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\ "Let's leave soon, in case it is blocked again by the monster! \" Su Yu converged, regaining the silver bow in the mirror of Qiankun, and flying away from the basement.

Standing outside the iron gate, the earth was in a mess, everywhere was burnt black after being burned.

\ "So, what kind of monster is it?" Looking at the scene of destruction, Hua Qilan's eyes were dignified.

Su Yu runs the crystal pupils, but only sees a huge fiery red light and shadow, disappearing into the distance.

\ "Back to Darkmoon City! \" Su Yu blinked.

Half a month later, the fate of Dragon Slayer is not known yet!

The party quickly hurried to Darkmoon City.

On the way, there were not many monsters.

\ "It seems that the feathered quadruple monsters we encountered are just the vanguard, the real beast tide has not come yet! However, it is coming soon! \" Su Yu and others passed by a group of monsters.

Four monsters of the dragon and the five realms are preying on a human body.

That is a ten-year-old girl!

Beside him was his father, who had been swallowed up.

The little girl's body suffered the same fate.

The eyes were wide and dim, the pupils, the blue sky reflected, so remote and pale.

Fear and dying before dying, turned into tears that have not dried up, hanging in the corner of the eye, refracting crystal light in the sun.

Its body became a monster feast, a feast of carnival.

Su Yu stopped and stared at those eyes, her heart inexplicably touching.

噗嗤 ——

A ray of body aura, killed all four monsters.

Hua Luan's face was indescribably indifferent: \ "Let's go. \"

Man and demon do not coexist.

The next way, similar scenes, scene after scene.

A terrible human race, a carnival monster.

The vast dark forest, when unknown, was filled with blood.

Here, has long been reduced to hell!

And this is just a sign of beast tide!

The true beast tide is even more tragic.

With a heavy heart, Su Yu trio entered the city.

Into the eyes, it was a depression.

Half a month ago, there was still a lot of talk and prosperity on earth.

Half a month later, the doors of the shops in the street were closed, and people were stunned.

Teams of city guards rushed to the city walls with a cold look, preparing for a battle.

The killing spirit pervades Darkmoon City.

Looking in the air, a large number of people fled from Darkmoon City, like the tide.

Only less than 10% of the warriors chose to stay.

\ "They, for the most part, came for a reward! \" The three of Su Yu stood in the notice board in the center of the city.

Half a month ago, the Darkmoon Lord issued a reward order.

In the process of resisting the beast tide, those who have merit reward.

Get a point of credit for killing the dragon monster.

There are two points of credit for killing the two dragon monsters.

And so on.

Kill the Dragon Seven Realm Monster and get seven credits.

However, killing a heavy monster and getting a hundred credits.

Kill the feathered double monster and get a thousand credits!

Kill the feathered triple monster and get 10,000 credits!

If you can kill the feathered quadruple monster, you can get 100,000 credits!

Among them, one thousand credit points can be exchanged for a remnant true spirit method.

The most amazing thing is! 10,000 credits, you can redeem a complete true spirit method!

How precious is the complete true spirit practice? Looking at the mainland, even the super powers have not much.

However, in order to preserve the Darkmoon City, the Tus did not hesitate to take the money and took it out!

If that's the case, the last one!

One hundred thousand credits can be exchanged for the Tu family treasure house, any magic weapon!

The Tubing's Wanbingye is known as an intermediate artifact.

This is where the Tu people stand.

If you can get 100,000 credits, wouldn't you get 10,000 soldier fluid?

Do n’t say that big forces, even super-power disciples, are hard to control!

Su Yu's eyes flashed, and the benefits of Wan Bingye, he had tasted, how can he not understand the preciousness of Wan Bingye and its effect on Su Yu?

However, it is impossible to kill the feathered quadruple monsters unless the chief of the Tu family takes action!

This one seems to be very tempting.In fact, it cannot be reached by outsiders.

The reason for the announcement was to attract the warriors and go forward to help Darkmoon City kill the incoming beast waves.

Su Yu pondered for a long time: \ "Sister Qi Lan, I can rescue Dragon Dragon alone, you can bring Yunxiang back to the silver feather domain. \"

Hua Yanlan raised her eyebrows: "" The beast tide is coming, it is dangerous and unpredictable. You are too dangerous. "

\ "Just because you are too dangerous, you ca n’t stay! \" Su Yuning said: \ Maybe you and I cope, but Yunxiang ... \ "

\ "Also, I have a plan to rescue Tulong, but many people get in the way. You go back first, and there is no need to say any more. \" Su Yu was determined.

Hua Chenlan was a little meditative, with a chin: \ "Okay, hello!"

Unexpectedly, Ziyunxiang stood on the spot and refused to move, her face was dark.

Give Su Yu a hindrance!

\ "Yunxiang, immediately after returning, I immediately asked what I told you, looking for two people, one is your father, the other is ..." Su Yu did not continue.

. [,! Hua Hualan was next to her, and Xia Jingyu was taken away by her at the beginning.

If Su Yu tells her face, there is no doubt that her identity will be pierced.

The grudges with Hua Hualan once were small, and importantly, the identity was exposed, implicated Shenyue Island innocent.

I heard that Ziyunxiang's face was a little better, and she nodded smartly: "" Well, I'll wait for you back! "

Staring deeply at Su Yu, Ziyunxiang and Hua Qilan broke away.

After they left, Su Yu's eyes shot at the bulletin board.

A moment later, the main palace of Darkmoon City, in the side hall.

The warriors were bustling and crowded, rushing to the center of the hall after scrambling.

There, several military workers are nervous and busy, receiving a large number of military soldiers.

\ "Hey, little brother, in Xiahuang Qishan, do you want to sign up to hunt monsters? Or team with us? \" A young man with great passion.

This is the place to register for hunting monsters.

Now it is nearing its end, but there are still a continuous stream of warriors, rushing to register.

It can be seen that the reward of the Darkmoon Lord's reward is very tempting.

Su Yu shook his head without thinking: "No, I'm used to being alone."

Teaming with strangers is even more dangerous.

The big man is displeased and looks at Su Yu: \ "I said little brother, the tide of beasts is dangerous, far beyond your imagination. With your small body, it is not enough for the monsters to plug their teeth!"

\ "Relying on parents at home and friends outside, you are still young and do not know the danger of the world, do you understand? \"

Su Yu frowned slightly and was impatient.

\ "I said one last time, don't use it! \" Su Yu drank softly and refused explicitly.

Repeatedly lobbying, Huang Qishan lost patience and looked poor: \ "Boy! I ask you to join the army, and I deserve you! Little **** face shame! \"

\ "If you do n’t come, do n’t come, Lao Tzu is rare, you do n’t have any hair? \"

Su Yu frowned, and these crude people were too lazy to bother.

With no expression in line, Su Yu calmly rested.

But Huang Qishan was sulking in his chest, staring at Su Yu's back, with no intention.

Soon, it was Su Yu's turn.

\ "Are you sure you want to register? \" The old man was receiving a weird face.

He is not a bystander.It is the old man who once tested the strength of Su Yu at the gate of the city and was verbally taught by Su Yu.

Seeing him again, the old man's mouth twitched.

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