The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 308: Breaking Spear

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\ "Yunxiang, Tu Long, and the master of the Orchid Palace, you run away separately, you can walk one by one!" Su Yu drank softly.

Governor Bai He dare to intercept and clearly plan to kill.

The three of them fled separately before they could escape one.

However, if they have the possibility of escaping, in order to prevent the incident from happening, Governor Baihe will not dare to easily kill!

\ "I ordered you as the Governor, and you are not allowed to go! Dare to take a step and be punished according to the law! \" Governor Baihe sternly scolded.

Hua Chenglan's whole messy clothes, the jade face was angry: \ "Old man, do you want a face? \"

It ’s just a sneak attack by the Governor, and no one needs to be guilty to death. Excessively, he clearly wants to kill and kill his mouth, and he is full of righteous words!

\ "Let's go! \" The three Ziyunxiang are all alert people, knowing that they can escape, that is to give Su Yu a way of life.


The three immediately fled in three directions.

Su Yu, on the other side, flew in the direction of the four.

In four directions, even the White Crane Admiral cannot chase at the same time.

However, Governor Baihe did not panic, but faintly sneered at the corners of his mouth: \ "Old man, as the Governor, if you can let these little dolls escape from me, it is really the best thing to do!

\ "Yiliu avatar! \"


An amazing scene appears.

One-third of Aura's aura was released outside, condensing into a silver figure.

The outline is similar to Jiucheng of Baihe Tito, but the strength reaches four levels of horrible feathering!

Aura made with Reiki?


The White Crane Admiral split, chasing towards Hua Hualan, while the body sneered and chased towards Su Yu.

\ "Counter-in-law thief, in the name of the Governor, this Governor will straighten you on the spot!"

But, even more unfavourable is Hua Hualan.

That avatar method far surpassed Hua Hualan, and soon arrived.

With a bitter face, Hua Hualan has a crying heart: \ "Why chase me? Mixed boy, I'm exhausted! \"


The split shot is extremely fierce and fast, and he points to Hua Hualan vest.

Seeing Hua Hualan going to be killed with one finger.

Just now!

噗嗤 ——

A transparent figure suddenly appeared in the sky.

A hoarse old smile, like a magnet, came from the transparent figure.

\ "Hehehe ... Governor Baihe is so good at Yaxing, he is ruthless against a group of little dolls. Why not try a slave? \"

The clone suddenly looked up, and his aura was shaking, and there were signs of collapse.


The transparent figure suddenly turned into thousands of raindrops, like a stream of water, falling down.

Puff puff--

In the cold rain, the clone cannot escape, as if the sieve was penetrated.

Finally, a sigh, annihilated on the spot.

The other side.

Almost just a few steps away, Su Yu seemed to be teleporting in front of him, standing on the ground with a crane admiral.

\ "Boy, do you think the old man's intentions, you, a little deputy master, can escape? \" Bai He Tidu cold-eyed and murderous.

\ "Kill my **** leader, collide with the Governor, violate the majesty of the Governor, you can hardly blame it!" "Baihe Governor, cold drink.

The thick killer rushed towards his face, and Su Yu was a warning sign.

Facing this person alone is more dangerous than Han Jianglin!

This person, and Han Jianglin, are totally two levels!

\ "Oh, did you finally remove that righteous face? In the final analysis, but you lose all your face, you must kill me." Su Yu has no fear of irony.

With the heart of the opponent's murder, any begging for mercy is superfluous.

\ "Little evil animal! Now I will send you on the road!" "Bai He Tidu murderous.

\ "Space moves! \" At the critical moment, Su Yu was ready to launch the space magic.

A force of space envelops itself and transmits it ten miles away.

However, at the moment when the power of space appeared, Governor Bai He's mouth was full of sneer and sneer: "In front of me, this space supernatural power, are you embarrassed to be ugly?"


All he saw was an understatement, and a ray of aura popped up.

Suddenly, the aura around Su Yu was disordered, and the power of space was shaken.

The transmission is about to be completed and cracked in an instant!

Su Yu's face changed slightly.

This is the first time someone has cracked the space magic!

\ "Time seal! \" Su Yu gritted her teeth and made a decision immediately.

A purple dragon immediately entangled White Crane's body.

Even if you have only one breath, you can win time.

Yes, what makes Su Yu's face change greatly!

\ "Hehe, there are a lot of means, but unfortunately, I said that in front of me, everything is futile! \"


A low drink, an invisible purple dragon entangled in Governor Baihe's body, but the dragon groaned and collapsed on its own!

Su Yu's pupils shrank fiercely!

Someone can break the seal of time!

What kind of strength is he?

\ "Time is in control! \"

\ "Space swirl! \"

After madly retreating, Su Yu accelerated time in succession, while creating a space vortex in Baihe's Governor, distorting his heart.

But, three times faster. [,! ] Time is not worth mentioning in front of Governor Baihe.

The body shook slightly, and Governor Baihe shook the space at the heart, shattering.

Then, it seemed like a step forward.

However, in this step, he jumped one hundred feet away and came to Su Yu one foot.

Suddenly, boundless death roared.

It's like a big mountain, rolling in.

They are too far apart to look like nature.

In front of him, Su Yu has no resistance!

Did it just die in the hands of a traitor?

But just then!

A horrible wave suddenly radiated from them!

A ten-foot crystal spear pierced the void from the direction of Ling Xiao Dian, nailed to Bai He's Governor.

The cold-faced White Crane Admiral changed suddenly: \ "Town hall artifact, broken **** spear! \"

Under the great change of his face, Governor Baihe had no time to take care of Su Yu.


The shield shattered on the spot and never even resisted the slightest.

The spear sped straight into the chest and shot White Crane Tito's chest.


Raising his mouth, he shot a blood arrow, a white beard, and it was instantly red.

The chest is even more fuzzy, showing a bowl-shaped blood hole.

With just one blow, Governor Baihe, who is extremely strong, will be seriously injured!

Broken Spear, what a horrible artifact?

In contrast, the Bing Shenjie is worthless.

唰 ——

In the lightning flash, a figure teleported and grasped the blood-spattering spear.

The gods are handsome and magnificent, and they wear a light blue robe and hunt in the wind.

The handsome face is always calm, at this moment, frost is thick.

White Crane Tito's eyelids leaped wildly, staring at the broken spear, and dare not move away: \ "Ling Xiaotian, you can use the town hall artifacts at will? This is for the purpose of destroying the enemy. How dare you use it! "

\ "In this matter, I'm going to play Shengjun, ask him to rule! \"

Obviously he assassinated the deputy chief, but the wicked sued first!

Ling Xiaotian held the artifact in his cold eyes: \ "White! Crane! Raise! Governor! \"

\ "In the name of the Governor, you forced me to surrender the deputy chief, I can bear it!"

\ "You used the matter of Yin Yu to cause trouble, and on the surface punished him, but actually suppressed me, and I can bear it!"

\ "But, whoever kills me in the northern continent will be spared! \"

Dragons have inverse scales, and they will kill when touched.

Ling Xiaotian once promised Su Yu that he was at ease in one day.

\ "If I use the spear-breaking spear, you have no reason to survive! When I use the spear-breaking spear, I will explain to the Dark King myself!"

\ "Now! \" Ling Xiaotian held the broken spear in his hand and pointed away at Governor Baihe.

Hundreds of feet apart, you can break the sharp edge of the world in the spear of God.

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