The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 563: Dangerous

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Su Yu's heart sank, there was no worse situation than now!

"Come here, I dare to move everything!" The silver maggot reached out and hurled ten thin lines of blood red between his hands, taking Su Yu's life straight!

How domineering his behavior was, he did not give Su Yu any chance.

In the cold, Su Yu had no luck, long before he shot, he secretly manipulated the blue beads.

When the crisis struck, the blue light flashed in front of him, and the blue beads blocked in front of him.

The capillaries could not penetrate the blue beads and immediately bounced back.

But it wasn't over, the three-handed golden sword flickered in space, suddenly appeared, fell from the air, and chopped ten bloodshots into two pieces on the spot.

With a bang, the broken bloodshot bounced back into the silver cymbal.

There was a smirk in his cold face: "Not only did he not ask for mercy, but he dared to fight back!"

Bounce back his bloodshot, and dare to chase it while he has the potential to give him a sword!

In times of crisis, people will indeed be out of instinct and have no fear of danger, but like Su Yu, who dares to attack in the opposite direction is not instinct, but a conscious act.

This shows that Su Yu is not afraid of him!

"If I didn't say you touched something you should touch, I might still forgive your life. Now, since you moved that thing, there is no way to make you alive!" The silver-faced face was killing Bi Sheng.

For some reason, Su Yu took Jiubi Lingzhu, and he had a heart to kill Su Yu. Even killing Su Yu was more important than regaining Jiubi Lingzhu!

"Dead!" The silver cricket snorted coldly, and his whole body was blood red, which was the result of countless bloodshots pouring out of the pores!

Suddenly, the silver puppet was like a volcano, spewing trillions of blood lines from the body!

Su Yu froze in her heart, instilling her energy into the blue beads.

The blue ball shot a blue beam of light on the spot, covering Su Yu.

嗤嗤嗤 ——

Then, the blue beam of light was devoured by the sea of ​​blood!

Infinite blood lines hit the pillar of light, and the surface is covered with dense ripples!

However, this is only the first wave of bloodlines, and there are endless bloodlines behind!


After a while, the blue beam of light made an overwhelming shattering sound, and a hairline crack was spreading directly in front of the beam of light!

A bloodline struggled out of the crack and shot straight at Su Yu!

Su Yu held the golden sword in her hand and cut it off!

However, the blue beam of light can no longer hold up!

That fine slit had gradually expanded to half a beam of light, and the crack gradually thickened, and dense blood lines were pouring in through the crack.

Looking at the **** world outside, everyone changed into despair.

Even Fei Xian-level white swords died without a bone, let alone a half-immortal?

Su Yu held the golden sword in one hand and cut off the incoming bloodline, while the other hand clenched suddenly!

The surrounding air once again frantically gathered in the palm of Su Yu and was constantly compressed.

Soon, an eye-ball-shaped, ink-filled ball was spinning in Su Yu's palm.

The thunder and lightning caused by friction with the air emits a slight thunder, and a horrible compression force seems to burst out!

At the same time, Su Yu's palms were dripping with blood, almost flesh and blood.

The entire arm can hear a constant clicking sound, which is the sound that the bones cannot withstand the heavy pressure and are breaking!

His entire right arm, as expected by the ghost king, if it is forced to perform a second time, it is likely to be abolished.

Right now, it's not far from the entire arm being destroyed!

Fortunately, Su Yu has had several experiences of refining. Although the physical body is not necessarily strong, it is also slightly stronger than the same level. This arm can barely support it!


The beam of light shattered, and the sea of ​​blood swept!

Su Yu no longer hesitated, the black ball in the palm flew!

Everywhere we pass, the space is crushed into pieces, not to mention the sea of ​​blood?

The overwhelming sea of ​​blood was crushed by a space of black **** to create a huge gap!

A ray of sunlight fell down, giving Su Yu the feeling of seeing the sky again.

Time was short, and Su Yu didn't delay. She stepped on the blue beads, followed the black ball, and skyrocketed!

But in an instant, Su Yu rushed out of the sea of ​​blood and rushed to the top gap of the White Bone Hall!

The silver flashed for a moment, and the face flashed with an unexpected color. Obviously, Su Yu could launch this level of attack!

Its power is even stronger than the ordinary early flying fairy!

However, what made the silver cricket unexpected was that Su Yushi exhibited this attack, which was not affected by the rules of the Heavenly God Pavilion and showed no sign of being transmitted!

That's why he was so ecstatic!

He calmed down, he didn't have much anxiety, and nostril hummed, "You want to run away from the seat of this seat, you can't underestimate me!"

Speaking, the body's silver light flashed into a residual image, and it caught up in an instant!

Using his palm as a knife, he made a long space crack in the air and chopped it on Su Yutian Linggai.

Its action is like lightning. When people react, most of them have fallen directly.

Su Yu was calm, with a thunderous long sword shaking in his sleeve, holding it with his left hand, instilling a strong infuriating spirit, and chopped off in a bang!

Suddenly, a fifty-foot sword, like thunder, cut through space.

"Thunder artifact semi-finished artifact?" The silver badger was surprised again!

However, there was no fear on his face: "The sword is very strong. If there is a mid-term flying fairy holding it, I will still be afraid of it for a while, but unfortunately ..."

Saying, cut it off without fear!

噗嗤 ——

The fifty-foot thunder sword energy was actually turned down by this palm and rushed back to Su Yu!

On the other hand, there are no scars on the silver palms!

That fifty-foot thunder sword qi rolled back at a speed more terrifying than the castration, sweeping Su Yu!

But Su Yu had no fear, but she let out a big sigh of relief, revealing such a look!

I saw his armor around him, and at the same time the blue beads under his feet once again sent out a beam of light, double protection, and trapped it firmly.

Kankan At this moment, the sword rolled up, causing a huge impact!

The blue light pillar card rubbed and shattered on the spot!

Geng Shi's armor also trembled fiercely, and the magical energy rolled!

Su Yu himself naturally suffered a strong shock, the blood in his body rolled endlessly, and there was a sweet smell in his throat.

However, because of this impact, Su Yu broke through the gap with an unstoppable castration!

Silver Yu Shi had a good taste, and Su Yu knew that the Thunder Sword could not hurt him at all, and deliberately performing it was just waiting for this rebound force!

"Use me?" Silver sneered sneered, a little more embarrassed!

If he hadn't entrusted him, how could he be used by such juniors?

However, before he could react, a black light trailed Su Yu and rushed out!

"Hum, I'm trying to die !!" Silvery furiously outraged ~ ~ fled from his eyes one after another!

His figure flickered, and he was about to rush out. Before leaving, he looked back coldly and looked at the only person left in the space, Sheng Xuelian!

Sheng Xuelian at this moment is still standing in place and has no intention of leaving.

There was no panic to the silver-faced eyes, so she looked up silently.

Yep? The silver badger looked at Sheng Xuelian's eyes deeply. It seemed that something had been found in her eyes. Half of them were slightly surprised: "You are ..."

Sheng Xuelian didn't speak, just smiled slightly.

The silver golem showed hesitation, and he groaned for a moment before he said, "Well, no matter whether you were invited by that person or not, let you go!"

After speaking, he broke out of the gap and hunted down Su Yu and the ghost king.

Sheng Xuelian stood on the spot, smiling without saying a word, her eyes were meaningful.

In addition, the update was at 11:30, writing was too fast, and many places were unsatisfactory, and it was being revised. It will be uploaded at 11:30.

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