The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 333: King of monsters

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\ "Oh, thought it was a dark dynasty? Apart from your identity, you have only dried up ... \" Master Tuzu sneered, pointing to the bird leader.

This place is Darkmoon City, the territory of the Tus, and for them, a deputy chief is indeed worth mentioning.

\ "Van saint eight words. Pro!" Su Yu whispered.


The roar that touched the heaven and earth's aura seemed like the sky was coming down.

The sneer-slaying master of the Tu family, who is about to bombard the leader of the flying eagle, is instantly enveloped by the general situation of the world, and is stiff: \ "你 …… \"

After breaking through the two major achievements of feathering, it is also a mythical method, and the power is naturally incomparable.


The sound waves sweeping in all directions are like substance, setting off layers of ripples in the void.

Magnificent, like a landslide.

The pupil of the Tu family master shrank, his power has reached his level!

\ "御 器 术! \" At the moment of the juncture, the young master of the Tu family screamed, the green light splashed in his body, and a nine-handed knife flew from his body!

Surprisingly, each small knife is a low-level artifact!

Full of nine low-level artifacts, and can be freely controlled by the master of the Tu family!

It is indeed the young master of the Tu family.

On cultivation, in the same level, almost invincible!

The nine-handled knife is transformed into nine strands of residual thread and invisible.

嗤 啦 ——

Suddenly, the sound waves rippled across the sky, and a gap was drawn.

A small knife, showing a figure, was forced to fly by Sonic.

Immediately after, the remaining eight handles successively cut through the sound waves, and the sound waves of the sky were cut to pieces!


The nine-handled knife flew back, and the young master of the Tu family was dignified.

Although he successfully resolved Su Yu's offensive, his heart was still unbelievable. It was only half a month later. The silver feather palace lord who was seriously dying and had no resistance in front of him could even tie him with him!

So realistic, it really hit him deeply.

He looked down on the Vice Hall Lord, and qualified to go with him!

Su Yu looked coldly: \ "Move my credit, first asked me! \"

While the two were at war, the bird furiously fled and disappeared into the sky.

Neither of them ever got it!

The Master Slaughter stared at the distant bird leader, his face gloomy.

The credit for it is grabbed away!

As a young master of the Tus, he will own everything in the future, but it is not important to him for his credit.

However, the important thing is that the return of Tu Long, a former lord, makes people in the clan feel different.

If it is not astonishing as soon as possible, it will be a bit of trouble.

Therefore, setting up prestige in the beast tide is his best way.

If you can win the first place for credit, it will overwhelm the heroes, presumably, no one can put a beak.

\ "Silver Lord of the Lord! I beg you to say, it's best to leave me alone, otherwise ..." The young master of the Tu family is deeply jealous.

Hua Hua Lan and Zi Yun Xiang have already returned. If the Lord of the Silver Feather Palace is in Darkmoon City, if there is any mistake, it will be difficult to escape the relationship.

At that time, the dark dynasty pleaded guilty to the Turks.

At least, it's not the right time to fight head-on against the Dark Empire.

Su Yu smiled back: "" Who did you care about my gossips just now? It's your turn, but threatens others, not many gossips? Sorry, your gossips, I'm in control! "

\ "You give me just enough!" "The young master of the Tu family was angry and somewhat regretful, and provoked Su Yu early.

啾 ——

Just then, the distant sky heard a sharp hissing again.

It is actually three monsters with three feathers!

One is just the birds that just escaped, and the other two are support!

One of them is a feathered triplet, and the other has a great success!

The master of the Tu family changed his face, and his eyes were crowded with joy!

How rare are the feathered triple monsters? Three appeared in one breath, just for him!

The most precious thing is that the strength of the three monsters has just been within their range.

However, Su Yu's response was more agile.Almost at the moment of the crying sound, Su Yu ran the crystal eye pupil, found it, and quickly caught up.

Master Tu ’s face was slightly cold, and he clenched his teeth to catch up: \ "My credit is not enough for you to fight!"

However, Su Yu turned a deaf ear and approached with extreme speed.

It is a pity that after all, the young master of the Tu family has the absolute cultivation of repression. Under the support of horrific aura, his body is far better than Su Yu.

The distance between two people is drawn closer to the naked eye.

A tadpole emerged from the corner of the mouth: \ "It seems that you still need to practice a body method to keep up with the young master! \"

Su Yu's face was calm, she couldn't see the mood, and still chased at full speed.

嗤 啦 ——

In the end, Su Yu was easily pursued by the young master of the Tus.

\ "Oh, your credit is mine, my credit, or mine!" "The young master of the Tu family turned back, sneering with sneer.

At this moment, he has rushed into the monster beast!

With its strength, the three monsters are all in his pocket.

However, the young master of the Tu family turned his head back and froze!

Behind, there is no Su Yu!

Su Yu, who was also overtaken by him just now, didn't go backwards, but went back a mile away!

Its speed is faster than when chasing. [,! ] Go faster than three!

\ "Since Master Tu ’s clings to them, the owner of this palace should cut love. \" Su Yu flew out of Sanli, with a hint of hair hanging on the corner of his mouth.

not good!

The young master of the Tu family turned his mind and immediately realized that he was wrong.

How could Su Yu, an unyielding and overbearing man, give up in vain?


At this time, within five miles of the world, the heaven and earth aura rioted, an extremely cold cold, from above the nine days, like a galaxy dangling.


Under the shroud, the earth instantly turned into ice, flowers, trees, insects, fish, birds and beasts, together with three feathered triple monsters, including the peak monster, also in an instant, even without resistance, they condense into ice sculptures!

Looking up, on the nine days, a crystal-clear giant bird, soaring like an ice sculpture, soared in the nine days.

Between the wings of the feathers, there was a horrific cold that frozen the world.

Despite the reaction, the master of the Tus can't escape.The cold air came, and he was immediately covered by ice.

With its power to control the Nine-Handed Artifact, life ends in an instant!

The martial arts chased after him, terrified to stop the figure, and the pupil was filled with fear.

\ "That's ... the feathered quadruple monster! \"

Feather quartet!

In the northern continent, it is the legendary level.

Looking at the northern continent, very few can compete with the feathered quartet!

According to historical records, in the beast tide, the strongest triple peak of emergence is the limit!

This time, there was actually a king of monsters, and four horrors of feathering existed!

It is rumored that the arrival of the feathered quadruple, the IQ is extremely high, and it is not much weaker than humans.

Even more rumored, they are only a stone's throw away from breaking a certain limit and speaking out!

\ "Ah! Run away! \" The warrior immediately exploded the pot, boiling blood, and was instantly poured on a layer of ice.

In the face of Feihua Sizhong, they have only the fate of being harvested!

啾 ——

Nine days of the ice bird, anthropomorphic eyes reveal contempt, and his mouth opened a sharp hissing.

The moment of opening your mouth, an overwhelming force of ice swept across all directions!

Within ten miles, the temperature is more than ten times colder!

Many low-level warriors have lost their ability to fly and have fallen from the sky in a scream, either killed or reduced to beast tide food!

In just a few moments, there were hundreds of deaths and injuries!

Such a horrible power made people in the military to completely lose the heart of World War I, and their soldiers were defeated.

Su Yumei's imprint of fire and cloud spit out the cold and cold air, merging her body into the cold.

Even so, Su Yu felt cold.

\ "This is the fourfold of Feathering? The threefold of Feathering are completely two worlds! \" Su Yu was shocked.

In the realm before the emergence of Mie, the strength gap was large, but it was not too desperate.

However, the strength of Feather Triple, Feather Triple, and Feather Five has demonstrated their strengths beyond the scope of warriors, similar to the fairy gods!

After the emergence, what kind of realm is it?

Is that the realm of God?

At this time, the bird of ice sculpture looked down at him.

No doubt it's designing a trap!

Three feathered and triple birds are just a trap for attracting strong human races, so that it can be killed in one shot!

When Su Yu runs the crystal pupil, she discovers that this horrible king exists.

In order to seduce the young masters of the Tu family, they deliberately competed, which made the young masters of the Tu family negligent and rushed into the most ambush circle.

Its vitality is almost extinct.

\ "Zou District Sin Beast, dare to be crazy!" "At this moment, a volley of sound came out from the dark moon city.

Accompanying it is a thousand-foot-long aura, like a peerless arrow, twitching through the sky, and firing directly at the ice sculpture giant bird!

The giant bird's eyes stunned, and suddenly turned into a dignified.

A shudder screamed and turned to escape!

Bang Bang--

However, Qianzhang Aura is too fast and too powerful!

As the monster king, when the air is penetrated, the transparent blood sprays the sky, and finally screams in pain.

The huge body, like a mountain, fell diagonally to the sky.

Fear the fleeing clan!

With one blow, he killed the monster king half-dead?

And, yet to show up?

Su Yu's pupils were slightly coagulated, and her heart was shaking!

Is this the Feathered Fivefold? That horrible Feathered Fourfold Monster was bombarded to death on the spot!

The most critical person, the person who shoots, is just a random hit!

啾 ——

At this time, the ice bird about to fall, struggled, and re-flyed to the sky, flying toward the sky.

\ "Want to leave? \" But listening to Dark Moon City, there was a tumbling sound.


An unforgettable scene!

The giant bird, which had clearly flew out of the distance of twenty miles, actually exploded, like a broken water bag, and died when it was blown up in the air!

Lord of the Darkmoon, what a terrible power!

Everyone present was upside down.

Before anyone arrives, you can kill people dozens of miles away!

If he has the intention to kill, everyone in the room will have his life and death in his mind!

. [,! ]


At this moment, the master of the Tu family lost his cold, his face pale, and he fell out of coldness.

A plump of aura of spirits flew out of the city, bringing back the Chairman Tu.

It was hard for everyone to calm down.

The strength of the patriarch Tu, Lord of the Darkmoon, is too horrible!

So, is it still a human warrior?

At this time, a sharp look was shot in the city.

Wherever I go, the sky shakes and the aura is surging.

One glance can trigger the general situation of the world. What kind of strength is this?

And where the gaze is, it is not others, it is Su Yu!

A hoarse, but indifferent voice, came from the city: \ "The design pits the master of the Tu family, the master of the Silver Feather Hall, in your eyes, can I still have me? \"

For a time, the world was silent.

Everyone held their breath and didn't dare to pant loudly.

Together with the beast tide, it seems to freeze at this moment!

I don't know what to say, I don't have time to code today.

Tomorrow, I will be super busy. I will go out at six in the morning and return at seven or eight in the evening.

I didn't explain anything, this time it was a promise, and there was no outbreak.

The day after tomorrow will be empty and I will make up for you.The chapters that were owed before have never been dropped, this time is no exception.

Sorry everyone, this time is really urgent.

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