The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 3015: Mysterious formation

"Where do you want to go?" Su Yu asked.

If he walked too far from Jinghua Tianzi Realm, he would not go.

"Jinghua Tianzi Realm." However, Xiu Mingyuan gave a place where Su Yu secretly coincided.

Back in Jinghua Tianzi Realm, Su Yu couldn't wait for it.

"Okay, I promise, but remember your promise." Su Yu said.

If Xiu Mingyuan can really find anything in the nine-star civilization, it would be better.

"I repair some promise!" Xiu Mingyuan said with arrogance.

Su Yu nodded and said, "How to use my strength, just say it."

"it is good!"

Xiu Mingyuan immediately took out a lot of materials and began to put an extra complicated matrix in place.

"The mirror family puppetry technique requires the preparation of a powerful array that runs through time and space. It takes at least one day to set up this array.

one day?

Su Yu was not too surprised.

If it is possible to carry out the martial arts that spans several realms at any time and place, wouldn't it be even worse than the saints of space?

And, if it is really so easy, how easy would it be for the Holy Sons to destroy the Mirror clan?

"I protect the law for you." Su Yu repeatedly stepped outside Baizhang, patrolling around, alert to the arrival of unknown things, affecting Xiu Mingyuan to arrange the array.

at the same time.

Duyue, Lou Xiaoyu, and others walked in groups and began a mountain-to-hill search.

At the nine peaks of the Tianshan Mountains, they have searched to the top of the first peak.

"The first peak is safe." Lou Xiaoyu patted his chest, alleviating the deep pressure and tension in his heart.

Along the way, she was afraid that she would suddenly meet the powerful and invincible Halloween strong.

Fortunately, they were lucky and searched the entire mountain without ever finding any enemies.

Duyue stood in the middle of the crowd and suddenly became their leader.

He overlooked the other eight peaks.

The precipitous eight peaks of the Tianshan Mountains, shaped like nine-fingered devil's claws, protrude from the underground demon realm with immense power.

"The rest of us should have searched at least three peaks, plus our first peak, enough four peaks have been searched." Duyue analyzed.

"That Halloween powerhouse should be among the last five peaks."

After he had finished speaking, the crowd who had just relaxed was again nervous.

The implication is that in the next search, there is a high probability that a team or a person will find the Halloween strong.

"We won't be out of luck." Lou Xiaoyu comforted himself, and suddenly, he glanced at a broken brick at his feet.

She couldn't help looking around and noticed that there were a lot of broken bricks nearby.

"Brother Du Yue, look." Lou Xiaoyu pointed to his discovery.

Duyue groaned for a while, then jumped into the air, leaned over, and finally saw the eyebrows.

It turned out that there was once a large formation on the peak, its existence is extremely ancient, and it is said that it has half an era.

The formation method has been damaged in the passage of time, and only the broken bricks of one place remain.

"It's nothing, don't worry." Du Yueyue flew back to the ground indifferently, and said, "Have a rest for half a day, and go on."

His original intention was to delay time, and strive to use special swords from the famous sword saints to strip the dustless curse from his body.

But everyone sat down.

Suddenly, a strong man in the late period of the ancient sage suddenly looked dull, and there was a blue smoke above his head, mechanical and empty, "Who stopped you? Keep looking!"

The people who were preparing to rest were startled and were far away from this person.

Their faces became more and more calm, because this man was obviously launched by the dustless curse, destroying his soul and becoming a puppet.

"Look!" He scolded, becoming a puppet of the old magic fairy watching them.

Duyue gritted her teeth and said, "Go, look for another mountain."

Forced, they began the search for the second peak.

In view of the fact that the Halloween might appear suddenly, everyone's nerves are tense, for fear of sudden encounter.

However, they were very lucky, and they reached the summit all the time, but they did not find the Halloween strongman.

"Whew! Saved!" Lou Xiaoyu issued a relieved sound of relief.

Even Duyue secretly sweated, so dangerous.

It seems that the people who encountered the Halloween strong are not them, but the rest of the team.

It's just that the other peaks are quiet, not at all like they found the Halloween strongman.

"Sit down and wait for the order," yelled.

This move was in the midst of a single month, and he secretly took out a palm-sized sword box, and after opening it, it was full of small swords as thin as steel needles.

"Go!" He whispered, countless small swords flew up, entered the body along the pores, and cut off the dustless curse scattered throughout the body.

The process was quite painful, Du Yueyue couldn't bear it, and silently resolved the dustless curse.

Lou Xiaoyu looked around, and she found that there was another broken array on the peak.

However, this array is much better preserved than the previous peak. Standing on the ground can dimly recognize the shadow of the array.

"It seems to be a space teleportation array." Lou Xiaoyu studied a bit of matrix formation and studied it slightly: "However, it doesn't look like a general space transmission."

"The layout method used here is quite old. It is by no means owned by our era, and it is extremely clever."

She was a little surprised, who would arrange the matrix in such a remote area.

Its handwriting is quite huge!

After a few hours.

Across the mountain peaks, they successively looked at the other three peaks, and all of them accompanied them to the summit.

That shows that the eight peaks from the beginning to the present have not encountered the Halloween strong.

The only one that has not been searched is the last peak, the ninth peak.

If the Halloween strong man is determined to be in Jiufeng Jiutian, he must be there.

Moreover, I don't know if it is an illusion. They looked at the Ninth Peak and vaguely felt that the mountain of the Ninth Peak was covered with a layer of blood mist.

Compared with the other eight peaks, it is obviously different.


I don't know who it was, I swallowed a spit, and Du Yueyue stared at the Ninth Peak, all shuddering inexplicably.

At this time ~ ~ the 傀儡 suddenly said: "Go, Ninth Peak!"

Du Yueyue bit his teeth and turned to hold a fist and worshiped, saying: "Senior, the remaining eight peaks have been found, and only the last ninth peak has not been found, and that Halloween strong person should be among them."

"There is no doubt about this. I also asked Gai Tian's ancestors and seniors of Liudaoren Wang to take the capture of the Halloween strongman." Du Yue stiffened.


I didn't even think about it, I kicked it on Du Yueyue's chest and gave it to Xunfei.

"One more word, be careful you also become a puppet." Puppet issued an empty but highly deterrent threat.

Duyue clutched her chest and looked at each other with the other five people, all looking downcast, downhill, and went to the ninth peak.

But when they came to the foot of the Ninth Peak, they found Su Yu patrolling around.

The fog's sight obstructed the other side and could only meet each other, so they did not find each other in advance.

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