The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 343: The Golden Witch King

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For a moment, under the cloud of aaaa, Bai Yan was flying, and the world became frozen.

& aaaa \ "Ice! Thunder! Robbery! \"

& aaaa Su Yu knows the sky, and it melts into the artistic conception of nature, as if Su Yu commanded the world.

& aaaa boom--

& aaaa A mighty sky, scrolling the world, lock down a person under the dark clouds, White Crane Admiral!

& aaaa 嗤 啦 ——

& aaaa Thousands of thunder dragons, containing the power of extinction, swallowed down.

& aaaa But in Thunder Dragon, it's not just the Thunder that hides, but also the cold!

& aaaa \ "The divine spirit of the god! \" The White Crane Admiral is dismayed: \ "Such a tasteless thing, do you realize it to the extreme? \"

& aaaa However, it is such a chicken rib, but it has an unimaginable and terrible power.

& aaaa \ "Yi Liu's avatar! \" At the very moment of death, Governor Baihe actually performed the strongest technique!

& aaaa runs one third of the aura in the body, and Governor Baihe gathers a clone out of nothing.

& aaaa split strength, as much as 70% of the body!

& aaaa does not hesitate to stand in front of the deity, resisting the thousands of ice thunder dragons.

& aaaaclick

& aaaa However, the avatar did not even win the blocking time and was condensed into ice.

& aaaa At the same time, the destruction thunder passed through, crushing the frozen avatar on the spot.

& aaaa Bing Leilong went undiminished. After crushing the clone, he bombarded the deity!

& aaaa 噗 ——

& aaaa How can White Crane Admiral resist such a terrible blow?

& aaaa Extremely cold destroyed most of his vitality, destroyed the Thunder, and exploded his flesh.

& aaaa looked intently, Bai Hetidu's flesh was blurred, his body was black, but the blood in his body never flowed out.

& aaaa Because, in its body, it's all cold.

& aaaa he is gradually breaking into ice from inside to outside!

This attack from & aaaa almost directly took away the life of Governor Baihe!

& aaaa looked back at the warrior in this scene and took a sigh of relief!

& aaaa White Crane Admiral, was easily killed by the Lord of the Silver Feather Palace?

& aaaa From the beginning, unnoticed to the amazing combat power at the auction, to now, in the dark moon city, kill the Quartet, in the end, even the dark dynasty's governor was killed by Su Yu!

& aaaa These extraordinary strengths that shake the world make everyone move.

& aaaa 唰 ——

& aaaa Su Yu landed in front of Governor Baihe, shook his head in disappointment: \ "Master Governor, you let the move and even your life come out, really moved under. [,!]. \"

When & aaaa was dying, I heard Su Yu's sarcasm. Governor Bai He hated it: \ "Su Yu! I swear, you must not die! Your good days will soon come to an end ... \"

& aaaa Bang--

& aaaa One foot, when stepped on in the air, condense it into a frozen head, and crushed with one foot.

& aaaa slowly withdrew his feet, Su Yu shook his head indifferently: \ "I hope that I will not die, many people, but unfortunately, they are all dead, and I am still alive. \"

& aaaa squatted down, Su Yu fumbled in the arms of Bai Heti, and finally got a small jade box.

& aaaa opened it for a look, there was a small jade bottle quietly lying in it, not a side object, it was the magic panacea!

& aaaa, Dan, as the deputy chief, is only eligible to swallow once a month.

& aaaa White Crane Admiral as the Admiral, it is normal to have this Dan on his body.

& aaaa Su Yu's eyes burned a little excitement, really a pleasant surprise!

& aaaa He is about to impact the feathered triplet.

& aaaa However, to disappoint Su Yu, there is a vacant groove in the jade box.

& aaaa can see that it should be used for placing exercises.

& aaaa Nowadays, empty.

& aaaa This made Su Yu slightly disappointed.

& aaaa White Crane Admiral's second-class avatar technique is extremely magical. After cultivation, it can create a avatar to assist in the war.Although it is far from Hua Lan, it has a avatar of light, and its strength is equivalent to the body.

& aaaa However, the strength of 70% of the body can't be underestimated.

& aaaa wanted to watch it, who would have thought that he did not have this exercise.

& aaaa may be destroyed by him, or it may be hidden by him.

& aaaa Now that Governor Bai He died, this exercise method will never be able to reproduce the world.

& aaaa flicked his fingers, destroying his flesh, and Su Yu rose up.

& aaaa The demon emperor chased down the Lord of the Darkmoon, and it will not take long to return, and it should not be left here for a long time.

& aaaa 唰 ——

& aaaa Su Yu took the Dragon Slay and dispersed when empty.

& aaaa Paying attention to the martial arts in this scene, it is difficult to calm down in my heart for a long time.

& aaaa Before that, the name of Silver Feather was only spread in a small area.

& aaaa Now, the entire northern continent will know that such a proud genius exists.

& aaaa swept through all the geniuses of Darkmoon City with one person's strength, alone against the butchers, slaughtered numerous butchers, and died in their hands.

& aaaa In the end, the admiral who saw the dragon without seeing the tail fell into Su Yu's hands!

& aaaa What he committed in Darkmoon City will surely shake the northern continent!

& aaaa 众. [,! ] In the awe of people, Su Yu flew away from Darkmoon City and disappeared without a trace.

In the dark moon city, in a scorched market after the war, under the ground, a dry palm suddenly climbed out.

An old man with a pale face and blood, crawled out of the ground with a grudge.

& aaaa \ "Yin Yu! You want to kill me too, too tender! Ling Xiaotian is impossible, not to mention you! \" This person is the Governor of Baihe.

& aaaa B-stream splits, practiced to completion, can condense the third split.

& aaaa deceived Ling Xiaotian on this day, and this time succeeded again.

& aaaa touched his chest, Bai He's Governor was pleased: \ "Thanks to this exercise, I have today ... \"

& aaaa However, just then, a chuckled chuckle came suddenly.

& aaaa \ "It was hidden here! It's hard to find! \" Su Yu crossed her arms with her palms, so she stood in the sky above Bai Heti's head, smiling and smiling.

& aaaa White Crane Tito's face froze: \ "You, you ... \"

& aaaa Su Yu sneered: "" The tricks have been repeated, and once tricked the Lord of the Ling Dian, do you think you can still lie to me? "

& aaaa 唰 ——

& aaaa Su Yu stepped on and stepped the weak White Crane Admiral under his foot.

& aaaa stooped from each other's arms, looking for a jade pendant.

& aaaa gazed intently, on the jade pendant, carved extremely faint words, the first line of small print was \ "乙 流 分 术 \"!

& aaaa Su Yu's heart beating!

& aaaa is really this amazing method!

& aaaa \ "My Gongfa!" Baidu Tidu is furious.

& aaaa 唰 ——

& aaaa Su Yu's heart moved, her arms flashed, and she was included in the mirror.

& aaaa \ "Governor Baihe, you are so unrestrained that you will leave Yin a mantle before dying, and you will be polite. \"

& aaaa \ "Presumably your wish is already, in this case, Governor Baihe, rest assured!"

& aaaa White Crane Tito vomited blood and trembled, pointing his finger at Su Yu, shivering: \ "You ... \"

& aaaa 噗 ——

& aaaa This time, Su Yu banged her head again.

& aaaa But its life is really falling!

The & aaaa generation of Governors died.

The figure of & aaaa was like electricity, and Su Yu took a flash and flew outside the city.

& aaaa suburbs.

& aaaa Tu Long bowed to worship, sincerely very much: "" The Lord of the Silver Yu Dian's life, Tu, there is nothing to report! "

& aaaa He has been unable to repay Su Yu's kindness.

& aaaa For him, Su Yu. [,! ] Being trapped in a life-threatening situation of nine deaths, this kind of grace alone is enough to pay for his life.

& aaaa Su Yu shook his head indifferently: \ "I act, but I have no doubt about it, no need to care!"

& aaaa \ "Darkmoon City, can't keep it, you can leave as soon as possible, let's stop here! Hope, you can find another destination! \" Farewell is coming, Su Yu is slightly sigh.

& aaaa Tu Longmulu chuckled: \ "Don't leave it alone, Tu Tu is troubled, before leaving, send a gift to the owner of the Silver Feather Palace, I hope you do not refuse. \"

After saying a word, Tu Long actually pointed at his chest, reached in with his fingers, and took out a drop of extremely red blood.

& aaaa Blood in my heart!

& aaaa Anyone, there is only a drop of blood in my heart!

For the warrior, & aaaa means the source of qi and blood. Once lost, the physical body will never be strengthened, and the repair will not move forward.

& aaaa \ "Do you know the origin of Wan Bingye?" Tu Longyou said.

& aaaa Su Yu shook her head: \ "This is the secret of your Tu family, how will outsiders know? \"

& aaaa Tu Longhan smiled: \ "In fact, the anti-sky ability contained in Wan Bingye is actually the blood of the Tu people! \"

& aaaa In this regard, Su Yu did know that it was rumored that the Tu family had a special bloodline, and it was only when they were able to control the anti-sky power of washing artifacts.

& aaaa \ "Since it is the power of the blood, what is the essence of the so-called Wanbingye is obvious, in fact, it is the blood of the Tu people ... the only blood in my heart! \"

& aaaa \ "Those who have fallen in the Tu family in the past will donate the blood of their hearts in advance and become the family's savior. \"

& aaaa \ "Only the blood of the heart of the head of the family, the power of the veins will be pure, so the accumulation is extremely scarce."

& aaaa Tu Long raised his own blood: \ "I am the last homeowner. The blood of my heart, the power of the blood contained, is still pure. Although the patriarch has a strong pulse, there are also 80% purity, which is equivalent to 80%. Drop of diluted Wanbingye. \ "

& aaaa \ "This essence is my dragon slaughter, parting gift, and also my dragon gratitude, the master of the silver feather palace. If it is for me, please do not refuse! \"

& aaaa couldn't help but say that Tu Long stuffed it into Su Yu's palm.

& aaaa Su Yu was shocked by the true colors of Wan Bingye, and even more shocked by the determination of Tu Long!

& aaaa This is equivalent to Tu Long sacrificing his future!

However, Su Yu understood that Tu Long had lost his firm heart to martial arts and had no intention of doing so.

& aaaa The essence of blood is that he repays. If Su Yu does not pick up, he will bear Su Yu's kindness forever in the future.

& aaaa \ "I accepted, thank you. \"

& aaaa Tu Long smiled: \ "So, I have nothing to worry about, Yin Yu, there will be a period later! \"

& aaaa Su Yu held the fist, the duo one south and one north, disappeared the sky, and since then no more intersection.

& aaaa After half an hour.

The & aaaa demon returned, staring at the empty city, with contempt, feather wings flapping, setting off a wild wind.

& aaaa Dark Moon City, standing in the dark forest for hundreds of years, is crazy. [,! ] In the wind, it turned into ashes.

& aaaa \ "Golden demon emperor, did the Darkmoon City Lord ever capture? \" At this moment, a young Shenjun, followed by an old man in green robe, descended above Darkmoon City and asked indifferently,

& aaaa The golden demon emperor gave him a faint glance, as if disdainful, said lightly: "" Run! "

& aaaa, as the chief of the Tu family, has so many artifacts that it is difficult for outsiders to speculate.Although the strength of the golden demon emperor is strong, he may not be able to outperform the Darkmoon Lord.

& aaaa The young man's eyebrows twisted slightly and stretched out immediately: \ "Forget it, don't worry about him, let you take the shot, just declare to the world, Wu family, will be born!"

The old man in the green robe behind & aaaa revealed a look of hope: \ "Hehe, the invitation letter for the wedding of the young master and Miss Mo Wu, the slave has been sent to the forces of the northern continent. Presumably, it will be a grand event on the northern continent ! \ "

& aaaa \ "The name of the Wu family, will rise from that day! \"

& aaaa

& aaaa

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