The second emperor could not help but faint, the king of Xianyu County is the most powerful of many county kings!

With six martial arts in the martial arts, raise your hand and cast your feet, and you can kill the enemies of the invaders.

The eldest prince took a step forward and smiled with an arched hand: "The county king misunderstood. I waited only for discussion. I did not expect Su Gongzi to be extremely powerful. He had the style of the county king. Congratulations to the county king.

After all the words, he looked at the second prince with a scold: "Second brother, don't you thank Su Gongzi for his mercy?"

If Su Yu is not merciless to his subordinates, he will be seriously injured by Su Yu's first move due to the cultivation of the second prince and the fourth peak of the sky!

In front of the county king, the second prince could only swallow the bad breath and thank him with his fist.

Pu Suyu faintly saluted her eyes, and her pupils suddenly shrank when she glanced subconsciously at the six-star Tsing Yi guard beside her.

虽 Although he quickly covered up, he was captured by the great prince.

怎么 "Why, Su Gongzi has seen my guard?"

Wu Suyu was slightly confused: "It seems to have been seen somewhere, but I can't remember it."

"Hehe, maybe it looks like someone." The prince smiled slightly.

The small county chief said impatiently: "Okay, you guys go to rest and join my engagement ceremony five days later!"

After a short while, the three princes were taken to the chamber.

"Look at my father, I broke through the triple sky, isn't it great?" The small county master held the county king's arm and raised his chin, proudly showing off constantly.

The king of Xianxian County laughed absurdly. He kept observing in secret. How could he not know that Su Yu took out the precious ground of the rumor?

He even knew that Su Yu practiced a rumored holy method!

Wu Sheng and other exercises, the royal family also only has one copy, no one knows for a hundred years, where did Su Yu come from?

Isn't it obtained from the Tibetan Buddhist Pavilion of Wuzong Academy?

However, as far as King Xianyu County is aware, the highest level of martial arts in the Tibetan scripture hall of the Wuzong Academy is only the best method!

哪里 Where does he know that "Purple Star God Thunder" is a remnant, there is no Gongfa level, I am afraid that the Wuzong Academy does not know the specific level, because no one has succeeded in training from beginning to end.

First, it is extremely difficult to comprehend, and second, he needs the special sage of Su Yu.

Therefore, no one knows that "Purple Star God Thunder" is actually a rumored holy method.

In amazement, Wang of Xianyu County overjoyed.

Wu Suyu exceeded his expectations once again, but he has the anti-natural understanding of the Holy Gong!

"Yuer, when you and Xianer's wedding day, my king will find the sacred methods from the royal family for you to enlighten you!" A good lady is proud.

的 Sacred exercises from the royal family? Su Yu's heart fluttered.

In fact, feeling the extraordinary and terrible power of "Purple Star God Thunder", he has already concluded that this is most likely to be a sacred method!

But after all, it's just a remnant, and its power is limited. How can it be compared with the sacred exercises collected by the royal family?

Gong Suyu was grateful. He could imagine that even if the county king borrowed the royal family and other methods, it would be difficult.

For Ke Yu, he still promised.

The grace of the King of Jun County is as heavy as Mount Tai, and Su Yu's heart is heavy.

Waiting for Xianer to leave the county king, Su Yu returned to the room.

When passing by the courtyard where the three princes were walking, Su Yu remembered the guard in Tsing Yi beside the great prince, the terrible strength of Sixth Heaven!

"It turned out to be him!" Su Yu's face gradually dignified.

青 The Tsing Yi escort, if not mistaken, is in the Dusk Mountains, designed to seduce Wuzong Academy students to go to the Sixth Heavenly Strong!

The fourth-ranked student of Zhuang Gold, Zeng Bier died in his hands, and the body still rancid in the valley to this day.

Su Su, Lu Xuan and Lu Xing almost strayed into the trap. Su Yu noticed in advance that she escaped by accident.

Hey, why is he the guard of the great prince?

I felt a little bad, and came to my heart.

The grand prince's face was gloomy in the cabin.

"Bai Qixiong, have you been exposed in front of Su Yu?"

On that day, the terrible Tsing Yi guard in the dusk mountains was indeed him.

Hearing that, Bai Qixiong knelt on his knees, and sincerely feared: "Big prince! His subordinates have no impression. For several months, his subordinates have been staying in the dusk mountains and rarely meet people. If they have encountered him, do not There should be no impression. "

On that day, Su Yu found him a mile away.

Pu Suyu's eyes and pupils can see Bai Qixiong clearly, but Bai Qixiong may not see clearly.

What's more, Su Yu's temperament, skin color, and clothing are so different today that even if he stands in front of him, he may not be able to recognize it.

The eldest grandmother groaned for a long while, and froze coldly: "Get up, I hope Su Yu just admits the wrong person. You immediately arrange it and follow the original plan."

Uh ...

The next five days, Su Yu has been busy picking up customers and has no time to cultivate.

Especially the small county owner is playful, and from time to time no one can be seen, and Su Yu can't get out.

As the strongest empire in the empire, what is the matter of your little girl getting engaged?

The distinguished guests came from the princely generals, wealthy businessmen and giants, and each one hid a lame foot, and the empire would tremble.

As for the local guests, except for Xia Linxuan of Wuzong Academy, no one is eligible to participate in the engagement ceremony.

接待 Fifth and last day reception.

Xia Linxuan and her daughter Xia Jingyu visited the house.

"Boy, congratulations." Xia Linxuan was a little embarrassed. In the past, this son was a member of the Wuzong Academy. He was buried by him, and the pearl was dusty. Now he is flying into the sky and becoming a relative of the imperial family.

Qi Su Yu held her fist and said sincerely, "Thank you Xiafu Lord."

Xia Jingyu, unblemished, with a beautiful face in the painting, with a quiet smile, a soft voice, and a temperament: "Congratulations, you must treat Xianer well in the future. She has a good heart and will not let her down."

Su Su smiled: "Sister Xia Xue's teachings, Su remembered in his heart, please sit inside."

I have deep respect and gratitude to Xia Jingyu and Su Yu, and he will never forget the gift of bow.

Xia Linxuan walking in front, hesitated a little, pulled down his old face, embarrassed and said: "Su Yu, I heard that you have a good relationship with Jingyu, Jingyu is practicing, there are many difficult questions, I hope you have time to point her to two."

"Daddy!" Xia Jingyu Ruoxue porcelain skin, flying a red glow, shame Xiuzu.

Wu Suyu's response was as follows: "Sister Xia Xue is a genius of evil spirit level, and my strength is above me. Why talk about it? In the evening, when I am busy, I can exchange ideas with each other."

Wu Xia Lin Xuan admired her eyes, and Su Yu's answer was quite sophisticated, showing that others are more sophisticated and far from being comparable to her peers.

He sighed, and he was envious: "The guy from King Fairy County really picked a good son-in-law."

After watching the two leave, Su Yu stood outside the auditorium and continued to treat guests.

"Qin Guogong is here!" The servant reported.

Su Su Yu raised a sharp eyebrow, and a ray of cold flashed away.

On the same day Qin Guogong came forward and forced him to give up Jiang Xueqing, and he did not forget it.

Soon, he returned to calmness.

The king of Xianxian County was engaged to make a sensation.

Qin Guogong, and Wang Fei non-enemy and friend of Xianyu County, came to congratulate, there is nothing wrong with it.

"I've seen Qin Guogong." Su Yu smiled, bowing her arms and saluting.

Pu Yi is generous, not humble or overbearing, and mood and anger are invisible, as if unhappiness never happened.

隔 After two months, I saw Su Yu again.

On that day, when Su Yu was just a civilian, he showed extraordinary temperament. He concluded at the time that this son might be a talented person.

Now it is fulfilled! Su Yu became the son-in-law by the king of Xianba County!

Also, show the sacred meaning in Wuzong Academy, and have the qualification to impact the Holy King on earth!

Qin Guogong has a touch of regret in his heart. I knew it so, that day should end his life at all costs!

The difference in his thoughts gave this child a chance to grow, and it is difficult to get rid of him again!

"Hehe, Su Gongzi has an unlimited future. If he has the opportunity to go to the imperial capital in the future, he can come to Qin's house for a description."

Qin Guogong, it is meant to ease the relationship between each other.

Behind Qin Guogong, a man and a woman, saluting side by side.

"Congratulations to Su Gongzi." Qin Feng and Jiang Xueqing looked complicated.

Qin Feng, mostly shame, Su Yu once dismissed in his eyes.

But now he has become the relative of the imperial family and the fiance of the owner of Xianyu County!

Qin Xianer, the master of the small county of Xianyu, is one of the three beauties of the university, and is as famous as Jiang Xueqing.

I now hold a beautiful person, and still have a strong backer, in terms of status, no less than his small country tolerance.

Jiang Xueqing is more bitter.

She is the one who abandoned Su Yu. Now looking back, he is a genius who has become the holy king of the earth, is the fiance of Qin Xianer, and is the son-in-law of a county king.

What makes her bitter is that she once fell in love with this beautiful purple man!

Qi Su Yu nodded faintly, without joy or sorrow: "All the boats and cars are torn, I will order you to rest."

Just then, Xianer ran over from the corner of the yard, and yelled in excitement from afar: "Su Yu, Su Yu, come soon! Sister Jingyu is here too, we three People talk together. "

This little girl, after breaking through the triple sky, was excited for several days and was particularly interested in cultivation.

Although it is likely to be a three-point heat, he also heartily comforted Wang Yu of Xianyu County.

Xi Xianer couldn't help but hold Su Yu's arm and drag him intimately.

I spent half a month together, and the little girl had become accustomed to Su Yu. Of course, many times he regarded him as a proud of showing off.

Yep? At this time, Xianer discovered the existence of Qin Guogong and others, with watery eyes and a glimpse of Jiang Xueqing ~ ~ She heard about Su Yu's encounter, and saw Jiang Xueqing, with her hands in a small waist and air drum Drumming with big eyes, he clamored for Su Yu: "Hmm! Are you the bad woman who abandoned Su Yu brother? What's wrong? It's not as pretty as the county master!"

"Leave, Brother Su Yu, ignore them." Xianer dragged Su Yu to the inner courtyard.

Xu Suyu looked back, apologized and took a fist, and ordered her servant to lead them to the room.

Jiang Xueqingxiang's shoulders trembled slightly, biting her lips slightly, her heart bitter and writhing.

Hey, compared to Xiaojun, what is Jiang Xueqing?

Let alone the appearance, the other party does not lose to her.

Regardless of identity, the other party is the high-ranking county chief and the relatives of the emperor. How can Jiang Xueqing be comparable?

Qi Qinfeng felt shame in her heart, forbearing her anger and comforting: "Qinger doesn't need to bother them, I don't believe it. He Su Yu can be arrogant!"

Sunda and Jiang Xueqing were reluctant to participate in the engagement ceremony.

One was defeated by Su Yu.

One is the one who abandoned Su Yu.

No matter what, my father must ask them to come, and they should be eloquent, and must be obedient!

This way, there is a scene of injustice.

Uh ...

Wu Xianer led Su Yu to the pavilion in the inner courtyard.

At this time, it is dusk and the lanterns are on.

Bright lights, shining stars, and mutual reflection, illuminating the small courtyard full of pear flowers.

Xu Xia Jingyu sat quietly on the stone bench in the courtyard, and Qian Qianying, in the light, under the pear blossom, was like a fairy standing in the dust.

Standing outside the court, Su Yu looked pleasing to the eye. At any time, Xia Jingyu gave him a glimpse of the fairy in the painting ~ ~ Welcome the book readers to visit, the latest, fastest, and most popular The serial works are all in ~ ~

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