The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 380: Return to God

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81_81261 Those dark lacquered eyes, which are always deep and calm, are gradually densely covered with a dark red color.

Coupled with the open silver hair in the wind, it is like a demon who goes into the devil.

That unwilling fate, unwilling to make good, unwilling to oppress, against the will of the sky, burst out!

The invisible air flow swirled around Su Yu, the world was booming, and the thunder roared.

An inexplicable oppression came from endless nine days!

As if, God was alarmed by it, suppressing this will to defeat the heaven!

"The strong disobedience actually touched the will of the heavens and the earth!" The owner of Fengming Pavilion was astonished, looking up at the sky of change, with a very dignified expression.

Mu Tianfang also looked up, feeling the oppression from the sky, and was shocked: "Master! What is this? Who is this oppression? Who is there in the nine days?"

The owner of Fengming Pavilion stared deep into the sky, his eyes flashed violently: "No one, this will is the will of the sky!"

"Although the world is big, it's not as big as one side of the world! It doesn't matter if there are many small islands in the sea or the real dragon continent. All the martial arts are all bound to the world. Anyone who dares to escape from the world will suffer the suppression of the sky!"


Mu Tianfang was so shocked that there was no such thing as a heaven in the world?

"The warrior's force transcends the common, martial arts Nine-fold, Seventh-level King, Hualong seven-state, and five-fold Feather. With each step, the strength is one point, and the five-fold Feather can reach the strength of Heaven and Earth."

"If you go further, you can stand shoulder to shoulder with heaven and earth, surpass the bounds of heaven and earth, and disrupt heaven and earth."

"Therefore, the will of heaven and earth will never be allowed, and there will be people beyond the emergence of feathers, but whenever they appear, they will be condemned by heaven!"

Mu Tianfang muttered silently: "But Yin Yu didn't have five feathers, let alone detachment? Why was he oppressed by the sky?"

Feng Mingge said intently: "Beyond the bounds of the heavens, except for cultivation, there is one more thing, that is, God's will!"

"When the will is so strong that it interferes with the weather, it will be condemned."

"Su Yu's divine will not only reach the divine quality, but also integrate his insights! It seems that he is about to break through the trance and reach the level of returning to the true divine quality!"

God is too strong, rebellious against God, will also be condemned by heaven!

Mu Tianfang is even more puzzled: "Return to the true God .... But Fengxian also merged her own perception to reach the level of the True God, and her actions and behaviors revealed holiness. Why was she not condemned?"

The owner of Fengming Pavilion stared deeply at Su Yu, admiring deeply in his eyes: "That's because his fusion of perceptions is counter-intentions! It's the counter-intentions that heaven and earth are afraid of!"

"The imperial spirit of Fengxian is only holy and does not interfere with the order of heaven and earth. However, Su Yu is merging against the will of life. No one knows what the fusion will be like. thing."

What kind of injustice does a person bear?

Mu Tianfang was deeply moved.

At this moment, life is the most downcast, the most sad, the most desperate.

Su Yu's stagnant God's will for a long time finally made a new progress!

Forgotten pavilion came to enlightenment all night, and Su Yu realized that she lacked something in her divine will.

Now, in the midst of great sorrow, Su Yu's thoughts are clear, and finally she knows what she lacks.

What he lacks is his own will!

His divine spirit was born in the mute old man of the sky, and although he has evolved so far, he is completely beyond recognition, but he still cannot escape the trace of imitation.

No matter how strong it is, it is the devotion of others, so reaching the divine character is the limit.

Now that his thoughts are surging and all thoughts are clear, Su Yu finally understands the reason for the stagnation of God's will.

Lack your own will!

Incorporating the will is truly your own divine will, reaching another realm of divine will, and returning to the true divine will!

Yun Yazi once said that the divine quality is only the lowest level of entry in the divine will.

Then, returning to the true meaning of God means that Su Yu successfully embarked on a ladder!

Fan Fafang comes true.

The spirit of Su Yu has undergone a transformation from ordinary to real.

One is the illusion of imitation.

One is the divine will full of his disobedience.

Su Yu's mind is clear, she is full of thoughts, and reads the world.

Once confused and confused about God's will, now it's all natural and all accessible.

However, just when Su Yu realized the new meaning.

A deep will, forcibly interfered, awakened him from the empty state.

That will is as strong as the sky and the earth.

In front of him, Su Yu could hardly resist the slightest, and was forced to withdraw from comprehension.

At the same time, in the endless nine days, there was a sound of violent sounds from all directions.

"Tian Gang must not be chaotic.

Magnificent sounds spread across millions of miles!

That is the sky, the master of the meditation, the eternal will of the heavens and the earth, issuing a warning.

Of the million miles, all martial arts stood in shock.

They all had a small feeling in the voice of the heaven.

As if, the master of the voice, a will can make them fall forever.

Mountains and trees, quiet and silent.

The wind in the forest stopped abruptly.

Chasing monsters, trembling.

The river stopped flowing and remained silent.

The sea is calm and the waves are calm.

Time and space, as if still.

Heaven and earth, as if silent.

The true dragon continent, the endless sea, and any corner of the world, are reverberating.

That is a warning to Su Yu, a warning to all beings in the heavens and the earth.

Those who rebelled against the heavens, Dao destroy it!

The mainland parties were shocked.

The Mid-Continent, the headquarters of the Dark Dynasty, a straight peak that pierced the sky and pierced the sky.

On the top of the cliff, Wang Kong independent of a great shore man.

He stood with his hands in his hands, standing in the clouds, stepping on the billions of earth, with no green above his head.

It is like heaven and earth, but he has exclusive respect!

As soon as the black cloak was hit, the wind was automatic and rolled like a cloud, putting that mighty body against the mighty edge.

"Cangtian descends out of anger, against the Son of Heaven! I am not alone!"

The majestic face was full of relief.

"He needs a hand."

Those sharp eyes like a peerless arrow shoot out a magic light.

The light is like a rainbow, exuding the power of extinction!

The beam of light penetrated thousands of miles of clouds and reached the depth of nine days!

Suddenly, the mighty sky sound stopped abruptly, as if it had suffered a peerless blow.

Heaven and earth, return to normal.

Rivers gallop, everything is the same.

With one glance, he can cut off the voice of the sky!

Who is he?

Standing on the earth, overlooking the heaven and earth beings, rebelling against the sky!

Dark forest.

An ancient mountain peak, a colorful Taoist shrugging his knees.

Jiu Cai Shenguang, covering the body, covering all breath.

However, at the foot of the mountain, there are thousands of monsters.

At the forefront is a demon emperor with a feathered fivefold peak, a divine bird!

At the feet of the Jiu Cai Shenguang Taoist, he could not help trembling.

As if, Jiu Cai Taoist is the master of all beings.


The sound of the mighty sky was rolling, and Jiucai Taoist opened his eyes.

A ray of divine light splashed, thousands of monsters roared.

Jiu Cai Taoist looked up at Tian Cang, his voice was old, without emotion, just like the voice of the heaven and the earth: "Counter heavenly son, heaven and earth!"

Just then, Tianyin stopped abruptly.

Jiucai Taoists looked towards the Mid-Continent, indifferent: "It is a good idea to change the heavens and disturb the heavens! The Lord, destroy yourself!"

嗤 啦 ——

Jiu Cai's light flashed, and Jiu Cai Taoist disappeared.

Fengming Pavilion, venue.

People are silent, listening to the warnings of heaven and earth.

Countless people are afraid of tremor.

Stronger than Fengming Pavilion Lord, Jiao's body shivered, and the unknown fear flowed in his eyes.

God emptied the air, looking at Su Yu's eyes, full of deep fear.

What kind of people are he fighting?

Rebellious intentions, actually caused the world to suppress!

Fortunately, there was the suppression of the sky, and Su Yu quickly withdrew from the horrific transformation.

He was forcibly cut off by the sky to return to the truth.

Su Yu looked up to the depths of Jiutian, his eyes were so killing!

"Cang Sheng He Gu? My Yin Yu only wants to be safe forever, why are you pressing hard and putting me to death?" Su Yu yelled.

His life is bumpy, and now he is Bo's life, breaks through God's will, and survives in the Jedi.

However, Cangtian actually manifested his true body, severing his path to return to reality, severing his path to survival!

Heaven, why hate, hate, hate?

"I don't believe it, I don't want to, I don't want to! I just want to suppress it on my own!" Su Yu not only did not compromise, but instead went deeper.

A pair of dark red blood eyes, bursting into boundless antipathy.

"Cangtian abandoned me, I would rather be a demon!"

One sentence became a demon, trembling people's hearts, and it reached the sky of nine heavens and passed into the heavens!

Everyone seemed to see, under the repression of the heavens, in despair, a human race became a demon against the sky!

"God's will, now!" Su Yu wriggled between her neck, her face flushed.

Dark red blood eyes, unparalleled coldness!



Its body surface, purple thunder, snow-white chill, overflowed at the same time.

His divine will is dominated by Binglei.

"I go against God's will, manifest and return to reality! Go!"


The world shivered, and Su Yu * ​​shuddered violently, with a painful growl in his throat.

As if something was peeling from him!

That's God's will, it's Ice Thunder's will!

啵 ——

With a light noise, Ice and Thunder broke away from Su Yu's body and turned into two rays of light, submerging into Qingming.

Cangtian repression, he wants to go against the sky, under the eyes of Cangtian!

Suddenly, a thunderous roar came from deep in the sky.

Su Yu behaved and angered the sky.

"A breath is still there, I can't stop thinking! God's will, come true!" Su Yu roared.

Suddenly, the world was booming.

In the infinite sky, two weird eyes appeared!

One, dark purple, glowing with mysterious light!

One, ice-white, glowing with gloom and cold light!

A pair of huge eyes, hanging for nine days, overlooking all beings.

As if, that was the eyes of the sky, watching the earth.

This scene shocks everyone's soul!

Does Su Yu's God's intention be to deprive the eyes of the sky, use his eyes to replace the eyes of the sky and inspect the world?

How rebellious, how rebellious?


In the depths of nine days, boundless roar came.

Su Yu, completely angered the master in the midst.


An invisible vortex descends, and a simple nine-story tower descends slowly from the vortex and from the nine days!


The ancient tower descends, and the earth trembles!

Hundreds of thousands of seas, anger waves.

Yun Yun shuddered from the fear of the soul.

The true dragon continent, the sea, and all corners of the world, are inexplicably suppressed.

It seems that the ancient tower can destroy this world!

"Going against the heavens, ten thousand ways! Going against the sky, reincarnation!" In the ancient tower, there was a mighty sound of heaven.

Everyone stared, the top of the ancient tower, the atmosphere of destruction, a young man in ancient clothes, sitting with closed eyes.

Beside him, an extinct sword was inserted into the ancient tower.

Peerless Jianmang exudes the ultimate killing power.

With one glance, everyone felt that they had died thousands of times.

This is a sword of extinction!

The young man kept his eyes closed, like an ancient corpse.

However, his body exudes a terrible breath that Zhenlong Continent never had.

Looking at him, everyone had an illusion. Once he opened his eyes, all living things on the real dragon continent would be slaughtered.

嗖 ——

A blast of destruction landed.

The eye of the sky formed by Su Yu suddenly shakes and dims quickly.


There was hardly any resistance, and the yet-to-be-formed heavenly eye shattered when empty.

At the same time, the gas of destruction came straight to Su Yu, to turn him into a dust of heaven and earth.

Shenkong shook the ancient tower, the young man, and the extinct sword, but Su Yu perished, as he wished.

"Dead in the hands of Cangtian, you, die without regrets!"

What a privilege to die in the hands of the sky?

Su Yu looked up at the devastating gas, looking up at the ancient tower, and kept going against it.

"If there is an afterlife, I will destroy the sky!"

The mighty words turned into swords against the sky and rose up against the sky, resounding through the sky.

Better die than be unyielding!

However, from this moment on, a divine light passed through nine days, across the continent, and shot through time and space!

噗嗤 ——

The coming gas of destruction fell instantly.

At the same time, the god's light hit the ancient tower above the sky.


Shock the ancient tower, shake it violently!

A roar came from the whirlpool, and the ancient tower was slowly sucked into the whirlpool and retreated.

The nameless vortex quickly disappeared, and the world was clear.

Guta was repelled! Heaven's punishment was cut off!

who is it? Who is powerful enough to be the enemy of heaven and earth and retreat it?

But no matter who it is, Su Yu is saved!

Taking this opportunity, Su Yu was angry and yelled, "God's will, come true!"


The vanishing heavenly eyes condensed again.

This time, no Cangtian clan was old and quickly solidified.

For a moment, become a pair of huge eyes across the sky and through thousands of miles!

One purple and one white, overlooking the earth, exudes the power of destruction!

It hung behind Su Yu and set the thin figure back as if it was the King of Brahma!

At this moment, it seems that Su Yu has become the sky that rules everything!

"Hehe ... hehehe ..." Su Yu laughed, his laughter hoarse, but it was very penetrating and fell into everyone's heart.

Countless people swallowed a spit, trembling with fear.

At this time, Su Yu was terrible, just like a demon!

Return to the true meaning, condensed successfully!

Contains the meaning of rebellion, under the repression of the sky, forcibly break through!

"My life is blocked by me ~ ~ I fight people! Heaven resistance, I fight heaven!" Su Yu laughed huskily and arrogantly.

Silver-haired eyes, soaring into the sky, as if a demon was born!

After a long laugh, Su Yu lowered her head.

In the sky, the eyes of the sky that stretched over thousands of miles, also slowly turned with Su Yu's eyes, weird and frightening, shocking.

"Shenkong, you and I have grudges. It's time to end."

Shenkong trembled, staring at Su Yu, staring at the heavenly eyes behind him, terrified.


Shenkong didn't even hesitate to turn around and fled!

Those heavens could not suppress the eyes, he could not be defeated!

嗤 啦 ——

The light of space flashed, and Shenkong's body disappeared into the eternal mask.

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