The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 336: Abolished repair


The master of the Tu family looked for a moment, and Shen said, "If this is the case, then it is my fat family's life!"

"But maybe my father is too worried? Once the plan is successful, my butcher can get endless benefits!"

"Also, the master of the Silver Feather Palace, I can cut his head off myself!"

The Darkmoon Lord contemplates for a long time: "Maybe, I really care about it, but afterwards, I need to visit the Dark Forest in person to investigate."

Master Tu ’s frowns: "Why not ask directly, some forces in the dark forest?"

"After all, the dark forest, not my Tu family, and scattered small and medium-sized human forces also take root in the dark forest, they may know something."

However, the owner of Darkmoon City directly shook his head and vetoed: "It's useless! This beast tide came so fast and so vast, I am afraid that those small and medium forces have almost no possibility of remaining."

"But father, does not have a name called Wu ethnic group? It is said that this ethnic group is the most powerful of these small and medium-sized forces, and is very close to the depths of the dark forest. Maybe they are alive and know the details."

"Wu tribe?" Darkmoon City's eyebrows wrinkled deeply, and his face rarely appeared solemnly: "This Wu tribe is too mysterious! Hundreds of years ago, but only a tribe of two people, now they have multiplied and grown, There are hundreds! "

"They are so powerful, but they can grow rapidly in the depths of that terrible forest. It is extremely unusual. There must be a terrible existence behind them. As a father, for many years, they are reluctant to deal with them. It is not unreasonable."

The Lord of the Darkmoon, the Wu family, was quite daunting!

In this regard, the young master of the Tu ethnic group took it seriously: "The Wu tribe is indeed a bit too mysterious. Fortunately, my Tu tribe is not in the desolate place of the dark forest. Otherwise, the Wu tribe is so threatened that we have already been eradicated."

"Well, you don't need to ask about this matter, and take good care of it, I'm afraid I have to show up this time." There was a shocking breath from outside, and the Lord of Darkmoon's face changed slightly.

Master Tu ’s surprise: "The king of monsters has appeared again!"

The emergence of a feathered quadruped monster again is really shocking!

"No, this time, it's nine heads!" Darkmoon Lord's eyebrows twisted slightly, his eyes full of suspicion.

"Nine heads?" The young master of the Tushui took a breath.

This beast tide is weird!

嗖 ——

The Darkmoon Lord left the city for the first time and appeared on the front line!

The King of the Nine-Headed Monster, even if he is, he must deal with it seriously.

The young master of the Tu family contemplates for a moment, with tension: "Butler, everything important to the family, have they been prepared?"

Just in case, the Tus were already packing their bags.

"Master Hui Hui, already prepared as instructed, the clan and important items are already prepared and ready to be transferred at any time! It's just ..." Butler hesitated: "However, how should the Dragon Slayer handle it? He is still in prison."

Dragon Slay? A ray of evil spirit appeared on the frown of the young master of the Tus.

Unsurprisingly, once Tu Long returned, some rumors appeared in the clan, and Tu Long was re-established as the young master.

On the wisdom and wisdom, on the cultivation of natural talents, as the eldest brother Tu Long, his brother is far more suitable to run the butcher.

However, after all, Tu Long gave up his clan status and could not turn the tide.

In the end, his disposal was to be imprisoned in a groundwater cell forever, and he would never take half a step.

A ray of cold light surrounds the eyes of the young master of the butcher. A killer arc appears in the corner of the mouth: "I will deal with it! You all step down!"

Maybe night long dreams, get rid of the dragon slaughter as soon as possible, so as to avoid worry.

Regardless of the patriarch or the owner of the Darkmoon City, what they didn't know was that a transparent soul stood by and listened to everything.

唰 ——

Outside the butchery courtyard.

In a pair of hay bushes, a lifeless man suddenly opened his eyes.

Su Yumulu was startled: "Wu? What kind of family is that? What are the big plans of the Tu? What are they planning to do?"

But at the moment there was no time to ask questions, Su Yu immediately plunged into the Tus, and headed for the dungeon.

In the dungeon, there is a water jail dedicated to heavy prisoners.

Tu Long's limbs were wrapped in thick chains and blocked in a waist pool.

Pedal pedal pedal

The master of the Tus arrived, with a cold face, and his negative hand stood before the water cell.

After hearing the news, Tu Long looked up hard, his eyes were dry and lifeless, but there was still a hint of self-mockery in the corner of his mouth: "You are here to send me away."

How did he not know that this was his life?

He cannot be tolerated by the young master.

Master Tu ’s sneered indifferently: "Killing you, does not fit those old guys who support you, taking the opportunity to attack the young master?"

Obviously, if Dragon Slaying is dead, who is it best for?

Naturally Young Master!

Anyone with a little brain can guess who did it.

Such a thing, the young master of the Tus will not do it.

"Oh, anyway, you won't ask me to talk about the old, to talk about the old feelings." Tu Long smiled coldly.

The sarcastic sarcasm of Mr. Tu's mouth evoked a sarcastic radiance: "I want you not to die, but if you die, you can still do it!"

"Come here, abandon him Dantian!"

what? Tu Long's pupils shrunk and laughed ironically: "You are a young master, you have such a big spirit! I am permanently imprisoned in the water prison, and I will never go out. In this case, I am worried that my cultivation will affect you!"

"Neither dare to kill me, and be afraid of my existence. Is this the future master of the Tus? Hehe, it ’s really a mold carved with your father! The style of acting is exactly the same. ! "

Speaking of this place, Tu Long was full of self-deprecation.

He thought he was the prodigal son, but the butcher had nowhere to hide.

Moreover, he did not hesitate to kneel down and ask for forgiveness for his clan, and he got revenge.

As the uncle's patriarch, he completely ignored his kneeling mind, insisted on heavy punishment, and imprisoned him in water prison for life.

"Sure enough, it ’s born against nature! What do you mean by the maliciously wounded patriarch and the chief patriarch? You do n’t have any sympathy for the Tu people, I think, what you call kneeling for Tu Minghua, but you are the master of the Silver Feather Palace The butcher's bitter drama! "

Tu Long laughed angrily, and they all abolished his cultivation, and he was not allowed to have any complaints.

Once there, it is speculation!

"If you want to abandon it, abandon it ~ ~ Find yourself with so many reasons, how righteous you look? There is no righteousness and evil in the world. It is the instinct of all creatures to seek advantage and avoid harm, so do we need to cover it up?

The young master of the Tu family stood with his hands on his shoulders, with a look of indifference: "You, such unfaithful and unrighteous people, in order to prevent future escape and endanger the people, this young master still abandons your cultivation as well!"

"Come here, disuse it!"

At this time, a figure appeared silently: "Want to revoke it? The owner of this temple, fulfill you!"

A strand of silver hair fluttered, Su Yu was shaped like a ghost, standing behind the master of the Tu family, and a pair of cold mans eyes filled with exquisite cold light.

Master Tu ’s body shook, his head stiffened and turned into Su Yu's face!

"It's been a long time, Master Slaughter! I told your father that if I see you again, I will take your life!"

Yesterday I was tired and fell asleep when I came back to take a bath. No updates. Sorry everyone.

Today I will make three changes, and tomorrow I will make more changes.

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