The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 43: Battle of the Holy Gates

"Xian ... er ... don't cry." Su Yu's throat was hoarse and she comforted Xianer.

"Brother Su Yu, his father ..." Xianer flew into his arms, hugging his neck, and wept loudly.

Qi Suyu's eyes were moist, and his tone was choked: "Don't cry ... Father Wang Ruoquan knows, and won't stare when I see you cry."

Wu Xianer wiped her red and swollen eyes with her little hands, trying not to let herself cry, but her tears still rolled up, and her small body, such as the autumn wind, trembled and trembled.

"The father is gone, and Xianer has no father ..." For the first time in his life, Xianer fell into loneliness, afraid, helpless, and lingering in his heart.

Wu Suyu was loving and embraced her deeply, stroking her little head gently: "Xianer and me, I will be by your side."

A warm, overflowing heart.

Wu Xianer raised her head, and looked at her fiance carefully, as if her eyes were mature.

Firm and warm eyes, a calm and soothing smile, and a shocking blood on his face.

Bian Xianer bit her lip, stretched out her hand, and carefully removed the blood badger.

Every time you take one piece, you get one more heartache, and one more bean eye.

The blood shed for her.

"Xianer, you ..." Su Yu was puzzled, he only felt that Xianer had an untouched feeling for him.

Previously, Xianer was willful and playful. Su Yu was in her heart, almost just a familiar playmate.

After experiencing upheaval in her life, she was very sensible.

"Brother Su Yu!" Xianer suddenly hugged Su Yu's neck, exhausted her strength, as if afraid that Su Yu would leave her next moment.

Uncle Wang has passed away, and Su Yu is her only loved one, although it is just a fiance for one day.

Xu felt the trembling of Xianer Jiao's body, and Su Yu patted her back silently.

At this time, no words are needed, Su Yu can already feel the feeling of Xianer.

A man and a woman, the two hug each other quietly.

After the tragedy, the hearts of the two gradually merged together.

After a long while, Xianer finally stopped sobbing, and her small head arched in Su Yu's arms, raising her head, and her eyes were red and swollen. There was a shy expression: "I want to be Su Yu's bride, forever, forever ..."

Tong Su Yu bowed her head, nodded her forehead, and loved her heart: "You will always be my bride."

Wu Xianer's cheeks were reddish, and she was lying in Su Yu's arms with peace of mind. After losing her father, her soul found a port of reliance again.

唰 ——

Lao Qin Lao returned with the medicinal materials and stared at this scene with a complex look.

She silently configured Su Yu with a healing medicine, and Xianer rushed to put on Su Yu.

I once only knew the playful fairy, but at this moment, like a good wife and mother, she carefully took care of Su Yu, her face filled with contentment.

After half a day, rest well.

Qin Laoyouyou said: "Little county master, Su Yu, I will take you out of the Maple Empire in accordance with the order of the king of the county, and go to the Phoenix Empire where the mother of the county is located. There will be family members of the mother of the county. She, you are ready to go. "

My sister-in-law, who is actually a Phoenix Empire man?

Reminiscent of Xiao Jun's neck, there is a nine-tailed Phoenix mark on Su Yu.

The great princes were not trying to capture the county king for treason.

The crime of treason by the king of Xianxian County is false, but it is not false in connection with people in other countries.

Now, would he and Qin Xianer leave the country and escape the Maple Empire?

Qi Su Yu's cold eyes flashed: "Qin Lao, go with the fairy, I will stay!"

"There is always a man's revenge for the county's enemies!" Su Yu never lives without killing the great prince!

Wu Qinlao sighed: "Let me ask, what revenge do you take? As a great prince, you live in the palace, and your elites are tens of thousands! There are endless high-level warriors, can you kill him in your strength?"

"Personal force can not compete with the empire. He has a high status. As a great prince of a country, he is the enemy of the empire, the enemy of the Ninth Heavenly Power, and it is difficult to compete with the empire."

Wu Suyu's belief in revenge has not changed at all: "It is not too late for a gentleman to avenge revenge for ten years, and one day cannot be revenge. What about one year? What about ten years? Poor lifelong power? One day, I will revenge!"

The old Qin Qin moved, this son really is a man of great affection.

I miss the grace of the county king and want to pay back in a lifetime.

Xun Qin couldn't bear it. He was so talented that he was stuck in revenge. It was a pity that he sighed a long time ago: "In fact, you don't have any way to get revenge, but you have very little hope."

"Please Qin Lao advice!" Su Yu suddenly moved.

Old Qin Qin pointed at the seal of Su Yumei ’s heart: “It ’s it!”

Qi Suyu was puzzled: "Sacred Orders are only qualifications for the Holy Gates Conference. How can it shake the Maple Empire?"

"Sacred order is of course impossible, but, what about the holy king of the earth?" Qin Laomulu revered.

圣 Holy King? For a while, the myth of force that dominated the change of the royal family of the Fenglin Empire was more than enough if it was him.

But, how could Su Yu help the holy kings?

"In fact, the Holy Gate Conference you attended has another meaning, that is, the Holy Disciples scramble! As long as you enter the top ten in the Holy Gate Conference, there is hope to become a Holy Disciple!"

what? Sanctuary disciples? Su Yu suddenly moved!

主 The Lord of Sanctuary is the Holy King on earth. Becoming a disciple of Sanctuary, would n’t he have a chance to meet the Holy King on earth?

As long as the holy king of the world nods, Su Yu can revenge!

"And, if you can win the first place in the Holy Gate Conference, you will have a chance to get a promise from the Holy King of the World, any condition will do."

Wu Suyu shook his fist: "Okay! Holy Gate Conference, I Su Yu must win the championship and destroy the great prince!"

Mr. Qin Qin shook his old head with little hope: "After ten or so days, it will be the Holy Gate Conference. With your strength, let's not say the first place, the top thirty will be difficult to enter."

At that time, Bai Qixiong and Martial Art Sixth Tian Xiaocheng could only drink and hate outside the top ten.

Wu Suyu is now invincible even at the peak of Wuzhongtian.

"What's more ..." Qin Laoyu sighed in earnest: "Moreover, with your talents, the great prince will never allow you to survive. If you stay in the Maple Empire, you must kill yourself. It is better to follow your husband to the Phoenix Empire. You are safe forever. "

Silently for a moment, Su Yu's revenge was not extinguished.

"The father and the king treat me as graciously as a mountain, and my relatives are like my son-in-law. How can I not repay my father's revenge as a child?" Su Yu shook his fist.

Wu Xian'er grabbed Su Yu's sleeves and watery eyes, full of hatred and determination: "Brother Su Yu, I am with you, I will avenge my father!"

I patted her little head, Su Yu shook her head gently: "No! Xianer, I am enough, one of us must be alive, and we must live up to our father's sacrifice."

If you want to be more fierce than evil, he can take the risk by himself, there is no need to involve Fairy.

"No! I'm Su Yu's bride and I will die with Su Yu ..." Xianer stubbornly, she has lost her father and can't lose Su Yu anymore.

He took a palm knife and cut it suddenly around her neck, causing her to fall softly into Su Yu's arms.

Withdrew her palm, Su Yu lovingly leaned against her forehead and said softly, "Xianer, live well."

After all the words, she was handed over to Qin Lao, and she leaned down and thanked him, "There is Lao Qin Lao!"

Lu Qin's old eyes are complicated, and the old man sighs: "The king of the county has this son-in-law, when he can stare at him! Hello, I will be sent to the Phoenix Empire."

"If you want to visit her in the future, you can come to the Valley of Phoenix with this order." Lao Qin threw him a phoenix-shaped token. In his old eyes, he had complex and hesitant reminders: "But if the repair is not enough, Don't come, or you will be burned. "

Qi Su Yu's heart was astonished, what a sacred place is Phoenix Valley? So Qin Lao reminded him so solemnly.

唰 ——

Old Qin Lao hugged the unconscious little county master, and flickered into the forest.

Wu Suyu collected the tokens and recuperated in situ.

虽 Although the injury was severe, he recovered quickly under the action of the powerful flesh body, the Holy Order, and Qin Lao's herbs.

Twenty days later, Su Yu recovered most of her injuries, and suddenly opened her eyes, her light flashed.

A powerful force of blood and blood, filling the limbs and hundreds of bones, far more than the quartet.

The fist palms swayed, and the sound of crackling like fried beans in the body continued to explode.

"It's a blessing caused by misfortune. After several serious injuries, the medicinal power of the earth's jade fire that precipitated in my body was stimulated, making me break through to a new level." Su Yu felt overwhelmed by the practice of the peak of the Four Heavens.

As soon as the Holy Gates Conference was held, any improvement was extremely valuable.

"If you meet the great prince again, I may not have the power to fight alone in the fight alone!" Su Yu's eyes are full of murderous power.

The eldest prince is immortal in this life, Su Yu will never be able to look at him!

沙沙 ——

Qi Su Yu's ears trembled slightly, and a strange sound made a slight noise and fell into her ears.

Is not the sound of animals in the forest, but the movement of human beings only when they move quickly.

He looked dignified, Su Yu's eyes turned lightly, and he quietly left the cave, casting "Shadow of Clouds and Shadows", like a white cloud falling shadow, like a river wave duckweed, and flew away two miles, hiding behind the stone gap.

瞳 Both pupils gradually turned into crystals, and Su Yu clearly observed two miles away with super strong eyesight.

It's like a grass, a tree, a worm and a bird, as if it's near.

唰 唰 ——

Three Orion dressed as middle-aged men, sneaking close to the cave, dormant in the grass two hundred meters away.

He is a middle-aged man with a scar on his brow, and his strength reaches the peak of the terrible Fiveth Heaven.

青年 The young men on the left and right have a great success.

A powerful combination, enough to sweep all the powerful people below the sixth level.

Wu Suyu sneered, how could the Five-Strength Power be willing to be a hunter?

No doubt, they are the strong ones sent by the great prince to assassinate Su Yu.

A few days ago, Qin Lao ran away in a hurry, leaving traces inevitably, enough to pursue troops to find this place within two days.

Xi Su Yu had the mark of the Holy Gate on her body. Even though the great prince was bold and bold, he did not dare to kill him brightly.

Only by assassination can he once and for all.

"Protector Chen, what should I do?" The hunters on the left and right, experienced the old and hot, and conveyed the message with their eyes.

护 Chen Chen, the Five Peaks Peak ~ ~ is the leader.

The three of them were personal escorts who escorted Qin Guogong to the engagement ceremony of the daughter of the king of Xianyu County. They were secretly ordered two days ago to assassinate Su Yu.

At first, they were frightened.

However, when Qin Guogong promised that they could hardly resist the temptation, he went out of danger and assassinated Su Yu.

On this trip, they held dead.

Wu Suyu did not die, that is, they died.

I dare to shoot at the reporter of Shengmen Yin, no one can escape death.

Chen Chenwei's eyebrow scars wriggled gently, and the fierce eyes carefully looked around: "The absence of snake worms and rat ants near the cave indicates that the cave is popular and the beasts dare not approach."

"Footprints near the entrance of the hole are fresh, indicating that someone has been active recently."

总结 "Summary and speculation, they are most likely still in Dongfu, or just recently!"

护 Chen Chen, experienced bad experience, observed it, and inferred that he was infinitely close to the facts.

"The two of you are staring secretly, I will go back and inform Master Bai Qixiong!" Chen Huwei's subtle voices, such as green grass snakes, acted carefully and returned along the same path.

Lao Qin, who has a martial arts seventh heaven, cannot rely on Chen Huwei and two fiveth heavens to succeed in killing Su Yu.

To ensure nothing is wrong, the great prince secretly instructed Bai Qixiong to respond from the side and donate a treasure, which can release the martial arts Seventh Heaven peak hit, and if necessary, kill Qin Lao.

Two Wuzhongtian masters, leaving their tails.

The two of them were attentive, like a dormant cheetah, their eyes were sharp and motionless.

A few minutes passed.

嗖 ——

Suddenly become strange!

Cold currents, sharp iron arrows, penetrating the clouds and forests, suddenly shot ~ ~ Welcome the book readers to read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are at ~ ~

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