The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 356: busy body

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81_81261 "Poor, it's just a formal process at the Shenfeng Conference."

what? Su Yu couldn't believe it.

Is there a matchmaking match in advance?

Fairy has been promised to Shenkong?

Su Yu couldn't accept this ridiculous reality.

Not far away, he came to Fengming Pavilion, didn't he just pick it up?

However, the reality is that Su Yu took one step late!

"Look at it. As a female disciple of Fengxian level, the host will not tolerate her resistance, let alone tolerance. She is taken away by others, so you can do nothing."


Su Yu clenched her fists, and her bones resounded.

"No! It's not over yet! The official Fengming conference has not yet settled, and everything is not over." How could he be so easy to give up Xianer?

Since it was impossible to seize it, it was upright, and at the Fengming conference, the fairy was selected in public in the strongest manner.

Mu Tianfang shook his head in sympathy: "It is indeed the legendary mythical genius Yin Yu. Maybe it is your dedication and the legend of your northern continent. However, Fengming Conference, you really have no hope."

"You are really strong, but there is a big gap between the two main sons of Tingxuelou and the second deputy, not to mention, the mysterious and mysterious **** of the empty hall!"

Mu Tianfang flew back, and before leaving, he said, "Tonight, there will be a bright moon Yan in Fengming Tower, called a banquet, but it will be a discussion before Fengming Conference."

"Although it has helped you very little, if you want to improve your ranking, you might want to take a look."

Fengming Tower? Mingyueyan?

Su Yu nodded without hesitation: "When I was a child, I will come to Yin Yu. Thank you, Chief Mu for reminding me."

"Hello, please." Mu Tianfang sighed in sympathy and flew away.

Su Yu looked at the time and immediately returned to the vicinity of the drugstore to meet with Ziyunxiang.

"Yunxiang, you are looking for the clue of the Purple House in the city. I need to act alone." Su Yu couldn't bring Ziyunxiang, the danger was even greater.

In this regard, Ziyunxiang's complexion was slightly dim, but still smiled and obediently agreed.

Su Yu is about to meet her long-awaited fiancee, how can she delay?

A trace of loss, echoing deep into the soul.

However, Ziyunxiang also has its own considerations.

She desperately wanted to find her father and had no time to wait for Su Yu. Now that she is free to move, she may find her father.

"You protect yourself." Zi Yunxiang stared deeply at Su Yu. She had an intuition that they were no longer far apart from each other.

Su Yu touched her heart, comforted and smiled, and patted her fragrant shoulder: "You are, after the comparison, meet at the gate of the city."

"Well!" Ziyun Xiang encouraged with a smile and left.

Su Yu watched her disappear, and she set off for Mingyueyan.

However, just now.

"He's here!" Suddenly, a drug warrior with a look on his face flew from the medicine house, looked down in the air, and suddenly found the existence of Su Yu, exclaimed.

嗖 嗖 嗖 ——

Suddenly, a large number of warriors flew out from all over the pharmacy, enclosing Su Yu to the point.

They have the lowest Feathered Double and the highest Feathered Triple.

As many as forty people!

This is the only strong left in the pharmacist.

To use such a huge lineup is to find Su Yu!


Suddenly, a terrifying and overbearing aura penetrated the clouds, rising from the depths of the medicine house.

The breath surprised Su Yu slightly. This is the triplet of peak feathering!

A full-bodied woman in a fire-colored robe glanced around.

The eyes were red and swollen, apparently overly sad, and deep in the eyeballs, there was a bitter resentment, and a sharp voice pierced the eardrum in his mouth, "Where is he?"

Along the eyes of everyone, the middle-aged woman in the red robe fixed her suspicious eyes on Su Yu.

"Did you kill me?" The words of the woman in the red robe popped out of the teeth, like the sound of a ghost, sharp and harsh, gloomy and cold.

Su Yu looked around for a week and said lightly, "No!"

Because of hatred, the woman in the red robe twisted her face: "You! Lie! Lies! The strong among the clan were all killed by you, and my son died, how could it have nothing to do with you! And my son-in-law, do you covet her beauty Color, plunder her? "

Roaring at him, Su Yu turned a deaf ear, with a faint expression: "The warrior was indeed killed by me, and the death of your son has nothing to do with me. I did not even touch him with a hair, though, even if he did not die , I want to kill him too, but his death has nothing to do with me! "

The woman in the red robe smiled angrily: "It's ridiculous! You said it wasn't what you killed? Why didn't you say it was my daughter-in-law's murder and fled?"

Upon hearing this, Su Yu looked weird: "It turns out that you know it was done by your own daughter-in-law."

In order to escape, Zhou Jing's blood hawk technique requires one's essence and blood, and that person is the medicine spirit.

"It's nonsense !!!" The woman in the red robe smiled high above the sky: "You're a pharmacist and you kill my pharmacist, are you still here?"

Su Yu shrugged: "I didn't break in. Your daughter-in-law brought me in. In the forest, I rescued her from the mouth of a dragon and snake, and she brought me a pharmacist, saying it was gracious."

"Unexpectedly, she and your son Yaoling were connected, and they slandered me to take away her silver bow, and sent a strong druggist to besiege me. In this case, I will fight back! And your daughter-in-law, see me terribly In order to escape, he killed your son and used his blood to run away the blood eagle. "

"That's how it happened. Is there a silver bow in your daughter-in-law? Your mother-in-law knows it, and by the way, I want to remind you to find out if there is something missing in your drugstore. Such a beautiful woman is willing to marry your son What? "

He repeated a few words, which repeatedly changed the face of the woman in the red robe.

How she couldn't hear Su Yu's words was quite credible.

In particular, Zhou Jing's marriage to her son seemed to her somewhat suspicious.

All the people in Fengmingyu are staring at a kind of anti-Tiandanfang of the medicine house.

She was not careful about Zhou Jing, but there were unavoidable moments of negligence in three years.

However, these thoughts only flashed in my mind for a moment, then stared revengefully at Su Yu: "What you say is useless! Everyone witnesses that you are killing in my pharmacy, you can't be denied!"

Su Yu sighed and was too lazy to argue again.

"People only believe and are willing to believe. You want to kill me. You are also afraid of Zhou Jing's background. Therefore, it is really not important to you. What is important is to immediately kill the troublemaker and keep the drugstore. Prestige, isn't it? "

Su Yu believes that the other party already understands the truth of the matter, but unfortunately, in order to be majestic, the troublemaker must be killed to stop everyone's mouth.

"If that's the case, I can only say, you're looking for the wrong person!" Su Yu blinked in his eyes.

At this moment, a blue afterimage, like lightning, came.

The savage monster's breath, as fast as the extreme speed, the harsh cry, isn't it the fantasy blue bird of the vice palace master of Liuli?

Sure enough, on the back of the blue bird, a man standing on the shore stood with a huge hand.

His eyes were empty and indifferent, and he looked down, "Yin Yu, forgot to warn you? Don't bother me."

The pupil of the red robe shrank, her eyes horrified: "Liu ... Liuli Dianzhu!"

His eyes are full of fear and feathers, which are beyond strength, enough to kill the entire drugstore.

"Wait! Then, you are the master of the Silver Feather Palace?" The woman in red robe realised that the identity of the silver-haired boy in front of her!

Liu Li looked at Su Yu indifferently: "I ask you, answer!"

Su Yu never looked at him squarely, turned a deaf ear to his words, but looked indifferently to the woman in the red robe: "Say, what do you want? My silver feather, stay with you to the end!"

The woman in the red robe struggled with cheeks. If Su Yu was just an ordinary boy, she would kill him.

However, Su Yu is not someone else, but a myth genius of the northern continent!

How dare she kill such a person?

In particular, Yao Ling is very likely, not homicide.

"It turned out to be the Lord of the Silver Feather Palace, I will investigate this matter ..." The woman in the red robe conceded, intending to make the big things smaller and smaller things smaller.

However, just at this moment, Liuli said indifferently: "Mrs. Yao, I'm sorry, I failed to discipline the vice-lord of the palace below, which caused the injury and death of your son Yaoling."

To Su Yu, Liuli talked coldly, but to the pharmacist, he paid a little respect.

But the most annoying is.

Mrs. Yao herself acknowledged that the truth needed to be investigated, and the matter was stopped.

However, Liuli jumped out and insisted that Su Yu was the victim of Yao Ling, and stated that he did not discipline Su Yu!

In the end, is Liuli on the side of the Dark Dynasty or the drugstore?

"Mrs. Yao, give me a face. Let Yin Yu make a apology first, and make specific compensation for him to make up in the future. I will also discipline him in the future. How about this?"

Mrs. Yao was on the spot, looking strange for a while.

She herself gave up the investigation, but the master of the glazed palace stood on her side instead, punishing Su Yu severely?

After hearing this sentence, Su Yu couldn't figure out how to describe her inner feeling.

Mrs. Yao let go of it, but the owner of the Liuli Temple ran out to preside over her justice! Demands severe punishment, and Su Yu, who is also the deputy chief!

And ~ ~ beautiful name, look at his face!

It seems that Su Yu could have no responsibility at all, but now he has to scratch his head and apologize, and he has to pay compensation.

This is simply inexplicable!

"Oh, Mrs. Yao, I apologize, do you dare?" Su Yu said with a loss, a sneer twirled at the corner of her mouth.

Mrs. Yao is covered with maggots. Su Yu's fierce name in Darkmoon City may not have been transmitted to the dark dynasty branch hall, but Fengming Fort has already spread.

This mythical genius, but with a triple record of beheading and feathering, how dare she be too guilty?

"No more, no more ..." Madam Yao shouted.

"Huh?" Liuli snorted, her eyes turned, and Su Yu slanted coldly, "Yin Yu, what kind of attitude are you? In my face, this matter can be resolved satisfactorily. You are so Attitude, where do I put my hard work? "

It was only then that Su Yu looked at him for the first time, his face was calm, and he said quietly, "Can you go farther? How far, farther!"

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