The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 362: Devouring Vortex

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81_81261 "It's a joke! I watched the war and chewed my tongue, and it was yin and yang, and I said a few words, and immediately I felt guilty and angered? Wouldn't it be that you would listen to Xuelou's place when watching the platform? As long as you are unscrupulous, others can't tell the truth?

The rest of the tables were amused secretly.

This Jiang Mufei was really clever and eloquent, and said a few words, which made Zhou Nianchen humiliate himself.

"Hmm! Little girl, I think you are under discipline!" Zhou Nianchen patted the wine in front of his body, raised his sleeves, and strode into the center of the platform.

"I ask you, dare you fight me?" Zhou Nianchen snorted.

Jiang Mufei was not afraid: "Why dare not?"

Su Yu wanted to dissuade, it was too late.

After all, she was young and vigorous, and Zhou Nianchen was a little aggressive, but she couldn't bear it.

A hint of sneer emerged from the corner of Zhou Nianchen's mouth: "I don't know the sky is thick!"

唰 ——

Zhou Nianchen's voice was still floating in the air, and his body collapsed on the spot.

That is actually its afterimage.

The body has appeared in front of Jiang Mufei!

Jiang Mufei's eyelids jumped and her eyes were sober.

She never caught Zhou Nianchen's identity track at all!

The strength of the two is completely at a different level.

"I don't bully people, let you do two tricks!" Zhou Nianchen said with both hands, indifferent.

With his four-strength strength, let Jiang Mufei not insult.

Jiang Mufei snorted softly: "Peach Blossom Rain!"

The observation platform was immediately covered by peach petals.

Like a storm, the blossoming peach blossoms condensed into a storm, sweeping Zhou Nianchen.

On momentum, it is more than several times stronger than when dealing with Mu Tianfang!

She was hiding her strength just now!

Zhou Nianchen looked calm and scornful: "People of the Hundred Domains are the only such tricks!"

He stood with his hands on his head, without moving.

Flutter flutter

However, when all kinds of peach blossoms rained on him, all of them burst out of his body and turned into aura.

Looking closely, Zhou Nianchen's aura was so magnificent that it covered the outside! !!

Peach blossom rain, it is difficult to penetrate such thick aura, but it was shattered by the thick aura!

Compared with Mu Tianfang's unmatched enemy, everyone's heart trembled.

It is indeed the fourfold of the feathering, and the aura alone is far more than the triplet of the feathering.

The gap between the two is like a gap.

"There is one more trick." Zhou Nianchen calmly rested, playing drama.

Jiang Mufei was pretty pale and unconvinced: "Huh! It's not over yet!"

嗖 嗖 嗖 ——

Peach blossom rain once again condensed, blossoming peach blossoms into marks, encircling Zhou Nianchen, wrapping it, impervious to the wind.

"It's interesting to repeat the old skills," said Zhou Nianchen's disdainful voice in the peach blossom mark.

Jiang Mufei sneered at the corner of his mouth: "You know what you taste!"

"Peach Blossoms!"


Suddenly, a peach blossom mark exploded!

The power generated is equivalent to the blow of Xiaocheng Feathered Triple Strong!

Set off a wave of excitement, making the guests around the table suddenly nervous.

"Peach Blossom Rain ... Can it explode? And, is the power so terrible?" Many geniuses were shocked.

Bang bang ——

Then, thousands of peach blossoms around Zhou Nianchen exploded one after another!

Countless explosions were added together to form a roar of a trembling sky.

The whole Fengming Tower shuddered fiercely.

The top of the pavilion was directly lifted off by the horrible explosive air waves, and the wooden beams and roof tiles turned into a fly ash.

Falling down, they shrouded the sky above the moon platform into the dust.

Two people's tables were too close together, and they were lifted off the spot. The people above the table were directly blasted out of Fengming Tower, humming.

The rest had to work together to exert their aura, hold down the wine table, and protect themselves from the aftermath.

Rao is Su Yu, who is also condensing a layer of aura on his body to resist the violent impact.

"What a strong secret!" Su Yu secretly startled.

The power of this move is already very close to the quaternary of Feather.

Su Yu asked herself, not sure enough, to be able to carry on this trick.

He found that he really looked down on this talented girl!

Hidden beneath the seemingly innocent and lovely surface is a terrible fighting power beyond imagination!

It can be said that Jiang Mufei has already stepped into the feathered quadruple!

However, when the dust settled and everyone looked at Zhou Nianchen, the pupils shrank fiercely.

I saw that in a mess, Zhou Nianchen was still standing.

His feet never moved half a step!

All the turbulent dust and remnants of the explosion wave, all spin away half a foot away, never close to the slightest!

"Aura rotates, and the power of explosive explosion?" Chong Luan spoke rarely, and his face was dignified. "It is said that listening to Xuelou has a unique skill," Engulfing the Vortex "! It contains a shadow of mythical skills. After successful cultivation, he controls Reiki forms a vortex, which can bounce off more than 90% of attacks! "

"However, it is extremely difficult to practice. In the history of Xuexue, only geniuses with the potential of the landlord can have the opportunity to succeed in cultivation. At present, as far as I know, only Zhou Nianchen succeeded!"

Devouring the Vortex? The geniuses trembled inside.

Anti-celestial deities with a shadow of mythology?

Can open up the invincible defense of 90% attack?

"Unless Xiu Wei crushed him, in the same level, I never heard that someone could break the absolute defense of" Engulfing the Vortex "." Zhong Luan was rather dignified.

Qi Dingshen stood idle in the center of the field, Zhou Nianchen's rotating aura gradually converged, and cold eyes shot at Jiang Mufei: "Two moves have passed, now, I won't keep my hands ..."

"Huh! The ghost just hit you! I confess!" Jiang Mufei wrinkled Qiongbi, and slyly conceded.

The gap between the two sides is too horrible, and naturally she will not resist stupidly.

Zhou Nianchen snorted softly: "Fail without a fight, really fighting for your Hundred Domains Alliance!"

At the end of the speech, Zhou Nianchen flashed his eyes coldly and shot at Su Yu: "You've seen enough of the good show, now, is there still a challenge to me?"

The amazing combat power shown by the talents has really refreshed the genius cognition.

Listening to the second son of Xuelou Zhou Nianchen is more terrifying than rumored.

However, what made everyone petrified was that Su Yu looked around for a moment: "Is anyone going to fight him?"

He tried several times and was stopped by others, so this was the question.

The voice echoed to the deadly watch tower for a long time ~ ~ No one responded.

Su Yu then got up slowly: "Zhou Nianchen, you have half an hour to prepare your coffin!"

The geniuses took a cool breath, and their hearts were full of confusion.

If Su Yu had gone crazy before, she was ignorant and fearless.

Well, after seeing the strength of Zhou Nianchen's top king, he even said such overbearing words, which is really incredible!

Zhou Nianchen took a breath and smiled angrily: "I really don't know, how can you be such a stupid person to live to this day!"

"You and I will fight first, if there is no one to collect your body for you, I will let someone find you a coffin, you don't need to worry about what happened next!"

That's it, only one battle.

Su Yu closed her eyes slowly, and then opened her eyes again, with a sharp splash of light: "Begin, one battle!"

This time, no one dares to stop, and no one can stop it! .

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