The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 303: eye for eye

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\ "A group of lunatics! \" Mumbling, the host of the Dark Fang shot at Su Yu coldly, and shook his head coldly: \ "I would like to take the opportunity to teach you a lesson, if you don't know any good ... \"

However, as soon as his voice fell, Su Yu's indifferent voice came.

\ "Star Thunder Finger! \"

嗤 啦 ——

But see Su Yu's index finger, an eyeball-sized purple thunderball, firing a crazy thunder arc.

Looking fixedly, the thunder ball was formed by dense thunder and lightning.

Each one contains the power of horrible thunder.

A whole ball full of hundreds of Thunders!

Fusion together, the Thunder Crash is amazing!

Just the momentum that emanates, it is in no way inferior to the entry-level "Eight Words of Brahma"!

The dazzling thunder and light sets off Su Yu's face so strangely. With silver hair, she also renders a strange purple in purple light!

Those eyes are as deep as stars, at this moment, like black holes.

The main face of the Palace of Dark Fang was stiff, and he lost his voice and said, "" The first layer of the True Spirit Gongfa is complete! How can you do that? "

According to age, the host of the Dark Palace has been twenty, and Su Yu was sixteen.

However, the True Spirit Gongfa Remnants have been enlightened since the master of the dark temple. For ten years now, it has only been enlightened to the first level of success, and the distance is complete.

However, Su Yu was struck by lightning, and the owner of the Palace of Darkness had to rush to accept the move!

\ "Flower shadows resemble the mountains! \" The main aura of the Dark Palace Hall gathers palms, faintly, surrounded by flowers.

恍 If the palms of the flowers overlap with the shadows, they will slam each other!


A soft force, a fierce collision that was supposed to cancel each other out, but it made a loud roar!

Huaying scatters and is annihilated by the sky's purple thunder arc.

The figure of Lord Huangfang of the Palace of Anfang looks like a petal, flying down with bright red blood.

That face, full of pain, full of shock, full of panic!

She is actually not a one-on-one enemy!

The previous self-confidence was smashed at this moment!

\ "Understand yourself, is it really vulnerable? \" At this moment, a deep, cold voice rang out in my ears!

The master of the dark palace Yu Guang glanced, Su Yu took the opportunity to catch up, panic in his heart: \ "What are you doing? We are all deputy palace masters, you have to make a heavy effort? \"

Su Yu sneered sneerly: \ "Same as the Deputy Hall Master? So, you know, we are also the Deputy Hall Master! \"

\ "An outsider who ignored me to break through the key, disregarded my anger into the devil, regardless of the danger of my life, when forcibly arrested me, what were you, the deputy master, doing? \"

\ "When Ziyun Xiang begged you twice, what did you, the deputy master, do?"

\ "She was wounded, but the first palm was not hurt in the hands of outsiders, but in the hands of you, your own person! \"

\ "Do you regard yourself as the deputy of the northern continent's branch hall? When outsiders bully the weak deputy, you are not helping each other, not protecting the younger generation, not doing your duty as a senior, but prestige , Forced to kneel! Instead of watching indifferently, has nothing to do with himself! Instead of teaching outsiders, he is ruthless towards himself! \ "

\ "You, what kind of deputy?"


Su Yu's palm was slapped fiercely on the face of the main hall of Anfang.

Suddenly, the blood flew, and the main hall of the Vice Hall of Anfang left a blood mark on his cheek.


The owner of the Palace of Darkness was slammed into the wall, covering his cheeks with regret: \ "You ... you insult me! \"


However, the answer to him was a flash of the figure, and Su Yu chased after him, and slapped another cheek on the other half.

After leaving a blood mark, he again pumped blood from the Lord of the Dark Palace to fly.

\ "The first palm is the price you pay for eating in and out! The second palm is the price for hurting Ziyunxiang! \"

The owner of the Palace of Darkness was so ashamed that he was slapped in public!

Since then, she will have no prestige in the northern continent!

\ "I will remember your ... \" The main eyes of the Dark Fang Palace sprayed the venomous light, staring at Su Yu!


However, one foot stepped on her chest fiercely, stepping on her chest slightly, and her bones cracked and cracked!

The blood of the crushed meat was sprayed from the main mouth of Anfang Hall.

The eyes of the two thugs due to severe pain were full of shock and unbelief. Su Yu dare to hurt her seriously!

Feeling the continued heavy pressure on her chest, then, she is a trend that really wants her life!

\ "You ... what do you want to do with me? \" The venomous expression in the main hall's eyes was replaced by a trace of panic.

Lenovo Su Yu dared to kill the deputy chief of the funeral sword. The devil of the dark palace shook his body and his fear was deeper!

Su Yu indifferently retracted her foot, said indifferently: \ "I just teach you when to be arrogant and when to be low-key! \"

Although Yinyufuzhong was expressionless, it was not difficult to see excitement in his eyes.

To them, it's too deflated!

The host of the Palace of Darkness was beaten into a dead dog by Su Yu, without any convergence, even dared to cast a resentful look!

Such a woman with high self-esteem will be beaten to death!

Sure enough, the Lord of the Dark Palace covered her chest before she returned her fierce face, blinking in fear of the expression and tears rolling in.

Humming softly, no longer looking at her, Su Yu glanced at another person!

Zhou Ruoting leaned against the wall of the courtyard, standing upright, with a smirk like a non-smiling smile, applauding and sneering: "" Hehe, interesting, really order. [,!] This deity is an eye-opener. "

Su Yu looked indifferently: \ "Well, what are you doing, let's say, you only have half a cup of tea. \"

Aggressive posture made Zhou Ruoting sneer: \ "Compared when this deity is a small fish and shrimp like the Lord of the Dark Palace? If you want to teach me, you may be disappointed! \"

\ "The deity is under the lord Bailuo, the first-class maid, the order of the prince Bailuo, will take you back to the disposal! In addition, you better tell the iron wood leader where he went, when he came, and left After that, whether to leave a clue, explain together! \ "

Bailu Shengjun, it really is him.

If you remember correctly, Baimu Titian, the master of the iron wood command, rushed to the northern continent, and ordered Ling Xiaotian to hand over the ten cultivated vice hall masters to Bailu Shengjun.

And Li Tianqiang seems to be inextricably linked to Bailuo Shengjun.

At this moment, I'm taking advantage of it!

\ "Hehe, I'm surprised, the identity of the deity is far beyond your imagination! If you are interested, cooperate immediately." Zhou Ruoting said proudly.

Unexpectedly, Su Yu went back to God, looked at her, and said lightly: "" A bite of respect, I thought you were a great figure. It turned out that it was just a maid who looked at people! "

Zhou Ruoting's face was slightly stiff, her face was slightly cold, her lips sneered with a sneer arc: \ "Dead duck's mouth is hard! No need to talk to someone like you, immediately catch it, otherwise, haha ​​... \"

唰 ——

Zhou Ruoting's figure flickered, her white palms were claw-shaped, and she tore through the air and grabbed it sharply.

Where this move is a capture, it is clearly a spot kill.

A gust of wind blew Su Yu's silver hair, cold and deep eyes suddenly appeared: \ "It seems that you have nothing else to do, in this case, with your blood, pay off the debt! \"

So Su Yu almost went into flames and died several times!

Ziyunxiang was seriously injured and fainted on the spot!

These blood debts will be paid for with blood!

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