The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 384: Soldier Depression

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81_81261 "There is a formation in Fengming Pavilion. Outsiders break in and must be noticed by the disciples who monitor the formation!"

Su Yu's expression suddenly changed: "Master, true! Lord of Darkmoon, you are in Fengming Pavilion! Please call upon the disciple to supervise the disciples! He must have problems!"

The lord of Fengming Pavilion was extremely skeptical, meaning beyond words, disciples in the court betrayed, and tolerate outsiders!

In addition, it is also an uninvited guest of the Great Giant level such as Darkmoon Lord.

Yin Yu didn't deceive her, it's better to believe it or not!

"Mu Tianfang! Capture the disciples to monitor the disciples, Li Weiguang comes to see!"

While giving the order, she quickly came to the main hall of Fengming Pavilion. The situation was serious and she had to be right.

Su Yu also felt that things were tricky, and in addition to being hostile to the Darkmoon Lord, Su Yu ignored her dissuasion and went with her.

The order of the cabinet chief, the top ten phoenix girls in Fengming Pavilion, all the core disciples arrived.

In the blink of an eye, in the main hall, the audience was full.

The atmosphere was serious and tense, and everyone wondered why the cabinet owner was so excited.

Waiting a moment, a pair of patrols made menacing ingress.

Mu Tianfang is headed by a female disciple with a worried expression.

Twenty or so, his eyes dodged, and he shivered in the face of the owner of Fengming Pavilion.

Su Yu was puzzled. This person was so awesome to the owner of Fengming Pavilion. How could he bravely carry her and let the unknown strong man enter?

"Darkmoon City Lord, did you put it in?" Fengmingge's Lord looked down, his expression indifferent.

噗通 ——

Li Weiguang's legs softened, and he knelt down on the ground, his face turned white, and his sweat was cold.

it is true!

The heart of Fengming Pavilion suddenly sank! A sense of greatness came to my heart.

"The Lord treats you well, why do you do that!"

Li Weiguang bites and bites, seems to be struggling, and after a long while, he made up his mind and raised his head and said, "I am persecuted! Lord, I am extremely toxic. If I do n’t follow the orders, I will immediately die." "

There is a messenger behind!

"Who?" Fengminge's main shooter got upset and was furious.

Li Weiguang opened his mouth and had no time to make a syllable. He was like a balloon and burst with a bang!

Flesh and blood flew, and splattered the field!

It's a poison in its body, detonated!

Who did it!

"Hehe ..." At this moment, a chuckle came from above Fengming Pavilion: "The scorner of this city's owner is the traitor. He is anxious to help you clean up the portal, and I hope the owner will forgive me!"

唰 ——

The main figure of Fengming Pavilion flickered outside the hall.

Su Yu also supported the seriously injured body and rushed out with everyone. A middle-aged man with a sneer was floating in the air.

Lord of the Darkmoon!

How could Su Yu forget that the chief Tu who had put his heart to death?

"Dark Moon City Lord? Uninvited, infringe on Fengming Pavilion, and don't want to leave without giving an explanation!" Fengming Pavilion Lord's green silk fluttered, his eyes softened, and he was extremely sharp.

The owner of the Darkmoon City put his hands in his sleeves, and he was full of time, with a bit of drama: "I came, but I heard that the female disciples of Fengming Pavilion are all talented and beautiful. The owner himself is also a magnificent beauty. Come here to win all of you, and to breed descendants for my Tu family. "

The Tus were almost wiped out during the beast tide.

For the remaining tribe, except for the Darkmoon Lord, there are not many, and for him to reproduce the offspring, the Tao is indeed a top priority.

However, public shame is another mystery.

Su Yu swept around, the eyes of the soul see through everything.

Within a thousand miles, mountains, houses, megaliths, and all obstructing objects were all seen through Su Yu's eyes.

There are no dead ends, which can hide from Su Yu's eyes.

Suddenly, Su Yu's pupils shrank.

Five hundred miles away, a large number of people hidden in the original mountain forest.

There are as many as 20,000!

And, there are two Optima giants!

One of them, Su Yu met!

Han Jianglin! It's him!

Immediately afterwards, Su Yu also recognized many forces of the Hundred Domains!

Lin Family, Feng Family, Zeng Family, even Ouyang Long and Ouyang Yuxin are among them!

Su Yu, another Optimus giant, is extremely strange.

His white hair was like snow falling, his eyes were extremely cold, and he was surrounded by a cold air within three feet of his body.

There is only one person with white hair and cold hair in the northern continent, in the Great Sky Giant!

Listen to Snow Ten thousand soldiers and horses led by him are all disciples listening to Xuelou!

They lurked in the mountains and forests, marching their horses and staring at Fengming Pavilion.

Suddenly, listening to Xue Louzhu's eyes suddenly sharp, looking towards Su Yu.

"Listen to the landlord, what's the matter?" Han Jianglin, who was aware of the change in momentum of the landlord, asked.

Listening to the snow landlord squinting and looking up, the voice sounded cold: "Just now, there seems to be a glance of inquiry! We may be exposed!"

Han Jianglin's eyes narrowed: "In this case, you can only act in advance!"

"Let's rush first. You rush to Fengming Pavilion, dare to block, and kill without amnesty!" Han Jianglin rushed behind and gave orders.

Immediately, he flew over to hear the landlord.

Fengming Pavilion.

Su Yu's face changed drastically: "Master, don't talk nonsense with him, he is delaying time! Han Jianglin and Tingxue Louzhu have already arrived, and there are 20,000 troops behind, they will destroy Fengming Pavilion!"

what? Han Jianglin and Tingxue?

Feng Mingge's host's expression changed drastically, and he immediately decided to drink: "Feng Mingge disciples listen to the order and prepare for the war!"

too suddenly!

The battle came so abruptly!

The disciples were panicked, but they were still reluctantly calm and united together to guard Fengming Pavilion and waited.

The owner of Fengming Pavilion himself exudes a violent feeling: "Destroy you first! Lord of the Darkmoon!"

The Darkmoon Lord's expression suddenly stiffened, and he shot angrily at the speaker.

Looking closely, I found that it was Yin Yu! !!

But in his face, slaughter the butchers and kill his son's silver feather!

"It's you! Little **** !!" The Darkmoon Lord burned in anger, his eyes spitting hate fire.

First there was Darkmoon City, killing countless other people.

Now it's bad for him!

"I killed you!" The Darkmoon Lord roared and rushed to Su Yu with red eyes.


However, a round of flames hit tomorrow, and the Lord of Darkmoon retreated.

It was Fengmingge's master holding a ring artifact to protect Su Yu behind him.

The ring artifact is the Fengzongge town ancestor artifact, the Great Sun Fire Phoenix Wheel!

With Fengming Pavilion's main body, the power has increased dramatically.

"The Phoenix Girl obeyed the order, and I killed this colleague along with me. You act on the occasion!"

The battles of the dynasty giants often have an instant, and ordinary disciples only feel terrible, but they cannot watch the battle clearly.



In the sky, the two remnants of each other are fighting each other.

After ten moves.


A figure vomited blood and flew backwards, but the Darkmoon Lord's chest was scorched, the flesh was blurred, and his mouth was shocked: "You, you are about to break through the quintile of the feathering! Become the king of the king!"

At the king level, the five major emergences are above all the five major emergences.

There is a natural difference between the two.

One is the King of Humans, and the other is the Great Sky Giant.

"It's too late to know!" Feng Mingge, the master of the killer Bi Sheng, turned into an afterimage.

Ten phoenix girls also took the opportunity to besiege.

The Lord of the Darkmoon was frightened, and the information was wrong. The strength of the Fengming Pavilion was far more than expected!

"Blood Moon Pill! Blast it for me!" The Darkmoon Lord roared and threw a blood red ball.

"It's an artifact that explodes! Danger! Rewind!" The face of Fengmingge's master changed.

But it's too late!

The blood red sphere exploded in the air, bursting out not weaker than the Optimus Giant's blow.

The owner of Fengming Pavilion was safe and sound, but the top ten phoenix girls were affected, and he vomited blood and flew up, causing serious injuries.

Only Fengxian and Yuling had blood spilled from the corners of their mouths and the injuries were minor.

Taking this opportunity, the Lord of Darkmoon broke through the trap and turned to flee.

The owner of Fengming Pavilion caught up.

However, two breaths of horror touched the sky and the earth and came down!

One is very calm and the other is cold.

The three super powers of the northern continent, the two great giants, come together!

The owner of Fengming Pavilion stopped his figure, his expression was solemn and solemn: "You guys, do you want to stir up the turmoil in the northern continent? Fighting without declaration is regarded as a sneak attack! Don't you feel shame?"

The three continents have always maintained balance.

I can expect that the strongest listening Xuelou and Baiyu Alliance joined forces!

Han Jianglin sneered indifferently: "It is you who are stubborn, refuse to form the Northern Continental Alliance, and obstruct the unification of the Northern Continental. You are the sinner of the mainland! It is the trend of the world to return to Fengming Pavilion!

Northern Continental Alliance, the three super powers join forces to form a new hegemonic power, dominate the northern continent.

The owner of Fengming Pavilion reprimanded: "One nonsense! You are trying to destroy the imperial palace. How can I participate in this kind of thing that hits the stone with eggs?"

Su Yu's heart shook.

Northern Continental Alliance, destroy the Dark Empire branch?

He suddenly remembered that Han Jianglin had summoned the major power families in Alliance City and talked alone.

After Ouyang Long was talked, Mu Ne was like him, showing extreme anxiety, and his face was extremely ugly.

Did Han Jianglin secretly assemble the forces of the Hundred Domains at that time to prepare for today?

"It's useless to say more! Fengming Pavilion, removed from the name today!" Tingxue's landlord was so cold, his eyes glanced down.

"Hands on!" Han Jianglin whispered.

He, Tingxue Louzhu, and the injured Darkmoon City Master shot together!

Three optimistic giants, suppress one, and imagine how it will end!

Once the fight, but three breaths!


A shadow of a shadow fell from the clouds, and blood was spilling all over the world ~ ~ There was an ice sword on the abdomen, piercing the body.

"The lord of the cabinet!" Exclaimed the disciples, angry.

Fengxian and Yuling rushed into the sky to catch the Lord of Fengming Pavilion.

Shicai found that the main injury of Fengmingge was extremely serious, especially the ice sword in the abdomen, which was almost fatal!

Holding back all the pain, Fengmingge's head was sad and angry.

Is Fengming Pavilion dying today?

"Kill!" On the clouds, Han Jianglin's three men were killing and killing.

With a bite of silver teeth, the big Japanese fire phoenix wheel in the main palm of Fengming Pavilion turned into a round of sun, spinning straight into Cangyu!

"Jiuyang burns the sky!"


The fire wheel burst on the spot and turned into nine flames of the same size, like nine suns.


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