The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 576: Thunder Destruction

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On the horizon, a white figure rushed forward with a colorful jade seal.

Behind the figure in white, a whole-body purple tadpole was roaring and chasing.

Where the little beast passed, Tian Lei rolled, countless purple thunders, spraying from within his body.

The purple thunder is very terrifying, and it is not weaker than the black calamity!

"Master!" The figure in white came hurriedly, gray-faced and shameless, and his clothes were smashed by thunder and lightning, and his skin was fleshy in many places.

That colorful jade seal is exactly the five elements of Su Yu's thunder mark!

The figure in white is a disciple of Yufengmen and a teacher of Zheng Zhijing.

That day, in front of the stone statue forest, the two of their teachers and brothers tried to misbehave Xia Jingyu, Zheng Zhijing fled, and the teacher was subdued.

Su Yu arranged him to do one thing secretly, and now it finally comes in handy.

"Thunderstorm? How can there be thunderstorm here?" The expression of the demon stiffened again, and he sank, "Muffy, is the thunder spirit sealed in the Five Mountains in the legend?"

Lu Chuyi once told Su Yu that Wuyue has two dangers.

The first is the guardian's pulse, and they will do everything possible to kill the entrant.

The second type is even more dangerous. There is a thunder spirit hidden in this mountain. The Lord ’s power is also dangerous and unpredictable. So far no one knows where the thunder spirit is sleeping.

In the place of perception and inheritance, Su Yu once felt a terrible breath sleeping underground.

At that time, Su Yu knew that it was Ray Ling!

Among the Five Mountains, the most terrible existence is in the Heavenly God Pavilion.

So after grabbing the Yufengmen disciple, he made a few arrangements and awakened this sleeping Thunderling in a critical moment!

The effect of the five elements of the Thunder Seal is to absorb the thunder of the world. If it absorbs the thunder spirit, it will awaken it from a deep sleep. Now it seems that everything is as expected.

Lei Ling was enraged, and chased the brother and sister in white holding Lei Yin, the five elements.

call out--

After a few breaths, my brother in white flew over, and the five elements in the palm of the eye during the lock-up period of the magic eye took a breath and said, "Baby fairy?"

He hesitated, a few struggles flashed in his eyes, and finally gave up.

That Lei Ling, however, is chasing after the Five Elements, Lei Yin!

The brother in white returned to Su Yu without hindrance, and returned the five elements of Lei Yin, and then stood behind Su Yu in fear, looking at the thunder with great fear, and his heart was afraid and angry.

When Su Yu explained the task, he just let him hide in the place where he felt the heritage.

I thought it was an ambush or something. Who would have expected him to provoke the legendary Thunder Spirit!

That's not even the power of God's Lord.

Along the way, if there is a weak thunderbolt in the Thunder Seal of the Five Elements, barely resisting Yu Wei from the Thunder Spirit, he has long since died.

"Good job." Su Yu took the five elements of Lei Yin, smiled slightly, and immediately raised his hand to dissolve the prohibition of Master Bai.

"you can go now."

Brother Shiyi was overjoyed, overjoyed, and left immediately.

The purple thunder spirit glanced at him, but he didn't bother.

His eyes were staring at the five elements of Lei Yin in Su Yu's palm, but his fear of this object was extraordinary.

The demon turned his eyes, and while Lei Ling hadn't noticed himself, he pinched Shengge's neck. The demon shadow flickered, and he wanted to pull back.

However, at this moment, a pink mist suddenly appeared on the whole body of the shadow.

A palm-sized little pink unicorn with a colorful jade seal in his mouth is a thunderbolt of five elements.

Look at Su Yu again, the five elements in the palm of the hand Lei Yin has long disappeared!

Little Kirin hugged Lei Yin cheerfully and ran around the magic for a week.

Mo Yizhang: "The true larva?"

She was so surprised! But I didn't think too much about it, and I was a little bit puzzled!

Looking sideways, Xu Lei Ling's attention fell on him along with the Five Elements Lei Yin!

"Sin beast!" At this glance, the demon was seen to be frightened. On restraint, thunder was the real nemesis of the devil, not to mention the thief in front of him! !!

He roared and patted Xiaoqilin with one palm!

But the little unicorn hummed gently in the nostril, the whole body of pink mist flashed, and the five elements of the thunder mark, from the physical to nothingness.

Let the magic be strong, but why not have a little unicorn.

Moreover, the little unicorn after the vanishing stunned Lei Yin, and still kept turning around the magic.

Enraged in the devil's heart, he fled without further hesitation!

But Lei Ling already reacted!

Just listening to it roar, the thunder roaring between the heavens and the earth, a thick purple lightning, with the hesitation of the heavens and the earth, bang came!

The face of the devil changed drastically, and Sheng Ge was blocked in front of him if he didn't want to. It was the same as before.

But at this moment, the magic palm suddenly emptied, but it was the little unicorn who opened his mouth and sucked Shengge away from the magic!

Later, it turned into nothingness.

The purple thunder, without any hindrance, bombarded the demon.


With a scream of sorrow, within three feet of the devil's body, he was all within the attack range of the thief.

Although he tried to stop, but this time, he still turned all the scales on him into nothingness!

The soul body is as thin as a cloud of smoke and extremely weak.

After finally absorbing the silver puppet, it was restored to the late stage of Fei Xian, but was returned to its original shape by a thunder, and now barely maintains the level of Fei Xian in the early days.

The thunderbolt's restraint is evident.

Little unicorn hugs the Five Elements and Leiyin, laughs in the air, rolls in the air, and the little hoof keeps making gestures. It seems to be gloating, who made you bully my master.

Seeing his attack, Lei Ling had no reason to be thunder, and was a little angry, reading a purple thunderbolt.

There was a thunder, and the thunderstorm came again, but the little unicorn that could be turned away had no effect. He watched with a smile as the thunder screamed and the two hoofs clapped their palms in excitement.

After two bombing raids, this demon has only a thin layer of soul, and even his consciousness is blurred!

It can be said that it is almost gone.

"Oh ~~" Lei Ling fiercely waved the beast claw at Xiao Qilin, very annoyed.

Little Unicorn has a high head, stretches out a small hoof, raises the largest claw, then flips over and points to the ground!

This rather modern gesture of contempt made Su Yu startled and laughed for a while.

Lei Ling froze, scratching his head suspiciously. Although he didn't understand the meaning of the gesture, he instinctively understood that it was not a good metaphor, and he could not help but grin.

However, Lei Ling was not stupid. When he turned his eyes, he found that Xiao Qilin seemed to anger it and attack the monster.

With a fierce grin, Lei Ling patted his buttocks, turned around and swung away, not knowing where to go.

Little Kirin grinned, holding the Five Elements and Lei Yin, and returned to Su Yu's side, proudly leaning on his small head, showing his intentions.

"I'll give you a reward later." Su Yu said, his eyes were still locked on the magic, and he did not relax.

With a movement in his heart, Su Yu's eyes shot a white flame, covering the demon's body.

The demon in a coma is burned by the soul flame without any resistance, and the soul body gradually becomes nothing.

Finally, it turned into a black cloud of dust and fell to the ground.

In the smoke, a piece of black hair was drifting slowly.

Su Yu's eyes flickered, her sleeves rolled, and the black hairs rolled up in the air.

This hair is about three inches long, straight and hard, like a steel needle!

In the hair, silver feathers still have a trace of magic!

"Is this the essence of the demon?" Su Yu was surprised.

But at this time, a weak voice came from deep in the ground: "No, it's just a hair of the devil !!!"

The earth squirmed, a half-foot-tall ghost, crawled out of the ground extremely weakly.

Look at the body, who is not the ghost king who has been killed by the demon?

Compared to the previous, the current ghost king is weak to the limit, and the strength is not as good as the demigod. If Su Yu wants to kill him, it will not be difficult.

It's no surprise that Su Yu wasn't dead. As early as when the devil exploded his body, Su Yu found that there was a whistle of ghost king underground.

Want to come, the tall body is just the ghost king's golden cicada shelling.

"You mean, the demon I encountered is actually just a hair of the real monster?" Su Yu was so terrified that a hair was so terrible. What is the devil?

The ghost king condenses his head: "Well, it's just a hair! The old guy of the soul body has both the Buddhist treasure and the devil's hair. If I guessed right, he probably accidentally broke into a battle between the demon and the Buddha The ruins of the Buddha were treasured by the Buddha, and were invaded by the hair of the devil. "

"Now, these are all yours." The ghost king was shocked, and Su Yu hid as much as possible, and was astounded!

Then, that thunderstorm, Su Yu had already taken precautions!

This child's deliberateness and prudence, Rao is the ghost king who has gone through storms and has to serve. This child can break into the current situation all the way, not by accident.

"This devil's sweat hair contains pure magic power, and it is the ultimate material for making magical magic! It is not surprising that if you give it to the master of the refiner, you can make excellent spiritual artifacts. It is not necessary to make a fairy! "

Fairy? Su Yu was so excited! He didn't even have a few finished artifacts ~ ~ let alone an immortal?

The preciousness of the devil's hair is beyond imagination! !!

Its value is not even weaker than the best materials such as Huang Quanzhu and Huang Haizhu!

After a big fight, finally no effort was wasted!

Carefully seal the devil's sweat hair, Su Yu then raised her hand and grabbed the melted silver badger.

The energy of the silver puppet was sucked up and cleaned by the devil, and the consciousness was also very vague. Now it is just a very hard silver metal, just like scrap iron.

Thinking back to this moment, what awesomeness was there when we were born? Lu Chuyi, the Lord's mighty power, will retreat from his home.

It is regrettable that it devoured countless creatures madly, but its final destiny was devoured by the devil!

Heavenly cycle, retribution unhappy!

It is such a result that it is considered retribution!

Kowloon Shending

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