden appearance of this old woman?

No, it's the evil spirit who suddenly changed from Shirayuki to an old lady!

Just when Su Yu's lone army missed, suddenly, there was a hint of coldness in the corner of Su Yu's mouth.

Obviously unable to move, he took the Scythe of Mansions and stabbed lightly at the back.


A shrill scream came from behind, and the old white woman was penetrated by the blade of the Scythe, hanging from the sickle.

Su Yu stood up indifferently, raised the Scythe, and looked at the old white woman who was constantly flapping on it.

The old white woman screamed, "You ... you know I'm not your companion?"

It turned out that it wasn't Bai Xue who was with Su Yu from the beginning, but the old woman.

Su Yu held it up high and said coldly, "Bai Xue is not a little girl. In a sense, she is an old woman older than you!"

But along the way, Bai Xue has always been like a little girl who just saw the world, either screaming or holding Su Yu's arm and not letting go.

That was by no means Shirayuki's true style.

Therefore, Su Yu noticed Bai Xue's anomaly from the beginning.

When he fought with the ghost head to the extreme, Bai Xue didn't make a sound.

Don't look at Su Yu's whole body and the ghost war, but his attention always stays on Bai Xue.

Therefore, after the end of the war, Su Yu deliberately made an exhausted false state, which led to false white Xue revealing her identity.

Sure enough, the other party was immediately fooled.

"Abominable, but you don't want to occupy this site." The old woman scolded.

Su Yu sneered and shook her head: "Do you want to continue cheating?"

He raised the Scythe of Scourge, and slammed **** the ground.

噗通 ——

The old white woman was smashed into a blur, and a large white smoke diffused out of her body.

Su Yu said indifferently: "I have to admit that your illusions have reached a certain level of brilliance. Unfortunately, it was me!"

Encountered all the way, are they all illusions?

Speaking, Su Yu stepped on, and the old white woman completely turned into a white smoke ~ ~, and the huge ghost head also quickly turned into a huge smoke, covering all directions.

When the smoke dispersed, the scene in front of Su Yu was incredible.

But see Su Yu and Bai Xue standing side by side at the entrance of the site.

The two kept stepping in, and their footsteps fell.

Su Yu's spirit shook slightly, and the moment the steps lifted and fell, they experienced such a long illusion.

Looking at Bai Xue again, her footsteps trembled, and she was awakened from the illusion, and her eyes remained thick and confused.

"Where's the ghost?" Bai Xue was in the illusion, and the ghost was losing to the exhibition, but [31 update fast] Suddenly the white mist was in front of me. When the white mist dispersed, this scene appeared in front of me.

Su Yu did not answer, but locked her eyes on the center of the site.

There, a violent wave of souls spread around.

"I found you!" Su Yu leapt forward and stepped into the real site.

The real site is not as gloomy as in illusion, but it is full of vigor and full of peaceful atmosphere.

Bai Xue followed, followed by Su Yu flashed to the center of the site, the former ancient mansion.

"This ..." Bai Xue staggered and saw that the Buddha's light pervaded the mansion, surrounded by Sanskrit sounds.

Repeatedly fireworks, maggots rise, and the ancient bells are melodious and refreshing.

"What did we encounter?" Bai Xue's face was incredible.

For a while, it was a spooky, creepy ghost prison, and for a while, it was a land of Buddhism and Taoism.

How can two opposite things exist in the same place?

Only Su Yu, staring at the light of the sky, combined with the spooky ghost prison that just appeared, a person who had forgotten for too long appeared in his mind.

"Can it be her?" Su Yu mumbled.

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