The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 306: Too aggressive

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\ "Ling Dianzhu, the governor of this matter was ordered to supervise this matter, so you don't need to worry about it! \" Governor Baihe said coldly.

Ling Xiaotian looked pleased: \ "In my branch hall, my deputy hall owner killed each other, do you think that the main hall owner can not just ask? \"

\ "Ha ha ... \" Bai Hetidu Pi smiled and smiled: \ "My deputy master couldn't control it, why did he intervene? \"

The implication is that Ling Xiaotian is incompetent, and pampers his subordinates to kill each other, causing losses.

Ling Xiaotian just smiled, Yan Ran spit herself out.

Su Yu watched, apologizing.

Ling Xiao manages every day and looks at the affairs of the northern continent, but because of his delay, he also suffers from malicious irony.

\ "Governor Baihe has time to talk about others, let's control his own men first. \" Su Yu ironic.

唰 ——

Two sharp eyes seemed to penetrate Su Yu back and forth.

Eyelids are slightly drooping. On the high court, White Crane Admiral looks down at Su Yu, and slowly speaks: "" Benton, have you made a little deputy leader speak? "

In his opinion, Su Yu's identity is not worth mentioning.

\ "Since you want to talk so much, Governor Bente asks you, do you know the guilt? \" Governor Bai He looked at the person with his nostril and questioned.

Su Yu smiled silently, and Governor Baihe was ordered to investigate. However, the matter has not yet reached any conclusion. So he questioned Su Yu to deny the crime?

Shaking his head, Su Yu said: "Master, where does sin come from?"

Governor Baihe sneered: "" To this day, you still want to quibble? The blood demon and Fengqing deputy palace master have already acknowledged that you are the one killed! Now you want to deny everything, your character, the old man is hard to compliment! "

Have they both confessed? Su Yu sighed secretly.

In the face of the dynasty headquarters, after all, they failed to adhere to the psychological bottom line and were forced to confess.

\ "Oh? I don't know why the funeral sword was killed? How did the two confess ??" Su Yu was calm and calm.

The expression of Governor Baihe was a little froze, and he quickly disguised his expression, sneering: \ "Why he was killed has nothing to do with this case, as long as you admit that the person was killed by you! \"

\ "It seems that you have pleaded guilty. In this case, kneel and fall down! \"

In a few words, Su Yu was condemned to death!

It is printed without questioning.

\ "Hehe, Governor Baihe, someone Ling hasn't died yet!" "Ling Xiaotian didn't move, smiled slightly.

But anyone can hear the slightest anger in the words.

Governor Bai He was unmoved: "" Evidence is conclusive, and there is controversy? According to the imperial decree, it should not be wrong! "

Ling Xiaotian held a tea cup in one hand and wrote lightly: "Protector Baihe, if you have to do it alone, if you have to kill your life, Ling will not mind returning to this headquarters, and invite the Dark King to arbitrate. \"

The dark king's four words seemed like a thunder, which made Governor Leng Ao Baihe finally discolored.

As the Lord of the Hall, there is an opportunity to be summoned by the Dark King alone, to instruct cultivation, or to get some simple rewards, as a reward for defending the Four Great Halls.

Except for the Seven Dark Lords, the Lord of the Four Halls is the only dynasty member who can approach the Dark Lord.

If at that time, Ling Xiaotian would rather give up instructing cultivation, but also petition the king for arbitration.

Once the case was found to be lifeless, no one could save him in heaven and earth.

The stiff face was gradually soothing, and the cold face was slightly relieved: \ "Where the Lord Ling Dang speaks, Ben Tie is instructed to act and naturally treats it impartially. \"

\ "Fine, but this Governor intends to test the response of the Lord of the Silver Feather Palace, deliberately. \"

Hearing that he was playing round, Ling Xiaotian said lightly: "As long as Governor Baihe handles it honestly, Ling will not intervene. \"


With such an attitude, God seemed to command his subordinates.

Baidu Tiduo's guilty conscience first had to endure.

A pair of eyes implied anger, staring at Su Yu coldly: \ "Let ’s say, is n’t there an uneven distribution of the loot, which is the right way to kill the funeral sword? From the actual recruitment, it can be frank and lenient, and resist it severely!"

The other party was so anxious to convict Su Yu that he resorted to inducement.

Su Yu smiled and smiled: \ "So, am I guilty and haven't decided yet? \"

Governor Bai He was angry: \ "Now you are investigating the severity of your crime, cooperate with us and strive for leniency. \"

If you really cooperate with him, I am afraid that it will die quickly!

\ "So, my crime has not yet been settled! \" Su Yu smiled with coldness: \ "Since this is the case, I would like to ask Governor Baihe, the charges have not been settled, and the iron wood commander took my guilty as a reason and killed in public. Me, is it reasonable? \ "

Bai He raised the eyebrows of the Governor and secretly rebuked.Tiemu was still in the end, and he bored this man.If he returned, he would inevitably be punished.

He was about to open his mouth, and Ling Xiaotian's eyes were slightly cold on one side: "" Oh? A Red Guard, without any evidence, commits the following crimes and wants to kill the deputy master? It's bold! This sin, beheaded! \ "

\ "Wait! \" Governor Baihe busy said: \ "The iron and wood leader is integrity, righteousness, mostly verbal threats, never dare to be a real killer! \"

He said, looking at Su Yu with a smile: "" You can stand here without any problems and explain everything! If he kills you, do you think you can still confront me in public? "

Ling Xiaotian was silent, indeed, Temu may not dare to kill Su Yu.

\ "Is it righteous, righteous? \" Su Yu couldn't help but laugh: \ "The righteous, he would let a robber run away for the people, indifferent? He was righteous, he would publish personal hatred, and kill me?" !! ]

Looking at Governor Baihe with a sneer, Su Yu smirked: \ "Why am I standing here unharmed, not because he did not dare to kill the killer, but when he killed the killer, he was not killed on the spot! \"


Not only Governor Baihe, Ling Xiaotian was suddenly surprised.

Tiemu Xiu is a triplet of feathering, but Su Yu can only kill each other?

However, soon it was relieved.

Yinyu Mansion is a Su Yu site.Under some precautions, it is not impossible to use human sea tactics.


Governor Bai He put his hands under his palm and suddenly shattered.

The old cheeks were ugly and sullen. If you want to eat someone: \ "You killed him? \"

The opponent did not return for a few days, and Governor Baihe had a bad feeling. Su Yu's words proved everything.

Su Yu laughed and said nothing.

\ "How brave! How dare to kill the ordered public servant? Governor Bente can't spare you!" "Bai Heti Governor angered the crown.

How daunting to kill Tiemu? How to disdain his Governor?

Su Yu said unhurriedly: "In this case, Governor Baihe believes that it is legal for a Red Guard to kill an innocent deputy master in public?"

In this case, he asked Governor Bai He to notice that Ling Xiaotian's attention and a clever mind.

Don't let anyone down in public.

Force yourself to calm down and muffle your voice: "" Cut it according to the law, but how can you be the master ... "

However, Su Yu forcibly interrupted his words: "Since being a slasher, dare to ask, why is a little red shirt guard so bold and bold? Was it ordered by a superior?"

There is only one superior iron tree, Admiral Baihe!

Ling Xiaotian's eyes were sharp: \ "Protagonist Baihe, the deputy chief is the dark dynasty's key cultivation of geniuses, and murdering them, you have the courage! \"

Bai He's Admiral face was condensed.Even if he was such a serious sin, he would not dare to bear it.

The gloomy complexion changed again and again and restored the majesty: \ "Benedictor inspected the world, representing the dynasty with words and deeds, remembering the laws of the dynasty, how could such a bad thing be done!"

\ "Benedictor simply ordered Tiemu, taking you back, being investigated, there is no murder order! I speculate that since Tiemu has a personal grudge with you, it must be Yang Fengyin, and the communiqué has personal grudges! This matter has nothing to do with Benedictor ! \ "

After three, five, and two, Governor Baihe left things alone.

Su Yu smiled lightly: "In this case, shouldn't Tiemu kill?"

The muscles in the corners of his mouth twitched, and Governor Baihe's heart suppressed his boundless hatred, but his face was full of righteousness: \ "Huh! How dare you be guilty of Yang Fengyin, committing such heinous crimes, and you will be dead! Even if the Lord of the Silver Feather Palace does not deal with it, this Governor will also Do it yourself! "

Eyes glanced at Su Yu, a flash of cold killing, passing by.

\ "The matter of Tiemu was uncovered at this point. Now, continue to bury the sword, why did you kill him! Say!" Governor Baihe was aggressive, he was forced to ask, and there was a strong conviction for Su Yu.

Su Yu's expression was bland, so she took time to spare: "" This kind of person, who works with the enemy, kills his fellow men, is ungrateful, and of course he should be killed! "

Ling Xiaotian nodded faintly: \ "Well, you elaborate. \"

The ten deputy hall masters, what kind of character, he naturally knows.

Then, Su Yu explained the situation in detail, one by one.

Of course, the ruins were not mentioned, and the blood demon and Fengqing did not want to confess the ruins.After all, the ruins are not much related to the case.

They don't need to, asking for trouble.

Learned that Su Yu saved the funeral sword twice, but was conspired by the buried sword!

In addition, he deliberately let the black water robbers run, and tried to kill the blood demon and Fengqing. Ling Xiaotian's face cooled down, and he sighed softly for a long time: "" I have had his death! "

\ "I was anxious to create the top ten vice palace masters, so I focused on talents, but ignored Bing nature, and failed to guide him in a timely manner. I have a responsibility!"

Seeing that the dust was about to settle, Governor Baihe sneered: \ "You two, just sing a peace, want to mess things up? \"

\ "I ask you, who testified about the day? You said that the funeral sword was ungrateful and ungrateful? He is a dead man and will not jump out to argue with you!"

Su Yu said: \ "Did you not question the blood demon and Fengqing? I think you have heard the same thing from their mouths! \"

\ "Hmm, the three of you have common suspicions, naturally it is a long tradition, unless the fourth person testifies, otherwise, the words of the three of you are not valid! \"

The fourth person, besides them, where is the fourth person?

\ "If not, the Governor has reason to believe that the three of you are for your own sake, killing the dead! \" Governor Bai Heti is so aggressive that it is bound to be obtained.

Without taking the opportunity to kill Su Yu, he can hardly dispel his hatred.

Su Yu's eyes were cold and nonsense!

Given the circumstances, how could a fourth person be present?

The difficulty of such a strong man is clearly putting Su Yu to death!

Ling Xiaotian's eyebrows were deeply wrinkled.Although he knew what Baihe was going to do, he was not unreasonable.

Without certification, the possibility that the three of them conspired to kill the burial sword also existed.

\ "Oh, who said there is no fourth person? Isn't he right in front of you? \" However, at this moment, a sound of ridicule came from outside the attic.

Governor Baihe looked sideways, coldly: \ "Who are you? \"

In his eyes, a one-armed youth stepped into the attic.

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