The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 310: Darkmoon City

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After one month.

The border between the North and East continents.

Standing on the top of the nine days, looking forward, Skyrim is an endless black pressure forest.

Like a raging wave, swaying deep in the sky.

The airtightness and length of the expanse are deeply depressing.

That is the dark forest.

For thousands of years, the untouched primitive land.

According to legend, in the dark forest, various monsters gather, but it is a forbidden place for human beings.

Except for a few talented aliens who can live in it, ordinary humans enter it, and there is no return.

And on the edge of the dark forest, a towering giant is like the last fortress guarding the human border, Wei Ran is majestic.

Looking from a distance, people flow like a dragon, coming in and out, and prosperous.

Hua Qilan looked at the sky, with awe in speech: \ "Dark Moon City is as good as a cloud. It does not belong to any force in the northern continent. When we enter, our identity is no longer important. Don't act low-key. \"

Darkmoon City has a special geographical location, which is almost the same as the Dark Dynasty.

The three superpowers of the northern continent, Tingxuelou, Fengming Pavilion and Alliance Baiyu, also cannot be independently governed.

Therefore, the unknown masters of Darkmoon City gathered.

Among them, there are three traitors, and there are also hermits who are anonymous.

It does not even rule out that to them, people with super powers, through Darkmoon City, enter the dark forest to experience.

Tu Long's eyes looked familiar with Darkmoon City, and sighed sighing: "" Do not wait for ten years, who will pity the prodigal son. "

En? Su Yu frowned slightly.It seemed that Tu Long was willing to return to the butcher, but he had some doubts.

Is it more timid near hometown?

Shaking his head, Su Yu and the three came to the city gate.

The entrance is heavily guarded and restrictions on entry are very strict.

\ "Do I need to pay a certain amount of money to enter the house? \" Su Yu said.

It is not surprising that Yixingchi collects money from entrants in order to harvest wealth.

Hua Qilansu pointed his finger at the gate of the city, a stone monument almost as high as the city wall: "" No money is needed, only proof of strength is needed. "

\ "Dark Moon City has a mix of three religions and nine streams, and its strength is not enough. Entering it is mostly miserable. Therefore, it is intentionally restricted to internal cultivation, and those who do not meet the standards are prohibited from entering, so that it can prevent too much confusion in the city.

\ "You only need to reach the level of Hualong and you can enter. The detection method is to stick your palm on the stone tablet and gather all the auras in the palm. The stone tablet will give the corresponding test results. Those who pass the test can enter."

The crowd nodded and stepped forward in silence.

For half an hour, facing the scorching sun, they waited patiently, finally their turn.

\ "I first. \" Hua Qilan demonstrated in person, walked to the stone monument, Bai Jingsu put his hand on the stone monument, silently condensed aura in the palm of his hand.


The blue stone tablet suddenly burst into blue.

\ "The peak of Hualong Seven Realms, qualified! Enter!" "On the side of the stele, an old man with a heavy feather was indifferent.

Hua Hua Lan Lian Bu moved gently into the city, waiting for Su Yu in the city.

\ "Next. \" The old man's eyelids were not raised, and Wu Aowen sat next to the stone monument, drinking lightly.

Su Yu moved away and was about to step forward.

At this time, a cold wind struck by itself, squeezing Su Yu Pai away.

Amazingly a young man in Tsing Yi, about 20 years old, with a jade face like a crown and a romantic appearance.

Xiuwei, extremely not weak, actually reached the triple feathering!

Everyone is 20 years old and has three feathers!

On talent, it is still above the Lord of the Four Vice Halls, Anfang!

He held a folding fan in his hand, and the fan end was relaxed on Su Yu's chest.

At the same time, a folding fan was poked on Su Yu's chest to prevent him from ignoring him and stepping forward again

His eyes never looked at Su Yu, and looked back gracefully, \ "Brother Wei, please invite me first. \"

Su Yu frowned slightly, and just dropped in, just a matter of quality.

However, it is arrogant to poke his chest with a folding fan and force others to make room for themselves!

\ "Let go! \" Su Yu is still calm.

However, the young man turned a deaf ear, still smiling and watching Brother Wei, Xu Xu came to the stone monument.

As if I never heard it, there was such a person around me talking.

At this point, Brother Wei came along the passage.

He is only twenty years old, tall and tall, with smooth and wavy hair like waterfall hair, handsome features, and extraordinary style.

Even more horrible, a horrible momentum, if there is no release.

Feather Mie, Dacheng!

Wherever he went, he looked at everything, especially the women waiting in line.

Wei Tianchen seemed to enjoy a similar look, and Xu Xunbao walked towards the stele.

The old guardian frowned slightly and looked slightly unhealthy, but felt the two men's powerful aura and forbearance.

Before Wei Tianchen came to the stele slowly, he lightly put his palm on the stele and gathered his spirits leisurely.

Suddenly, the cyan stele glowed red.

\ "It is the realm of feathering! \"

\ "Green for the dragon, red for the feather!"

\ "What a terrible talent, only twenty years old, I have cultivated to the realm of feathering! \"


The stele sounded softly, and a line of small print flashed.

\ "What? Feather Mie, Dacheng !!!" "The crowd took a sigh of relief! . [,! ]

The old man with an impatient heart shook his old cheek fiercely, and his eyes were full of awe.

The body stood up unknowingly, with the slightest respect on his face: \ "The feathered triplet, please enter the son!"

The tone is totally different from that of Hua Hualan.

Wei Tianchen very much enjoyed being in focus, with a dull expression, in a silence, walking towards the city with a negative hand.

However, at this moment, the discordant tone suddenly sounded.

\ "Are you deaf, let you take your hands off?" Su Yu's eyebrows gradually wrinkled and repeated.

His voice is not loud, but in such a quiet environment, it is difficult for everyone to hear it!

With a pair of eyes, they shot at the silver faced silver-haired boy.

I can't see my face clearly, only the maverick silver hair is striking.

The folding fan nodded Su Yu's chest, and even if he wanted to pretend he could not hear Su Yu's words, he had to turn his head.

A handsome face like a jade, smiling as if at first, but not smiling, but sneer: \ "Are you talking to me? \"

The young man looked at Su Yu from head to toe, shook his head and sighed with a smile: \ "Remember the next time you have a louder voice, when you are inconspicuous, you must learn to yell at full strength, so that it may attract attention. \"

The implication is that in front of him, Su Yu is too small.

\ "Let you take away the folding fan, which is so much nonsense? \" Su Yu turned a deaf ear, and the aura in her body shook.

咝 ——

Suddenly, it is transmitted to the palm of the youth through a folding fan.

Unexpectedly, his wrist hurt slightly, and he pulled back subconsciously.

\ "Boy, you ..." The young man shook his slightly painful wrist, smirking and disappearing, replaced by a slight coldness.

However, Su Yu interrupted his voice and spread his hands: \ "Isn't it easy to take it away? Well, good to let you take off the folding fan, you shake your head and shake your head, think of a high-pitched cricket, and you have to hurt your hands to be satisfied?

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