The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 59: Blue clouds

Wu Qiu's long sword star eyes bounced back and forth between Taishi and Bai Qixiong, as well as the comatose Chen Weiwei.

告诉 "Tell me, what's going on?" Qiu Changjian looked coldly at Bai Qixiong.

At this glance, Bai Qixiong was so shocked that his eyes were stinging, and he couldn't look at Qiu Changjian!

Bai Qixiong intentionally concealed, but under the eyes of Qiu Changjian, his courage to lie was gone!

Even the monarch has never put him under such pressure!

I learned that things had happened, and among Qiu Changjian's stars, Mori was cold: "Follow me!"

唰 ——

Wu Qiu's long sword drifted towards the capital!

Uh ...

The emperor is in prison.

In a cell, a middle-aged man described his withered hair and messy hair.

Your right arm is empty, but a one-armed prisoner.

The man raised his head slightly, looking through the sky cell skylight, looking up at the Cangyuan sky.

"Xianer, Yuer, should be stable." The man's vicissitudes of face, with kindness and comfort.

Hit him, it's King Fairy County!

In the past, the gods had a handsome face and no longer existed. They were only thin and shy, lonely and lonely.


The prison door chain was opened, his face was as cold as iron, and two big men behind him.

The king of Xianxian County had no joy or sorrow, and turned calmly. Although his voice was hoarse, he had calmness: "Finally, come on!"

It's just a matter of time before the eldest son of Emperor Wu is going to get rid of him sooner or later.

To this day, he was already waiting.

Wu Xian'er and Su Yu are safe and sound. He has no concerns in his heart and can die easily.

Mingyue was bleak and the stars were dim. In the boundless night, the Empire's execution ground was brightly lit.

The king of Xianxian County knelt down in Xingtai, looking calm, his eyes calm.

"The king of Xianyu County rebelled against the rebellion, the crime is so horrendous, to be beheaded tonight!" The judge sentenced coldly.

He paused for a moment, and the judge said indifferently, "Before death, is there a last word?"

Although the king of Xianxian County was reduced to a prisoner with an air of temperament, he was still a county king.

He raised his head slightly, and the king of Xianyu County stared at the starry sky with a dull look: "Last words? Tell the great prince, someday, someone will take his head for me!"

The corner of his mouth was filled with a smile of relief: "One of the proud things of the king's life is not that he holds one party in power, but that he assigns Xianer to Su Yu. He has such a strong feeling that he will return one day. Revenge for the capital! "

At this point, the king of Xianba County is convinced!

Xuan Xuanxuan's Lengheng said: "Big words! My official chopped you today, and tomorrow will chop Su Yu. You are plotting to treason and killing the imperial family, and you deserve to be guilty!"

王 King Fairy County King with a bland expression, his expression froze slightly: "Su Yu?"

Wu Suyu was in the Phoenix Empire, and tomorrow he asked what it meant?

The executioner sneered: "King of Fairy County, don't you know yet, your son-in-law is at the gate meeting, trying to hit the stone with a pebbles to save you."

"What?" The fairy feather king of Furui no wave, pupil shrinking!

The sudden news came as if thunder bombed the mind.

In order to save him, Su Suyu came to the capital not far away?

Doesn't he know that with his power, there is only one way to fight against imperial power?

他 Didn't he know that the emperor's capital is the base camp of the great prince, did he go back?

Did he not know that at the Holy Gate Conference, his hopes for turning around are slim, less than one ten thousandth?

Hit him, why did you do that?

The king of Xianxian County moved violently in his heart. He was old and couldn't help shaking, a pair of vicissitudes of eyes, rolled down two lines of old tears!

Lips trembled, and the king of Xianyu County's throat seemed to be blocked by something, both sad and comforting!

Qixianyu County, thousands of miles away from the imperial capital, Su Yu had to avoid the assassination and hurried away. How did he get to the imperial capital? Has anyone been bullied on the road? Are you hungry? Did it freeze? Now ... how is it?

At this point, the king of Xianyu County was guilty and indignant, with a self-blame in his chest.

He is the one who affected Su Yu and the child!

He thought that Su Yu would take revenge for him, but never thought that, in order to save him, Su Yu came to the Imperial City without looking back!

"Yuer ... why are you so stupid? For me, this old bone, are you worth it?" The old king of Xianyu County cried in tears.

The judge was cold and ruthless, and reached out and dropped the token: "Cut!"

The executioner raised his huge knife, cold blade, under the quiet moonlight, exuding cold and cold mang!

"Yuer! You, live!" The sword was cut off, and the king of Xianyu County burst into tears, roaring with desolation.

A skull flew in midair, drawing a beautiful arc.

Holy Gate Arena, the ultimate battle!

Yun Su Yu and Du Yuntian!

One member is unknown, and the other is full of reputation.

At the end of a strong crossbow, a day used to hit the sky.

Strong and weak, it seems that the war has not yet begun, and it is doomed.

Du Yuntian was holding a dreary long sword in his arms, his eyes were indifferent: "It's okay to come to this step, but that's it!"

铿锵 ——

云 Du Yuntian's long sword came out of the sheath, like a cold cold light, cut through the sky, and held it in his palm.

For those who understand the Holy Gong and other exercises, it is worth Du Yuntian's sword!

But, it's just drawing swords!

"Cangliu Cold Sword!" Du Yuntian's long sword was cut off.

Xuan Jianguang is cold and cold.

It seems like snow and cold light, lingering in the night.

This sword is astonished, it cuts through the sky and pierces Su Yu's deadly vital heart—heart! !!

The **** inspected Qiqi discoloration, and the holy gate conference clearly stated that killing was strictly prohibited.

However, Du Yuntian's move clearly defied the rules of the Sanctuary Convention and killed in public!

The old skin of Wuliehuoge was slightly trembling, and then returned to indifference: "The sword has no eyes, what a fuss? Du Yuntian has his own size!"

In addition to Fang Yun's secret surprise, the twelve inspectors looked scared. Du Yuntian's posture, where is his own right? Definitely killed Su Yu!

The old and self-serving old firehouse was too favoritism. In order to maintain Du Yuntian, he even abandoned the rules!

However, the twelve inspectors were embarrassed and did not dare to dispute.

The holy gate convention of the Fengfeng Lin Empire has always been responsible for Liehuoge. It can be said that he covered the sky with one hand.

Today's matter, he can completely suppress it with one hand.

Twelve inspectors, although they could not bear it, could not help, and cast sympathy on Su Yu.

This is a contest that is already doomed to win or lose. Su Yu should not come to the capital.

Cangliu cold sword, killing intentions!

Pu Suyu's pupils shrank slightly, her heart was cold.

At this moment, Su Yu has predicted.

一 His blockbuster is bound to cause the great prince to panic. In order to eradicate the future trouble, he will never be allowed to enter the sanctuary.

He put it to death on the ring, but it was his last stroke.

Yu Guang glanced at Lao Huo Ge Lao, the other side did not mean to stop it.

Su Suyu is cold-hearted, old and dignified, and she is openly arrogant, and regards the lives of others as ants!

"Purple Star God Thunder!" Su Yu punched angrily.

嗤 啦 ——

The purple thunder arc is jumping, full of destruction!


铿锵 ——

The two men shook their heads, Du Yuntian stayed in place, and Su Yu went back three steps.

There is a bloodstain on top of his fists.

Du Yuntian is repairing and absolutely suppressing Su Yu!

At the same time, "Purple Star God Thunder" only understands the fur, even the first layer of Chengdu has not reached. Although the power is great, it is difficult to make up for the realm gap.

云 Du Yuntian was stunned. He confidently killed Su Yu with one sword, but he only made the other three steps backwards, leaving only a bloodstain in his fists.

With narrowed eyes, Du Yuntian's face was cold and murderous: "The next sword, give you a death!"

"Cangliu Feiyun Sword!"

嗖 ——

The air screams, Du Yuntian's cold sword, and the white light flows instantly!

It looks like a scorching sun, it is dazzling and difficult to look straight at.

Thirteen inspectors, all changed in color, took a sigh of relief: "Excellent exercises, great success!"

In the eyes of the old and indifferent of Xie Liehuoge, he was pleased. Under his guidance, Du Yuntian made rapid progress, realizing that the first-class exercises were complete and reasonable.

The next step is to point him to the enlightenment and other exercises.

He is very satisfied with his self-imposed apprentice.

Strike this sword, cut the head of Su Yu's head straight!

Feeling the intense crisis, Su Yu's eyes suddenly cooled.

Breathed briefly, and instantly fell into a wonderful state.

At this moment, he seemed to enter the painting, associate with heaven and earth, and integrate with nature.

In the audience's vision, the purple figure seems to be out of the ordinary and become a person in the realm of painting.

Qi Suyu raised her finger high, and then underlined.

This finger is like breaking the sky and breaking the **** of heaven and earth.

This finger is like breaking mountains and rivers, breaking through the sky.

手指 His fingers are very slow, which is in sharp contrast with Jingli Yijian's Cangliu Feiyun sword.

However, it is dangerous and dangerous, touching the tip of the streamer cold sword!

I cut a sword in the sky, and under this finger, sobbed!

蹭蹭 蹭 ——

云 Du Yuntian took three steps backwards, tingling in the tiger's mouth, and horrified in his eyes!

This is ... Holy!

Twelve inspectors, old firehouses, all moving!

Zheng Yilin's divine will, they looked dull and could not stand the waves.

Su Ke's sacred meaning, but they moved at the same time.

"Another saintly comprehension!"

"Good and powerful sacredness, far from being comparable to Zheng Yilin!"

Lao Lie Huo Ge ~ ~ The old skin is condensed for the first time. Such a powerful divine meaning is extremely rare. How did Su Yu do it? For a long while, the old nostril of Liehuoge hummed softly: "It's just a piece of fur, and the fire is average!"

督 Everyone inspects, the forehead is blue and straight, such a powerful divine meaning, is it normal?

For the old mind of Liehuoge, the inspectors really did not dare to compliment. In order to favor their own apprentices, they should not have an old face, and open their eyes to talk nonsense.

If there is no absolute repression for the rank, the baby apprentice in the old eyes of Lie Huo Ge is in the hands of Su Yu, maybe he can't even hold a trick.

蹭蹭 蹭 ——

Wu Suyu went back five steps, and his throat was sweet!

Even with the strongest sacred power, Su Yu still lost to Du Yuntian! !!

Absolute cultivation for repression, first-class exercises were completed, Su Yu encountered unprecedented rivals!

Feeling the pain in the tiger's mouth, Du Yuntian's eyebrows emerged from the sky, and he was the first generation of his generation to repel him when he gave the strongest blow!

"I see how long you can last!" Du Yuntian roared and took the initiative.

也 He also saw that Su Yu didn't feel good about taking a blow from him just now.

In addition, exerting the sacred meaning, the physical burden is extremely large, Su Yu's physical strength is extremely exhausted, it is difficult to continue the long battle!

铿锵 ——

云 Du Yuntian rushed up again and killed Su Yu in time!

Black Su flashed in the eyes of Su Suyu, an invisible sword, cut to Du Yuntian!

"Scared sword!"

嗤 啦 ——

The ghost sword is not in Du Yuntian's mind. Although he has the absolute level of suppression, he may not be able to die under the ghost sword, at least it can cause mental interference to him ~ ~ Welcome the readers to visit, the latest, fastest The hottest serial works are at ~ ~

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