The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 2906: Make you 3 strokes

"Bai Xue, now you decide, and you still have the opportunity to enter the Tiandao League Cemetery, to preserve your reputation." Suddenly, a very indifferent voice came out of a coffin that looked particularly dark.

That voice is exactly the super powerhouse currently in charge of Heavenly Alliance, the old Korean won.

A strength, only under the old grandpa!

Not weaker than the strongest Huang Dasheng in the famous sword saint family!

Bai Xue sniffed: "I still have a lifetime of infamy, and live well in the world. Heavenly League's cemetery, if you like it so much, live in it yourself, I'm not rare!"

Her fierce resistance caused anger in the coffin.

In the end, the Korean veteran sighed silently: "Unlucky! You are against the teachings of the Heaven Alliance, in this case, the veteran will personally send you on the road!"


The veteran of Han Yuan's coffin suddenly bounced off and shot straight at Bai Xue.

The latter's face changed, and immediately resisted by the repair of the Great Holy One, his arms condensed into a vortex.

This is another area that Shirayuki cultivates. It can devour many forces and dissolve and invisible the enemy's attacks.

However, the power contained in the coffin cover was too grand.

The vortex had no time to devour a gap in the coffin cover, and was crushed and crushed by the coffin cover.

The coffin cover remained undeclined, and patted Bai Xue's chest straight.

This shot, even if there is no disappearance of form and spirit, the Tao body will be broken!

Suddenly, at the same moment, two strange roars came.

But seeing a flash of black light in front of Bai Xue, a black ring appeared.

In the ring, there were no signs of two old holy men, they came out of the black circle, and immediately joined together to block the coffin cover.


The magnificent power inside the coffin lid pushed the two great saints back.

Bai Xuexuan froze for a moment, then joined them, hitting with the power of a holy one.

The three great saints joined forces before finally covering the coffin.

Two forces collided in the coffin lid, blasting it into pieces!

These two were the two great saints of the famous sword saint family Su Susheng captured at the time of the Blood Mountain. They were refined into the slave ring, and they could be ordered only by activating the slave ring.

Su Yu, who looked coldly, stared at the coffin whose coffin cover had been opened, her eyes narrowing slowly.

The two saints of the two famous sword saints, plus Bai Xue, the three talents barely blocked the coffin cover photographed by each other?

The strength of this Korean veteran is beyond expectations!

It seems that they are quickly stepping into the ranks of Halloween!

"Is it the Great Saint of the Sword Sage?" A man sat slowly in the coffin.

Unlike the dry corpses in several other coffins, the one sitting in this coffin turned out to be a skeleton without flesh and blood.

Seeing it, Shirayuki blinked his eyes, and his face was full of surprise.

She knew that several elders were practicing a long-lasting immortal magic, making her body people do not look like ghosts or ghosts.

However, the South Korean veteran, who has cultivated into a skeleton, has never heard of it.

"It's really sad. I could still have one or two moves with me, but I became a slave to others." The old Korean sighed.

The two great saints of the famous sword holy tribe, staring at Mr. Han Won for a while, then suddenly remembered him.

"Are you Han Hanzu?" The fifth child took a breath.

The old fourth was also very surprised: "How come, a few epochs, you and the evil emperor battled, you are already in the opponent's magic, you must die!"

It sounds like Han Duanzu even played against the emperors!

"It's all a thing of the past, let alone mention it." Han Duanzu stood up, his bones creaked, and a pair of golden eyes appeared in the two eye sockets.

With both hands on his back, he stared at Su Yu, and said lightly, "Do you think that if you master a little Taoism and the Great Saint, you can do arbitrary things in Tiandao League?"

"You are still too naive!"

If Tiandao League has only this ability, how can it expand its power to all parts of the world?

They must have a peerless powerhouse that fears all the heroes!

Formerly a senior veteran, today he is a Korean veteran.

"You annihilate the Tao, and the soul leaves." Han Duanzu said: "As for Bai Xue, the soul is flying away!"

He ordered, and announced the fate of the two.

Lao Si and Lao Wu Hu were in front of Su Yu. The latter turned pale and eagerly said, "Master, please destroy the Tao, don't conflict with Han Duanzu."

"A few epochs ago, he was the superpower that overwhelmed one side. There were few rivals under Heaven. He thought he was dead, but he has lived so many epochs. How far is his strength training? Imagine. "

The fourth old man also said in a deep voice: "Master, now is really not the time to talk about morality, that Han broken ancestor, he really can't mess with!"

Su Yu looked calm and fearless.

"Really? No, I want to try!" Let him destroy himself, maybe he can do it.

But let him give up his friends and live by himself, which he couldn't do at all!

"Master, don't!" The fourth and fifth parents desperately discouraged.

But Su Yu has already stepped out!

The palm of his hand was grasped, and the Scythe of Mansions appeared on the palm.

The fourth and fifth sons were shocked. It was this sickle that killed their black apes.

However, they are extremely optimistic.

Wancai Scythe is very powerful, but facing Han Duanzu, there is no power at all!

"Do you want to fight with me?" Han Duanzu lost his way ~ ~ Skull's mouth made vague and vicissitudes.

He looked at Su Yu lightly: "Okay, for your bravery, give you a chance!"

"Let you do three tricks. If you can hurt me for a bit, let you and Bai Xue make a living." Han Duanzu said lightly.


Bai Xue's pupils shrank fiercely. She knew that the old Korean won was strong, but how strong she was, she couldn't guess at all.

For many years, both the veteran and the Korean veteran have closed their doors in coffins.

Any order is conveyed through the coffin, they hardly show up, let alone show their strength.

Suddenly heard this, Bai Xue had an inexplicable fear.

Because, she had wanted to report to Han Duanzu about the situation of Xueshan. Su Yu had a lot of knowledge about her fighting ability.

However, even so, Han Duanzu still uttered the mad words to make Su Yu three moves!

Su Yu's eyes narrowed too, Han Duanzu seemed extra confident in his own strength!

His eyes flickered, urging the Great Scythe.

A huge net fell from the sky, instantly covering Han Duanzu.

The terrible giant net can cut everything in the world, and the town ancestors that are as hard as the Heavens Alliance cannot be spared.

However, falling on Han Duanzu's body, the giant net could not hurt half a point.

Even if the giant net shrinks violently and how to tighten it, there is no trace left.

When Han Duanzu's body shook, the giant net disappeared without a trace. He looked at Su Yu indifferently, and raised two fingers: "There are two more moves!"

Su Yu narrowed her eyes and said, "Try this, then!"

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