The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 640: Deal with matters

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The Eight Holy Lords followed Su Yu's eyes, and his heart was a little stunned and his expression was awkward: "This jade box is called a magic box, its origin is unknown, but after a celestial meteorite fell to Zhongzhou, it was found from the meteorite, a total of five Later, I noticed that the floating door in the jade box was sealed by the Kyushu Emperor. The other one was handed over to the King of Zhongzhou to investigate the history. However, the King of Zhongzhou finally unlocked the secret of the magic box and summoned the true demon, which seriously injured the King of Kyushu. "

"In this trip, we were ordered by the King of Zhongzhou to collect the other four magic boxes. The jade box in the hands of the early Jiesun was one of the four magic boxes. Our attack on the Heaven Alliance was actually for it. . "

The devil's hair that Su Yu encountered in the Heavenly Gods Pavilion is the hair of this real devil.

A hair is still so terrible, how powerful is the body?

"How to summon?" Su Yu's heart glowed. If she could figure out the secret to open the floating door, wouldn't she be invincible?

The matter did not go as Su Yu wished, and the Eight Holy Lords smiled bitterly: "It is so secretive that only the King of Zhongzhou knows it, and it is impossible to spread it."

In this regard, Su Yu was disappointed for a while, but it was also expected that he could seriously hurt the true demon of the Emperor Kyushu.

Looking at the jade box, Su Yu nodded secretly.

"Your Lord wants to know. I have already explained everything in the following, and I hope you can give a way of life." Said the Eight Holy Lord in his heart.

Su Yu nodded without thinking: "Well, it's okay to spare your life, but you know too much, and it is naturally impossible to let you go back. From now on, you will stay in Tiandao League and defend the true dragon continent."

唰 ——

After speaking, Su Yu floated in the palm of his hand and banned the fusion of thunder and soul.

The Eight Masters smiled bitterly, and seemed to know that this would be the result. They released their souls very frankly and accommodated the prohibition.

Xinlei * entered the body, and the Eight Holy Lords realized the power of it. The soul in forbiddenness was closely connected with Su Yu. With only Su Yu's thought, he could detonate the thunder and destroy his soul.

"I've seen the owner without a trace." The Eight Saints knelt on one knee.

"Just call my son-in-law, and it's easy to do things." The word master is spoken from a Feixiankou. For Su Yu, it's a noticeable trouble.

Su Yu nodded: "Well, you want to go out with me and solve the matter of Tiandao League."

Tap your toes lightly, and the two grabbed the early ancestors, such as Feiyan passing through the void and reaching ten feet high.

Looking down, Tiandaomeng, a huge lake, has melted into a pool of unknown liquid, forming a lake that is a hundred feet wide.

All the items in the warship sank into the bottom of the lake.

Perseverance and perseverance, the former glorious alliance of heaven and earth, reduced to a swamp, it is regrettable.

There were more than ten thousand crew members who were immortal, all of them were embarrassed, standing around in a messy and messy manner.

There are crying for relatives and friends, sad faces for homelessness, hopelessness for the future, helplessness and panic about losing home.

Fortunately, despite the destruction of the Heavenly Alliance, the appeal of the leader of the Dragon King Heart is still there, and people are gathered together one after another.

"Predecessor Su." Long came over with all his heart, respectfully.

Su Yu's heart sank: "How about the loss?"

Long Ju's heart was full of sadness: "Hundreds of people were killed or injured, the warship was destroyed, everything in the ship was damaged, except for the items that everyone brought with them, the rest were sunk into the lake, and Chen was taking people. rescue."

"Can the warship be restored again?" Su Yu looked at the liquid in a lake with a curious light.

Long absolutely shook his head: "The material of the warship is nine days of black water. It is in a liquid state without refining. After refining, it will become a solid state! But this water can only be refined once, and then It turns back into a liquid, and eventually freezes on its own, and can no longer be used. "

Sure enough, the Baizhang Lake was gradually condensing and solidifying.

Among them, Chen Lao, who was salvaged, hurriedly withdrew from the lake.


It was only a short while before the rippling lake was turned back into a stone grey boulder.

"Leader." Elder Chen and several other elders, embarrassed, each carrying a few pitiful things: "Only rescue these things from the storeroom."

The fifteen elders only got dozens of bottles of elixir and some valuable exercises, as well as a few magic soldiers and the like.

These things are not enough for tens of thousands of people to use for half a day.

The rest is petrochemically treated by the liquid, and even breaking a petrochemical lake is useless.

"Is this all left ..." Long Juxin's lips were trembling, his expression was bleak, and Tiandao League was really ruined in his hands.

"Also ask the leader to give directions." Chen Lao said, at this moment tens of thousands of people have nowhere to stay, without the backbone.

Long laughed at himself, what else did he instruct? There are no resources available, no place to stay, the hearts of the heavenly alliance are disheartened, and there is no possibility of regrouping.

At this moment, the five of Xiao Sui glanced at each other secretly, Xiao Sui said painfully: "Leader, the demise of Tiandaomeng, you can't blame you completely. You have worked hard, no need to blame, now we are still in danger, or let everyone quickly Scatter and leave, let's go our separate ways. In the future, it's all up to them to make a difference. "

Hearing that the hearts of the people were even more disturbed, and there was a lot of talk, and the scene suddenly showed signs of getting out of control.

Dissolution from an elder's mouth means that the Heavenly Alliance is really about to dissolve.

"Shut up!" Chen Lao drank violently, burning his heart with anger. At such a critical moment, Xiao Sui not only did not try to settle the people's hearts, but also advocated dissolution. It was disturbing and horrible!

Xiao Sui's face was cold, and he said coldly, "Elder Chen, please recognize the reality! Because of your weakness, the dissolution of the Heavenly Alliance is imperative. Now that everyone is looking for a place to live and stand, it is better than being helpless. "

Chen Lao's heart was even more angry: "Wait! You mean, because of us, Tiandaomeng disintegrated?"

Xiao Suiheng said, "Isn't it? Who has broken the heart of the Tao of Heaven? Needless to say?"

In this case, Chen Laoyou was so angry that he couldn't speak out. In the face of Fei Xian, even if they had a hundred heavenly hearts, they could not keep it.

"If you have nothing to say, shut up!" Xiao Sui swaggered, looking at Xianglong with desperation: "I also hope that the lord will order it, for the sake of everyone."

Long Juxin's heart was shaking, Xiao Sui said, maybe it makes more sense that he can no longer shelter enough people, there is no impeccable warship, and no resources to supply 10,000 people. The disintegration of Tiandao League is inevitable.

"For the sake of everyone? For yourself?" Just then, a slightly cold voice came from behind Dragon's heart.

唰 ——

At the same time, the flying shadow flickered, and the Eight Holy Lords did not have traces as if they were searching for sacs. They easily took out several items from Xiao Suihuai. They were impressively ten bottles of elixir, as well as several books of true spirits and several soldiers.

"Hehe, in this situation, I want to make a fortune and leave. Even if Tiandao League does not die today, it will one day be wiped out." Rao was unable to read without a trace and sneered.

Chen Lao took a closer look and couldn't help but be furious: "Xiao Sui! Do you dare to rob while on fire? Will the salvage items be kept private?"

Long Juxin is even more angry and angry, Tiandao League has not been disbanded yet, he has never died, Xiao Sui dare to be so brazen!

Seeing this, more than ten thousand alliance members were uproar.

No wonder he actively promoted the dissolution of Tiandao League. It turned out that he was going to run for a sum!

This move really caused public outrage.

"This kind of person is not worthy of being an elder!"

"Hey, I once thought that Elder Xiao Sui was just right. He turned out to be a villain with different appearances!"


The controversy continued, and everyone seemed to find a vent of sorrow and anger in unanimity.

At this moment, Xiao Sui fell into a state of betrayal.

Xiao Sui's face was ugly. He couldn't understand. How could Su Yu notice that he carefully hid the items?

How could he know that Su Yu's seemingly bright eyes, in fact, could not see anything, but could see the eyes of the soul through perspective.

"Okay! Okay, I am out of this class of scum!" Dragon was obviously irritated with anger: "You are indeed not qualified to continue to serve as the elder of the heavenly league! Now, as the leader of the alliance, I announce that my elder position will be removed! Get out of here now! You don't need you!

Xiao Sui wriggles his muscles, with a hint of anger. When he wanted to come, he dedicated so much to Tiandao League, without hard work and hard work, but was eventually expelled because of a few things. !!

"Okay! I'm leaving!" Xiao Sui walked away, he thought he would leave, but did not expect to lose such a reputation, leaving in the disdain of Tiandao League.

However, just after he left, Su Yu said, "What is this? Let me see."

I saw Su Yu frown slightly, staring at a sealed scroll among the undiscovered items.

Without a trace, he looked down, and when his eyes fell on the scroll, he was surprised: "The scroll of space? Although the production is rough, but the material seems a bit special ..."

The next words, he did not continue, but offered it to Su Yu.

Grabbing it, Su Yu looked at it for a moment, and she was puzzled: "Dragon Alliance, the materials of the scroll are generally the same as those of the warship? Is this material also available to the elders?"

Long stunned and looked at the scroll, and he couldn't help but be surprised: "Nine days of mysterious water? Impossible, this kind of material is a top-secret material in Tiandao League and cannot be distributed to the elders. Only the masters of the past can master it, and the storage room, he It is impossible to enter. "

Not even a piece of flying fairy like ~ that purple-haired demon youth can enter, let alone Xiao Sui?

In this case, where did Xiao Sui's materials come from?

At the same time doubts arose.

Xiao Sui was stiff and his heart beating. The four elders were hard to look at the same time and were extremely nervous.

"Xiao Sui, Jiutian Xuanshui, where did you get it? In this case, you'd better give an account before leaving!"

Xiao Sui's eyes turned, his face was turned tightly, and he hummed, "I've come from my own place, anyway, it's not stolen from the storeroom, do I still need to explain it to you?"

For a time, the dragon could not help but shake it up. Could it be that the Heaven Continent had another nine days of mysterious water, apart from the Heaven Alliance?

The other party's appearance of such a rogue made Long heartless and uncontrollable. In public, he was inconvenienced to convict the crime.

Seeing why he didn't want the other party, this was Su Yu's faint saying: "Expand the scroll first, and see what's going on inside?"

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