The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 2917: Go find a man

Su Yu did not panic.

It was the other party who had changed the soul without authorization.

"Come here!" Ling Huyang said quietly.

Su Yu looked around and immediately walked over and grabbed his collar: "You are too brave to dare to exchange my soul forcibly?"

Making Huyang motionless, he said lightly, "It's you who have the courage to dare, and come to me to learn the soul ancestors."

He was just having a playful mentality, and Su Yu was bold.

Su Yu let go of her hand and frowned, "The soul is exchanged back immediately."

Since ancestral arts cannot be learned, return to your body and leave the holy tribe as soon as possible.

"No change!"

However, what surprised Su Yu was that the other party refused to exchange souls!

"Why?" Su Yu looked at him: "Don't you run back and forth with all your thoughts, wouldn't you change your body?"

He didn't believe it, so Huyang wouldn't worry.

Ling Huyang lowered his head, and his expression was complicated beyond words, and said, "I have seen everything about the shrine."

It turned out that he had already arrived and happened to see his wife insulted by his cousin. In the end, Su Yu took a shot and taught him a group of people who had pulled away from the frame.

Obviously Su Yu could not bear it, but in the end, he chose to expose himself and take the lead for his wife.

Ling Yang was full of shame and bitterness.

If it was him, he would also shoot for his wife's reputation, but the result would be to humiliate himself, beating his cousin on the ground, and then continue to slander his wife.

Knowing that his cousin was stabbing his wife, he couldn't shock each other.

This is the pain he can't say, but can't forget.

"So?" Su Yu disagreed, he just did the usual thing.

Ling Huyang stared at Su Yu's gaze, and said, "So, instead of me, protect beside Yinger! You are more like a qualified husband than me."

Su Yu froze, but never expected that Lingyang would say such a thing.

Is this in ...

"I said, you are too indifferent to your wife's attitude, right?" Su Yu was disgusted.

What kind of person will entrust his wife to a stranger?

Making Fox Yang tremble, his fingers clenched tightly, his eyes filled with thick water mist, and finally turned into tears for business: "I, I love Yinger, but that's why I want you to replace me."

"Yinger needs protection, and I can't do it."

"There is a love called letting go."

It sounds like it makes sense, but Su Yu doesn't think: "Then have you asked Yan Feiying what she meant? Does she want a stranger to pose as her husband and stay with her?"

"If you really love her, you should respect her choice."

Su Yu patted him on the shoulder: "If even the husband gives up his wife a warm harbor, that is the most desperate moment for his wife."

As he knows at this moment, he knows that there is a long way to go back to Xian'er from the Guixu Realm.

But if he gives up, who else will replace him in the world and bring back Xianer?

The moment he gave up was when Xianer lost hope forever.

Touching Yang's heart, his face trembled slightly, wiped his tears, and said, "I ... don't look like a man."

Su Yu said in earnest: "You are not a man now."

His body, but that of Jinghua Tianzi's woman.

Huyang cheered up and said, "Okay! Let's exchange our bodies."

He reached out his finger and nodded at Su Yu's brows.

Su Yu did not resist, waiting for the exchange of souls, but what followed was not the replacement of the two souls, but a strange and cold memory pouring into the souls.

Those are all memories of Linghu Yang's life.

"What are you doing?" Su Yu suddenly blocked each other's memory transmission.

However, he has already transmitted almost, and said quietly, "Give you three days. How many soul ancestors can be learned in three days, it's up to you."

He is awesome to help Su Yu break away from the doubts of the soul saints.

With these memories, he can more easily dispel everyone's doubts.

"Are you sure? The soul ancestry is the foundation of your soul holy tribe. How can you give it to outsiders?" Su Yu was surprised.

No more dare to do this, right?

Linghuyang said: "It is a reward for your maintenance of Yinger! But, I warn you not to have any thoughts about Yinger, otherwise I will expose you immediately."

Su Yu stared deeply at Ling Huyang. Should he say that he was too confused, or believed too much?

"I have all your memory and your body. Even if you expose it, who will the tribe of the soul believe in?" Su Yu asked.

Do you believe in an outsider who doesn't know where to come, or do you believe in your own people?

The answer is obvious.

If Su Yu is willing, he can replace Linghuyang.

"Hum, then I'll use your body to do something inconceivable, for example, do you have a female companion, too?" Ling Huyang said in a hurry.

Su Yu smiled, "That's true, there are two in the city."

Linghuyang said: "That's great. If you dare to touch my yinger, I dare to touch them! I am one, you two, and see who suffers!"

Su Yu laughed more profoundly: "If you move them, I will eat this loss."

"What do you mean?" Ling Huyang was puzzled.

Is Su Yu more open-minded than him?

"I think you haven't checked your body seriously yet?" Su Yu narrowed.

Lingering all the way, Fuyang really didn't check himself.

Now look inside ~ ~ The face is green: "You ... Are you a woman?"

"Sorry, the clothes are a little bit too much to show you." Su Yu shrugged.

Ling Huyang wants to slap herself, how can a woman, how can she treat Su Yu's companions?

Can't move?

"You ... I ... I'm going to find a man!" Ling Huyang bet.

Su Yu is even more indifferent: "Go wherever you want, as long as you can bear it yourself, the more the better."

In the end, what the man got was Linghuyang's soul.

Secondly, what was ruined by the man was Jinghua Tianzi's body.

Does soul and body have a relationship with Su Yu?


"You ... you are shameless, despicable, dirty, dirty, shy ..." Ling Huyang said with a green face.

Su Yu waved his hand: "Three days later, we'll see you again. You can play with a man during this period."

After speaking, I returned to the shrine with a smile.

Ling Huyang was angry and funny: "This jerk! I actually have a time to follow suit!"

After the soul exchange, it was always unsatisfactory, but today, it was planted in the hands of Su Yu.

Now, whether Yinger will be smashed depends on Su Yu's self-control.

Thought of this, can not help but drip blood in my heart, but think of Yinger's previous insults, and relieved.

Su Yu's presence is not necessarily a bad thing.

Inside the shrine.

Several injured juniors were sitting in a chair, panting, and an elder who came from the backyard for questioning was looking at their injuries calmly. (https :)

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