The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 570: Fighting alone

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In the darkness, a great shore figure stepped out.

Blue face with fangs, entangled with ghosts, who is not the ghost king?

Su Yu didn't think that the other party happened to find this secret place, and the two met by accident!

You know, the ghost king fled in the other direction!

Suddenly in his heart, even the ghost king could easily find Su Yu, then wouldn't it be easier for the silver puppet?

The Ghost King looked at the empty right arm and chuckled, "Is it difficult to take my arm and sense your direction?"

Hearing that at the same time, Su Yu felt a little relieved at the same time.

In the real dragon continent, to show the sincerity of cooperation and to control the old man in his paintings for paralysis, he broke his arm, and that arm was in Su Yu's space ring.

It's too easy for Ghost King to sense the direction of his arm through the blood.

It's not that he's not hiding well, but that's the point.

"Do you have any advice? It's too late to hide now, and when the silver puppet comes, both of you and I don't want to escape." Su Yu secretly held the golden sword, but her face was very calm.

The ghost king grinned: "Of course it's your life! Take the things of the king, do you think you can live?"

The so-called things undoubtedly refer to the old man's golden ghost and heavenly map in the painting.

Su Yu looked faint: "Let me die, I'm afraid you don't have this ability yet. I have seen a few magic weapons. If you don't want to be fearless, let's avoid it."

"Hum!" The ghost king looked at Su Yu's right palm, sneer again and again: "You only have one thunder sword, and that cloud-shaped five-element array of beads, it will not be difficult to kill you ! "

After speaking, the inky figure of the ghost king disappeared into the darkness.

That powerful physique, the power that erupted, was even stronger than the early Fei Xian!

This powerful body, but stiffly resisted Su Yu's Vatican Eight Words and rescued Bai Zhe.

Even if touched by this body slightly, Su Yu will lose half her life!

However, Su Yu's face was flashing a few strange colors: "There is a way to deal with you!"

Raising his hand, a golden halo brought a series of golden lights from Su Yu's sleeve and flew to the ghost king!

Carving various essays on the golden ring, after instilling the vitality, eighteen clear Buddha statues appeared!

They vomited the Brahma, sang vigorously, and the golden Buddha light emitted illuminated the dark underground ruins to a golden color!

The power of the Golden Ring of the Town Ghost instilled in the spirit is more powerful than before!

This Buddhist treasure is the best restraint for the ghost king!

Seeing the advent of the golden ring, the ghost king was about to be trapped.

There was no fear on the ghost king's face, but he sneered sneerly: "I wonder if you are pregnant with a golden ring of ghosts? This killer, I am not surprised at all!"

As the words fell, a picture suddenly emerged from the ghost king's arms, and an old man standing upright in the picture emerged.

The body is transparent, and you can see the other side from this side.

This is the old man in the painting.

The soul is a spiritual level, which is hard to see with the naked eye, but the old man's soul is close to translucent, which is the extent to which the soul is extremely powerful and close to materialization.

God-level soul!

Where is the old man sacred in the painting, and why does he have the spirit of the Lord?

After the old man appeared, raise his hand and grab it in the void!

In a surprise scene, the golden ring of the ghost town refined by Su Yu immediately lost contact with Su Yu and was easily grasped by the old man.

"Use the old man ’s magic weapon to attack the old man, haha, young man, there is still much you need to learn." The old man in the painting sneered: "Give it up, the map of the heavens, and give you a happy."

Su Yu's expression was calm as ever: "I don't believe you dare to fight here! If we fight too fiercely, there will be fluctuations, I'm afraid it's easy to be sensed by the silver badger!"

"The silver badger is not as good as a sword in white clothes. If he comes, you can't escape it! If the dead net is broken, I will be with you!"

The silver badger was a knife on all of them.

The weird thing is. Weird smiles appeared on the ghost king and the old man in the painting: "Hehe ... you are still young!"

"First, the old man has set up a formation in this ruin. No matter how fierce we are, the fluctuations will not spread! Second, the old man thinks that you do not have the ability to fight the old man fiercely!"

In the end, the business was suddenly cold, and a pair of old eyes shot cold and cold.

The Ghost King was also stunned, and his intention to kill rose.

However, weirdly, after listening, Su Yu smiled strangely: "You can be prepared, I will rest assured!"

Yep? The ghost king and the old man chattered slightly, listening to Su Yu's meaning, he seemed to be looking forward to such a situation!

Could it be an ambush around?

Looking closely, they did not see any dangerous ambush.

"Hum, pretend, the town's golden ring is lost, what kind of support do you still have?" The ghost king lengheng, the figure disappeared like a wind again.

Su Yu did not want to, but sacrifice Qiankun Thunder Sword from the palm of his hand. One sword swept away, and the fifty-foot Thunder sword illuminated the dark world.

Also reflected the ghost king's nagging body clearly.

The Ghost King was a little daunted, but instead of backing down, he was tough with a strong flesh!

The blow came, and the sword gas was blown away, and the Thunder only dimmed the ghost gas of the ghost king, and did not hurt much.

Suddenly, the ghost king had approached him.

Su Yu was on her shoulder and was about to move away. Suddenly, her vest was cold, and a cold voice came from behind her with no sign: "Boy, it's over!"

The old man in the painting took advantage of Su Yu's distraction, and the teleportation usually reached behind him, taking the key.

Almost instinctively, a blue beam of light flashed under Su Yu's feet, and a blue beam of light shrouded it.

The old man in the painting shook his head coldly: "Useless, the defense of a semi-finished spirit can't stop the old man!"

With a click, the blue beam of light seemed to respond to the old man's words, and the response broke!

That old, transparent palm, straight from Su Yu's vest.

However, there was a smile on the corner of Su Yu's mouth: "Is it? One is unstoppable, so what?"


The space suddenly trembled ~ ~ Four different colored **** appeared at the same time in Su Yu's whole body!

Form a circle with the blue ball, and wrap the ghost king, the old man in the painting and Su Yu at the same time!

Five-colored beams of light rose into the sky, forming a five-colored seal, trapping them all.

"What? The complete Yungan Five Elements Array? Don't you only have one bead?" The ghost king was astonished!

The old man in the painting also changed dramatically!

How did they know that this was a deliberate act by Su Yu. Except for Lu Chuyi and Sheng Ge, probably no one had seen Su Yu in control of the full set of Yungan five elements, all thinking it was only the elder of Zongmen, lending him a defense That's it.

Su Yu flickered, passed through the light curtain of the seal without any hindrance, stood outside the seal, and chuckled: "You may be right, we may not fight fiercely."

"You're done, then, it's my turn!" The cold light flashed in Su Yu's eyes.

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