The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 2981: Blue heart

The digital masters present stared at the monster that appeared suddenly, and his face changed dramatically.

My grandfather exclaimed in exclaim: "Blue heart!"

Monsters are not others. It is their veins in the abyss that have gone through countless generations of hard work, and made a super maggot, Blue Heart maggot, made of the bones of a Halloween powerhouse!

"Old ancestors, You are here!" Several ancient saints surrounded the ancestors in horror, terrified.

Lan Xinchen obviously has no heart and has not been successfully refined. How can he have his own consciousness?

How did it survive?

Until the crowd, Mo Heng calmly said the truth: "The consciousness of this group of Halloween strongmen has never died, and has always been attached to the remains. It has deceived you through the ages of the saint saints and let you build their bodies. Become Blue Heart Iron! "

The blue heart iron is claimed to be indestructible, and any damage can be repaired at the first time. This bone has been made into the blue heart iron material by the sacred saints in countless years. It has been indestructible.

"Impossible! Our ancestors of all ages have checked, this skeleton has no consciousness anymore!" The old ancestor could not give up.

They want a puppet that can obey their orders, not a living creature with their own consciousness.

He can hardly believe that the honing of several centuries of the Tribe has turned out to be a wedding dress for the strong man of Halloween. It is even harder to believe that they have been blinded for so many years.

Mo Heng Shen said: "As Dingzun said, you don't know anything about the powerful Saints!"

No matter what Su Yu said, the Pu Shengs believed too much in their own judgments, but they drew on their faces fiercely.

That kind of existence, even a bone has an incredible Tianwei, let alone a whole bone?

The old ancestors seemed to suffer from the thunder of Wan Lei, his heart trembled, and he was lost for a long time.

It's futile now, even if you regain your heart.

That he deceived them, and he deceived him, unforgivable!

Mo Heng reminded: "My ancestors, in my opinion, that consciousness is not strong enough to show the true strength of the remains of Halloween, but it won't be the same if they get the heart."

His eyes flickered, the meaning was beyond words, and now was the only time he could kill him.

The old ancestor looked back, staring at the blue heart in a flash of gas, gritted his teeth and said, "That's right! Since you are not dead, let you die again!"

In his heart, he added another sentence, and only when his consciousness died could he turn it into a real puppet.

Speaking, the old ancestors printed their hands and said coldly, "Fortunately, the old man stamped the Buddha's seal on him!"

The rune was a seal of the ancestors that they had looked through innumerable tombs through the ages to suppress all evil things in the world.

The consciousness of this Halloween strong person dies without annihilation for countless epochs, which is enough to be judged as evil.

His hands were successfully printed, and his ancestor drank, "Town!"

Suddenly, the dense network of Sanskrit condensed on Lan Xinyu's body suddenly tightened, restraining Lan Xinyu only.

The latter's hands and feet were immediately brought together, standing upright, and even when they could not move, their heads were shrouded in a layer of holy light.

My old ancestor put down his heart and smiled, "Success!"

He glanced at Mo Heng, and hummed his nostril. He had said that they had long been prepared to restrain the puppets, and Mo Heng was worried.

However, both Su Yu and Mo Heng kept going back, instead of being relieved, they were more solemn.

In the case of Su Yu's contact with an ancestor, the strength of the ancestor who is not considered to be a Halloween class is still powerful and terrible, not to mention the true Halloween strong body?

It is by no means a run-down rune to suppress!


It didn't take long for the two to retreat, and then they heard a crashing sound. When they fixed their eyes, a Sanskrit thread broke.

The old ancestor's face changed drastically, and the seal was printed again, trying to completely close the net, and completely restrain the blue heart.

However, at this moment, several sounds of breaking sounded continuously.

The Sanskrit lines were broken one after another, and even in the belly of the blue heart, a somber and hoarse voice was made: "My buddha, I still don't want to miss three points, a broken rune, why do you want me?"

It speaks!

And, as expected by Su Yu and Mo Heng, the consciousness of this puppet has been secretly hidden, deceiving the puppet saints to make their remains.

The word "Broken!" Dropped, and the blue heart, who was tightly bound, raised his arm slowly, and the Sanskrit lines on his body were broken in large pieces.

When his arm was completely released, he grabbed his palm, grabbed all the Sanskrit mesh on his body, and threw it severely!

嗤 啦 ——

All the nets on his body were torn off instantly.

The old hands that the old ancestor was tying his seal were shocked severely, forcibly opened, his heart was shocked, and the rune was invalid! !!

He could not help trembling back, his eyes began to show panic, and there was a sense of panic in his heart.

However, Lan Xinyu didn't ignore him because of his flinch. His beating flamed his eyes and shot straight. The corner of his mouth was even more revealing anthropomorphic taunt: "As a benefactor who forged my body, Let your whole family make a fortune. "

He raised his palms, closed them in front of him, and said obscure mantras in his mouth.

唰 ——

A layer of substantive blue crystals, centered on him, swept quickly in all directions.

The blue crystals swept through the rocks and plants without any abnormalities. When they touched the corpses scattered nearby, they turned into blue crystals immediately.

In this scene, Su Yu is somewhat familiar, which is very similar to the original Blue Heart Demon Armor!

It's just that the power is much greater now!

When the old ancestor saw this, his pupils shrank, "Lan Xinbo !!"

He was angry and hated, and when he retreated madly, he shouted, "All the Saints, retreat! Retreat!"

At this moment, he no longer had any hope for this respect.

The blue heart wave is a special attack method tailored by their puppet saints for this puppet. It can crystallize all living beings within a hundred miles and die instantly.

They never dreamed that for the first time, the uncle, the uncle, had to deal with it.

The reason for this is simple.

Lan Xinyu was created by the saint saints ~ ~ If anyone knows it best, it is of course the saint saints.

In order to prevent the blue heart cricket from exposing its weaknesses, it is necessary to give the cricket saint who refined it to the extermination tribe.

Looking at the sacred tribe in the backwards, Lan Xinyi smiled faintly, with his fingers a little bit apart, and that Lan Xinbo swept out at a more amazing speed.

Only the saints in the vicinity have not fled. They were swept away in panic when they were frightened.

Suddenly, they collectively turned into blue crystals, and then they fell to the ground and broke into pieces.

Even the oldest ancestor, who is the highest, has crystallized half of his body! (It's eight o'clock in the evening) ()

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