The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 506: Fulfill one's wishes

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81_81261 This scene happened to be seen by Lu Chuyi, and she couldn't help but wonder, would Su Yu be ready to attack her!

After turning his eyes, Lu Chuyi said, "What other wish do you have, I will help you complete it."

The tone is very weird and somewhat complicated.

wish? Su Yu noticed that it was a little weird, and calmly put the Skyrim Refiner back into place.

"Wish." Su Yu thought, his wish was naturally to restore Ling Xiaotian, but Ling Xiaotian and the dragon-shaped coffin were left at Jiuyou Longyuan because of inconvenience in carrying.

Seeing Su Yu pull her hand back, Lu Chuyi was slightly surprised, was she thinking wrong?

With suspicion, she said very patiently: "It is OK to do what you want, such as any enemies, etc. In short, now you can ask everything and I can help you achieve it!"

Yep? Su Yu felt weird, what did Lu Chuyi mean?

After thinking about it, Su Yu's fingertips flashed, and the Nine Children's Yin Yang array appeared: "I hope it can be repaired, and the power can be improved by a grade."

Lu Chuyi's eyes are complicated, but she nods without thinking: "Okay!"

Yan Bi raised his hand and grasped, holding the damaged Jiuzi Yinyang array in his hand, and at the same time, a small finger appeared, and a small pocket appeared around his waist. It was a storage space for Lu Chuyi. The collection was probably astronomical.

At this moment, a piece of golden light flickered, but it was some broken golden fragments floating in the void.

The fragments vary in size, the small ones are about the size of the text, and the large ones are about the thumb piece, which totals about a dozen pieces.

"Tianzhu Yinzhu?" Su Yu was taken aback. These fragments are exactly the pieces of Tianzhu Yinzhu!

This object is called Kyushu's first sacred bamboo. It is hard and the black flame is hard to penetrate!

Moreover, this bamboo has some vague spatial attributes in it. The step and the space movement of the golden leaf are the power of space.

Such precious things are extremely rare, even if they are the power of the Lord.

The woman took out this thing and helped him re-teach the treasure?

He took out the ninth child yin and yang array, which was a temptation. Unexpectedly, this woman not only took it seriously, but also spared precious treasures!

"Seniors, wait! I can't afford such precious materials." Su Yu looked serious, but her mind was gradually dignified.

Lu Chuyi turned a deaf ear and said to himself: "The nine steel needles are of average material and it is difficult to improve the grade and needs to be refined."

After speaking, I once again grabbed a smooth ball from the small pocket, but it was a small stove surrounded by flames.

After falling to the ground, the wind rose, and in the blink of an eye, it became three feet in size.

Lu Chuyi stamped with both hands, and the flames skyrocketed, wrapping the entire stove.

At the same time, Lu Chuyi folded her palms together, and Su Yu's ninth son Yin Yang array was crushed! !!

She fuses these fragments with the shards of Tianzhu Yinzhu and puts them into the burning furnace. These fragments turn into a pool of liquid at a speed that is visible to the naked eye.

Immediately after that, Lu Chu Yisu turned her hands, at the expense of her energy, to urge the furnace flame to continue to heat, and she kept chanting spells.

The mass of liquid gradually changed from gray to silver, and then changed from silver to gold, exuding an amazing spirit pressure!

This kind of spiritual pressure has already exceeded the scope of artifacts, and even semi-artifacts are hard to reach!

Su Yu looked dry, could it be a semi-finished artifact?

Earlier we learned from Wei Kang's mouth that Lu Chuyi was one of the few masters of the 18-hole Heavenly Blessing. He did not understand the weight of the title of Master of the Master, but was shocked at this moment.

Witness the birth of a semi-finished artifact!

At this time, Lu Chuyi stopped chanting and said in the mouth: "The quenching has been completed, and the next is the most critical solidification. I have not tried to make steel needles. There may be some risks and failure. If it fails, all your steel needles, along with the materials I type, will be destroyed. "

Wen Yan Su Yu's face changed slightly and failed. .

As he was thinking, Lu Chuyi continued: "If you changed to making sword-shaped instruments, I would be 100% sure of success, but there are too many impurities in your steel needles and insufficient materials. Only three successful sword shapes can be refined. If you want, you can change them into sword shapes. "

The second option made Su Yu happy, and hesitated again.

Jiuzi Yinyang Sword Formation was born out of Qiankun Jiuyang Sword Formation. It is because of the nine-needle steel needle that it can exert unexpected power.

Refining the steel needle into a sword shape should be more powerful.

However, due to the limited materials of steel needles, only three swords can be refined, and the nine-yin yin-yang sword array cannot be formed, which greatly reduces the power.

Weighing the pros and cons, Su Yu wasn't sure whether the latter would suffer.

For a moment of contemplation, Su Yu gritted her teeth: "Choose the latter!"

Even a momentary loss of power is better than risking the loss of nine steel pins.

Lu Chuyi nodded: "Okay!"

I saw the qi in his body, rushing into the stove frantically, wrapping the golden liquid.

The liquid absorbs a large amount of true qi, suddenly exudes not weak spirituality, and is divided into three, turning into three palm-sized sword shapes.

The flames in the furnace gradually cool down gradually from high to low.

When the stove was extinguished, the three sword embryos in the air also cooled and formed into a three-handed, palm-shaped, exquisite small sword.

The body surface is as smooth as a mirror without any flaws, just like a woman's skin, which is pleasing.

The sword front glowed with cold white light, and swallowed a little coldness. Su Yu looked at it, even the soul felt a slight tingling.

In the body of the three-handed sword, there is a spirit pressure that is only found in semi-finished artifacts!

Su Yu overjoyed, raised her hand and three small swords fell in the palm of Su Yu, a sense of coldness hit the palms.

And with inexplicable coercion, Su Yu sighed unconsciously.

"The steel needle material you used was too common, which affected the grade. Originally, Tianzhu Yinzhu was added, which can at least raise the artifact to the level of artifact. Because of material restrictions, there is only a semi-finished artifact."

Su Yu's mouth was drawn. The steel needle is only a medium-level artifact. Compared with Kyushu's first magic bamboo, the material is more than ordinary, it is simply inferior!

This is like forcibly spoiled stinky tofu, and a mix of dragon liver and phobia, which greatly lowers the latter's grade.

With regret in his heart, he was already very satisfied.

"The first wish has been fulfilled, is there any more?" Lu Chuyi's vision was more complicated.

How can I miss this opportunity when I taste the cheap Su Yu? Gaze turned: "Do you have any extra geranium?"

He is brazen and continues to ask for Tianzhu Yinzhu.

Even Lu Chuyi couldn't stand it, her forehead was blue and blue, but hesitated for a moment, but she still took out two golden seeds from the ring: "This is the seed of Tianzhu Yinzhu, there are only these."

seed? Su Yu's pupils shrank. He just wanted to blackmail some materials, but the other party gave him the seeds directly!

If you can grow a brand new Tianzhu silver bamboo, then. .

Just thinking about it, Su Yu was very excited.

Seems to understand Su Yu's thoughts, Lu Chu Yi splashed cold water: "You think more, the seeds of Tianzhu Yinzhu, unless they are old monsters above the Lord of God, spend hundreds of days and days to irrigate with blood, otherwise there is no survival. Maybe! Ordinary people get seeds, but they just use them as materials to refine. "

If the seeds can be planted, she won't take them out.

Upon hearing this, Su Yu smiled secretly, and collected the seeds without expression.

"Are there any wishes?" Lu Chuyi was surprisingly patient.

Su Yu's eyes flickered, and he raised his hand and waved, all over the floor were magic weapons!

Golden scale dagger, armor, purple sun umbrella, Jiangshan town dragon bow, eternal mask. .

"Let me help you make it again," Su Yu said with a smile.

Lu Chuyi first stunned, and then immediately became angry: "Boy, don't go too far !!!"

Where is the fulfillment of her wishes, clearly as her labor!

Re-refining the Nine-Children's Yin-Yang Formation once spent her full 30% of her anger. How can all of them be re-refined now that there are so many treasures?

"This is all my wish, even if it can't be realized." Su Yu disappointed.

Lu Chuyi bit her silver teeth and stared at Su Yu for a long while: "Okay! Promise you!"

Yan Yan, looking at the past in turn, glanced over the golden scale dagger and the eternal mask, scorned: "a lower order, a broken, no value for refining, throw it away."

Speaking of which is really polite to lose the golden scale dagger! !!

Then, as I glanced over the Gengshi armor, I was slightly dignified: "Is an inferior top artifact? The material is the skeleton of the Lord God. Unfortunately, I do n’t have this material unless I remove my bone . "

While talking, don't forget to give Su Yu a hard look.

Then, looking at the Ziyang Xuan Umbrella, he hesitated for a moment before he nodded slightly: "This upper-level artifact has some re-refining value. If I replace the Ziyang fire in my furnace fire, it should be refinable. Into semi-finished artifacts. "

Su Yu's heart moved, another semi-finished artifact! !!

After Lu Chuyi saw the last treasure,, it was Jiangshan Town Longgong.

Suddenly, his body condensed, and he actually grasped the object in the palm, and rubbed it gently: "Strange, clearly an ordinary middle-order artifact, why would it give me an uneasy breath?"

After a closer look, Lu Chuyi's face suddenly changed, and she threw the silver bow like an electric shock, and a horrible color appeared on her face: "Is that god's arrow sealed in this silver bow?"

Su Yu was shocked in his heart, and he suddenly remembered that Yun Yazi once said that Jiangshan Town's Long Bow, the bow itself is not much, what is really valuable is an arrow in the seal!

Now Lu Chuyi showed such a look, which made Su Yu more curious.

"Where did you get this bow? Impossible, it has clearly disappeared into the history of the human race, why did it appear?" Lu Chuyi looked at the silver bow with great horror.

Su Yu blinked: "In an underground ruin, I got it by accident. I wonder if my predecessor can unlock this bow?"

"Underground ruins?" Lu Chuyi's expression flickered with deep suspicion, and then he calmed down after a short while, his eyes locked on the silver bow, exhaling deeply: "I'm afraid I can do nothing!".

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