The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 2893: 傀儡 之 法

However, come here, try it first.

The Green Hat ancestor was vigilant around, and said, "Oh, the same is the Tibetan Holy Mountain, so come here to visit the old ancestor, isn't it impossible?"

"No time!" The old ancestor was extremely rude, and refused bluntly.

The Green Hat ancestor has no face, but is not upset. The old ancestor was such a person, and could not get angry.

The ancestor of the nether ancestor said: "It's true, there was someone from the super holy tribe Gaitian who just came. Isn't the ancestor worried?"

It was said that for a moment of silence among the sacred saints, the giant cricket's mouth slowly opened, and a cold voice came from it: "Don't mess around after entering, or you will be expelled immediately!"

The two ancestors looked at each other and smiled bitterly. In the end, the two of them were defeated by their former men, and they couldn't get a little respect in front of the ancestors.

Taking their cultivation as a realm, do they need to be reminded not to mess around?

However, Su Yu thought about it, and there were no secrets in the Puppet Saints, so she reminded them so deliberately.

Hiding this doubt in his heart, he accompanied the two ancestors into the Holy Tribe.

As you see it, it is a huge and dark space.

This is the body of a giant salamander. Although the interior is huge, there are precision parts everywhere.

Densely packed, hundreds of millions.

So many parts are running, maintaining the giant puppet.

This is still the giant puppet is at a standstill, if fighting, more parts will run.

The Green Hat ancestor was stunned: "This puppet is ten times more complex than the body of a living being, and we were unjustly defeated by this puppet."

The ancestor of the Nether is deeply convinced that each of these parts is perfect and flawless, so only a super strong holy spirit is constructed.

Su Yu was also very surprised.

Compared to the precise tadpoles in front of him, the black ape tadpoles he once got seemed extremely rough.

"If you look at that gear, if you expected it to be good, it should be made of blue heart iron that was extinct in the last century." The ancestor of the green hat pointed to the nearest part, suddenly said.

Blue Heart Iron Su Yu has heard of it, it is a kind of ore that can repair and grow by itself.

Losing a part will restore it in a short time.

This thing is not sold by the catty, nor by the two, but by the grain.

The value of a blue heart iron in the last era is 10 billion soul stones.

In the era of this era, some 50 billion soul stones are not sold.

Because there is no market at all.

But at the moment, there is actually a key part that is made of blue heart iron. This gear is full of blue heart iron, I am afraid that there are thousands of grains.

Its value geometry can be imagined.

"What are you standing there for?" There was a murmur of dissatisfaction within the puppet.

It was the old ancestors urging them.

Nether ancestors and others had to continue to move forward, all the way to the neck of the uncle.

A hall suspended in mid-air, with a short but very strong dwarf in a black robe, was holding a hammer and beating a cricket.

He is the ancestor of the Holy Saint.

The Green Hat ancestors and the Ghost ancestors were much more vigilant. They brought Su Yu to the hall and worshiped the old ancestors. "The old ancestors are still the same."

His grandfather didn't even look at them. He lifted a hammer and knocked on the cymbal without answering his head: "What's the matter, say, leave immediately after you say it!"

Such rudeness really made the two ancestors angry.

This elf is still dead-tempered!

The Green Hat ancestor looked at Su Yu and let Su Yu speak for himself.

Su Yu narrowed her eyes and said, "I am the leader of Ding. I have two things for you. First, I invite you to join the Tibetan Tianshan Alliance. At present, two ancestors have joined them ..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by his grandmother: "No interest, say the second thing."

The Green Hat ancestors and the Ghost ancestors showed helplessness, and before they came, they had a hunch, in order to scold the ancestor's stinking temperament, they would not agree to join any alliance.

He just wanted to make puppets with one heart, and he had no interest in the strife of outside forces.

Su Yu didn't worry, and continued: "The second thing is to use your family's fire pool to make something."


Suddenly, the cricket being beaten cracked a long crack in the chest, exposing a large number of precision parts inside.

This costly puppet has declared failure.

The old ancestor was furious, and also angry at Su Yu and others: "Burning! It's you who influence the ancestors to make me!"

The Green Hat ancestors and the Ghost ancestors have no patience anymore, and they are all unbearable: "My grandfather, please speak to me! Obviously there is something wrong with your grandma's refining method. What do we do?"

Obviously, the cracks are not there after they came, but they are flawed.

Otherwise, how can he crack if he knocks normally?

The old ancestor was rude and unreasonable. When he lifted the hammer, he said fiercely: "Let you go and go! Otherwise, don't leave!"

The two ancestors were so angry, what the hell!

They winked at Su Yu. Looking at the situation today, it is better not to have any conversation, or to leave as soon as possible.

However, Su Yu did not leave with both hands behind her, but said lightly: "Such a technique is also embarrassing to call yourself an ancestor?"

When the two ancestors changed their words, they immediately applauded Su Yu.

In the violent temperament of the ancestors of the uncle, the most taboo thing is that some people say bad things, especially about the craft of forging the uncle.

"Boy, don't you think the old man is afraid of you?" An old ancestor's eyes fluttered with an angry flame.

Su Yu expressionless, said: "To be honest!"

Just when the murderer's murder was permeated, Su Yu said again: "Even the eighteen methods, even one method is unreasonable, but you have the face to pretend to be the father."

Originally a murderous old ancestor, when he heard his words changed suddenly, he looked at Su Yu in surprise: "What are you talking about?"

Su Yu said indifferently: "Of course it is the eighteen ancestors of your holy tribe. It seems that you are not even proficient in abyss, and let alone the other."

The Tatar tribe is different from other races. They used to be divided into eighteen races.

Each vein has its own ancestry, which adds up to a total of eighteen.

As early as mid-January, Su Yu had anticipated the situation today, so she studied the ancestral skills of the three saints.

Fang Caizhen's ancestor's percussion skills, he recognized at a glance, that is the abyss of the method, the most profound one of the eighteenth.

It's just that many of the old ancestors' methods are not superb.

"Although I don't know where you heard from, but it is too ridiculous to question my ancestor's refining method based on this, unless you can prove it to the ancestor!" 傀儡 The ancestor squinted and stared at Su Yu.

Su Yu slowly turned around and walked out, saying: "Then I'll be a joke, leave, don't bother you to make 傀儡!"

The other party clearly wanted to excite Su Yu and let him perform related ancestry.

However, he did not want to ask frankly.

"Slow!" Grandpa Zuo twitched and said, "If you can prove that the old man's skills are not good, I will forgive your recklessness and ignorance!"

What an arrogant little old man!

Clearly eager for Su Yu to give the ancestral art he hoped to see, but he didn't say it!

Su Yu shook her head: "As Your Excellency said, I'm just a joke, not worthy to put a beak on your holy tribe, leave it!"

He strode across, leaving with his two ancestors.

"You ... you stand still for me!" But the old ancestor tangled in Su Yu and said, "If you can show something to the old ancestor, I will give you a fire pool."

After that, he added fiercely: "But let's say it. If you are all talking nonsense, don't blame the ancestors to drive you away!"

His heart was full of longing.

The eighteenth pulse, and the other seventeenth pulse, have long disappeared before countless epochs. Now, his people do not know that there were other seventeenth pulses in the world.

The people in front of them uttered the eighteen methods, and also accurately said that they belonged to the abyss!

This really shocked the old ancestors.

Except for him and a few ancient saints, no tribe knows that they are just a vein of the abyss, all of them self-identified by the saints.

This person knows absolutely nothing.

Su Yu smiled gently after hearing the words, the ancestor of the nether and the ancestor of the green hat were even more confused.

They hadn't dealt with the old ancestors once or twice, but it was the first time they saw him being subdued.

This grumpy old thing has always been started without a word, how can it be so good today?

"Is the fire pond borrowed from me?" Su Yu smiled slightly, turned and came to the cracked cymbal, and stretched out her palm: "The hammer is for me."

His grandfather immediately gave him to Su Yu and said, "What do you want to do?"

Su Yu looked at the crack and said, "Of course it is a fusion crack."

"Fusion?" Pu's ancestor's pupils shrank, and among the eighteen pulses, one of the pulses practiced the extremely rare pupa repair method.

That ancestral art had disappeared long before tens of epochs, and he only saw some records in the ancient books that the patriarch could read.

According to legend, under the kind of ancestral technique, any damaged pupae can be repaired perfectly.

Even if the body is broken, there is no problem, it is a miracle.

Unfortunately, that ancestral art has long been lost.

Su Yu's fusion ~ ~ Is it the kind of ancestral technique?

It should be impossible.

However, seeing Su Yu suspending the hammer in front of her chest, she continued to use the Yinjue method, and put an obscure residue into the hammer.

Then he grabbed the hammer and hit the crack lightly.

An astonishing scene appeared, the trajectory on the hammer, with the percussion, slowly integrated into the crack, and then the crack slowly merged ...

It's just a matter of simplicity. Before that, the wide crack in one finger left only fine hair.

Continue to merge and it will be completely repaired!

"傀儡 Repair!" 傀儡 Old ancestor took a breath, looked at Su Yu in shock, and said, "Who are you?"

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