The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 493: Strike of Blood

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81_81261 With a shudder of clothing, Jiao's body disappeared. When it appeared again, it caught up within a thousand feet of the flying Shenzhou, and approached at a very fast speed. . Updates are fast.

Looking in the distance, two afterimages chased in the sky, drawing the sound of crippling air.



Ten feet!

But half a cup of tea, this ‘woman’ has caught up!

The snow-white ‘fine’ palm was fisted, and the flying Shenzhou toward Su Yu swung fiercely.

Suddenly, just crunching, just listening to the tremor of the flying Shenzhou, the sound of damage appeared inside!

At the tail of the flying boat, there is an immense fist print, squashing the tail! !!

When you lift your hand, this semi-finished artifact is damaged a bit!

Su Yu had a pain in her 'meat', her eyes flared, and she was chased and killed by this 'woman' repeatedly.

"You're enough, stinky 'female'! I have no injustice with you, but I'm pursuing it!" Su Yu annoyed.

Lu Chuyi laughed angrily: "Take me a magic weapon, dare to say no injustice !!!"

Upon hearing the story, Su Yu was also laughing: "Joke! I have warned you before, don't 'force' people too much, otherwise you will regret it, who has to do it? Stink 'female' people, it is not too late to return, otherwise Regret it later! "

Such a threatening word sounded to Lu Chuyi and made him even more angry: "Dare to threaten me? If I don't catch up with you today, why can't I keep my face?"

With a loud hum, Lu Chuyi banged again!

This ‘female’ is horrible, but probably three punches can break up the flying Shenzhou.

Seeing that the other party was reluctant to spare, Su Yu flashed in his eyes: "You stinky 'woman', you asked for it!"

Doraemon, a blue 'color' lion appeared in Su Yu's palm. The lion's body is stored in a strong and powerful spirit, and it also contains the blow of the flying fairy strong!

From the object, it is the life-saving charm taken from the nose prison, which contains the treasure of Feixian's strike.

Lu Chuyi, who was shooting ‘want’, noticed the movement of ‘wave’, first a moment, and then ‘show’ a trace of jealousy.

Under the circumstance that Xiu is restricted, it is somewhat reluctant to rely on the flesh to block Fei Xian's blow.

However, looking at the silver-haired boy in front of her, she raised the score to be abominable. She gritted her teeth and did not retreat. She shot violently.

Su Yu's forehead is blue and beating. This 'woman' looks seemingly calm, but her 'character' is quite stubborn!

"Okay, you asked for it!" Su Yu snorted coldly, and the blue 'jade' spirit lion in the palm of his hand suddenly burst into full bloom!

A group of green palm prints came out of the illusion, sandwiched by extraordinary strength, and blasted out of thin air!

Lu Chuyi gritted her teeth, and the perseverance in her heart made her daringly greet her, attacking Feizhou with a punch that changed into a welcoming palm.

She is ready for serious injuries!

However, it is strange that the palm print changed direction suddenly when she was about to be bombarded by her, a side flickered, bypassing Lu Chuyi, and blasted to the ground under her feet!

As soon as Lu Chuyi froze, she was vigilant: "Huh! You're playing the" flower "trick! Watch the trick!"

After the words were finished, a bang came.

Su Yu made a move with her right hand, but she was put away by the flying Shenzhou, with a firm palm.


On Geng Shi's armor, a palm print appeared again. Su Yu himself was shaken back by dozens of feet this time. The blood in his body was tumbling violently, and he could not help but spit out blood.


Until this time, the Fei Xian strike finally hit the ground!

Seeing that this blow really hit the ground, Lu Chuyi was suspicious, and the ‘color’ of the alert was deeper: “What kind of trick are you playing ...”

The voice hadn't dropped yet, suddenly, from the ground that was blown down by Fei Xian's blow, there was a slight grunt.

Looking down, in the ground directly below Lu Chuyi, there were dense, hundreds of bloodskins tangled around each other like a blood python!

The flying fairy struck the blood python in two.

On his head, he kept holding up the upward movement, and was actually preparing to launch an attack on Lu Chuyi!

In other words, if there wasn't this Fei Xian strike just now, Lu Chuyi would have been attacked!

"It's that evil thing!" Lu Chuyi's face freezes instantly!

She has witnessed the fierceness of these bloodlines with her own eyes. The speed is extremely fast. If she is not warned, Rao is her, and she will be instantly 'holeed' through the body and sucked the blood 'meat'! !!

But just now, she was in a rage, chasing and killing Su Yu with all her heart, she never watched the ground under her feet, but there was a large blood line and she was about to launch an attack!

Without Su Yu's blow, she's afraid she has fallen!

Thinking back just now, the Fei Xian who was supposed to bombard her, but changed direction strangely, Lu Chuyi looked at Su Yu with a complicated look, and the evil spirit in the beautiful eyes weakened a lot.

When looking at the palm print of Su Yu ’s ‘breast’ and the blood mist left at the corner of ‘lip’, her heart shook inexplicably, and her eyes were a little more apologetic.

Just now, the other party wanted to save her, but she ... took the opportunity to back hurt Su Yu! !!

Su Yu glanced at her, silently, and rushed to the sky.

If you can, just now, this ‘woman’ may be killed by bloodline attacks, but if she dies, the next target of these bloodlines is Su Yu.

Standing at a high altitude, Su Yu looked down from the ground of King Tao, and under the eyes of perspective, his face was gradually dignified, and the ‘show’ was a little astounding.

Under his eyes, in the land of the sky, like a torrent, a sea of ​​blood roars frantically! !!

Then, there are countless blood lines, more than billions?

All creatures passed along the way were completely swallowed up.

As small as a beast, fish, beast, and as big as a beast ‘tide’! !!

No one can survive the sweep of the sea of ​​blood!

Looking at the posture, the boundless sea of ​​blood is to destroy the entire seven-story God Pavilion!

Su Yu's scalp is numb, it's too much! !!

At a glance, the sea of ​​blood stretched for at least a million miles! !!

At this moment, the sea of ​​blood is rushing to the rest of the country at an amazing speed, swarming mountains and rivers.

And the two of them, no coincidence, just ran into the front of the sea of ​​blood!

The blood line that I just encountered is just a tentacle sticking out of the sea of ​​blood, which is used to detect the creatures in front! !!

Without a cup of tea, they will meet these seas of blood!

What surprised Su Yu even more was that because of the destruction of the tentacles, Xuehai seemed to be aware of them and suddenly accelerated!

Looking at the boundless sea of ​​blood, Su Yu felt cold!

If you really fall into the sea of ​​blood, even if you are in the sky, you have to drink hate on the spot!

"Hmm ... has grown to such a degree?" Not far from her side, there was a dignified voice of Lu Chuyi. A purple light flashed in her beautiful eyes, which seemed to be some kind of pupil technique, and she could see through the sea of ​​blood .

Without saying anything, Su Yu turned around and ran in the opposite direction.

In this direction, it is no coincidence that it is the direction of Shilin!

But the speed of the sea of ​​blood is far above Su Yu!


Suddenly, the fragrant wind struck, and Bi Ying approached and lifted his palm to grab Su Yu.

Su Yu caught off guard and was caught by his shoulders.

My heart was shocked, and I heard Lu Chuyi pretending to be indifferent, "I don't want to be a nourishment, just stand still!"

Hearing that, Su Yu hesitated a little before he converged.

Looking down, I saw this 'female' expression indifferent, but her cheeks were slightly reddish.

Su Yu smiles, although this 'woman' is generally outrageous with her teacher's nephew Wu Aoyue, it is still reasonable and understandable.

After thinking about it, Su Yu took out the Yungan Five Elements Array, released the imprisoned gold leaf, and threw it to Lu Chuyi.

After hearing the words, Lu Chuyi picked up her expression unnaturally and whispered quietly, "Who wants you to pay back?"

Su Yu laughed in surprise, but did not continue to respond.

It was found that Su Yu was laughing, and Lu Chuyi seemed to be seen through the young ‘woman’ who had broken her mind, and stared at Su Yu with a shame, turning her face flushed.

As a cultivating woman, she has never encountered such an awkward situation.

It was unimaginable to be rescued by a target that was repeatedly pursued, and to be returned to the magic weapon by the other party.

It happened in Tianji Shenge.

"Huh!" Jiaoheng snorted and gave Su Yu a vicious glance again, then he urged Jinye with all his strength.

Suddenly, the earth under their feet once again turned backwards with thousands of miles!

At this moment, the sea of ​​blood seemed to notice the abnormality of Su Yu and others, and from the depth of the sea of ​​blood, an inhuman roar was issued.

Immediately afterwards, in the sea of ​​blood tumbling, a palmprint with a height of ten feet was condensed.

This palm print is a bit different from the blood line formed by ordinary condensation, with a hint of silver light between them.


An astonishing scene appeared, this huge palm print disappeared out of thin air!

Reappeared, actually appeared thousands of miles behind Su Yu and others!

Perceiving the change behind her, Lu Chuyi's face changed in color: "Fast!"

His face ‘color’ sinks, and he instills more authenticity into the golden ‘color’ leaves.

The ground beneath them went backwards at an even faster rate.

So many times, but with a dozen breaths, they crossed nearly a million miles and successfully returned to the stone forest!

At this time, the three Qiu Zeming were obediently waiting on the side of the formation, and did not dare to leave.

Seeing that Su Yu was also arrested, she was surprised by the "color" of "Lu". Su Yu was caught in the expectation, but it took a long time.

"How much is the" fine "blood?" Once falling, Lu Chuyi stared at the formation and said quickly.

Qiu Zeming said in his heart: "With a half-cent immortal 'fine' blood, you can succeed in 'exciting' live array."

I heard that the three semi-immortals were uneasy. The semi-immortals are only three of them!

But Lu Chuyi stepped into the formation, smashed her fingertips, sacrificed a drop of 'fine' blood, and dropped the formation.

The same is the ‘fine’ blood ~ ~ Lu Chuyi ’s ‘fine’ blood, which is filled with extremely strong pressure!

From the blood, there is a faint ‘sex’ of spirit, as if this ‘fine’ blood is alive!

‘Essential’ blood dripping array method, I heard Dora ’s sound, the array method blood shines, and it is fully activated!

Su Yu was secretly surprised that a drop of ‘fine’ blood from the Lord ’s strong is equivalent to the ‘fine’ blood of the half-immortal strong!

It's no wonder that she didn't even show her "show" in the slightest, so she easily suppressed the three cents!

The horror of this 'woman' is unimaginable.

"Because the array formation on the other side is damaged, it takes about half a cup of tea to successfully start the array formation." Qiu Zeming said slowly.

Half a cup of tea? Lu Chuyi and Su Yu sink in their faces at the same time, half a cup of tea? The huge blood 'color' palm print does not require half a cup of tea to catch up!

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