The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 642: The beginning of the battle

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"Su Alliance Leader, where do we go from now on?" Chen Lao changed the Confederate Leader, and since Su Yu temporarily replaced Dragon Desperate, it is naturally acting as the Confederate Leader, calling the Confederate Leader should.

Everyone was shocked. Chen Lao asked what was their biggest concern.

For the homeless, it is imperative where to find a safe place.

Su Yu glanced for a week. Most of the 10,000 people were geniuses from all parts of the mainland.

How to place them safely is difficult for anyone.

Su Yu frowned, and asked without hesitation: "Where to go? We are the masters of Zhenlong Continent. Do n’t you think this is funny?"

Chen Lao's face turned red. As indigenous people of the real dragon continent, they were forced by outsiders to have nowhere to settle, which is really shameful.

"What does the Soviet Union leader mean?" Chen Lao asked in amazement, questioning.

"Certainly reclaiming our land!" Su Yu glanced out in his eyes.

"Does the leader of the Soviet Union want to go to war with another world?" Chen Lao was startled.

Su Yu bowed his head: "Apart from this, is it possible that people from other realms will return the occupied land to us?"

Their conversation was not intentionally covered up.

When they learned that they were about to start a war with Tiandao League again, everyone immediately became restless.

"Are we really going to fight with the other world? During our heyday, many forces in the United Mainland were defeated, let alone now?" Someone asked immediately.

"Indeed, we still want the leaders of the Soviet Union to think twice. Our juniors, regardless of strength or combat experience, are in the early stages. I am afraid it is difficult to exert effective power in the battlefield. We are not afraid of death, and we do not need to strangle.

"Yeah, leader, our immediate task is to find a place to stay and settle down. After we have accumulated enough strength, it is not too late to try to recover the river and mountains."


In the end, even Chen Lao could not help but shake, and he deeply questioned Su Yu's ability to preside over the overall situation.

They are so weak, go to war with the other world, isn't it moths who try to kill themselves?

"Leader of the Sumeng League, leaving Qingshan to worry about not having any firewood, it is better to discuss the matter from a long-term perspective, or to discuss it together when the leader of the Longmen wakes up, so sloppy, it may be difficult to convince the public." Chen Lao persuade.

Looking at the angry feelings, looking at Zhang's anxious face, Su Yu's face slowly cooled down.

A pair of eyes that were as deep as stars, with a chill slowly, where the eyes passed, the crowd clearly felt a coolness, and they calmed down.

In a short moment, the boiling audience gradually stabilized under the cold glance of Su Yu.

"Did you finish?" Su Yu asked lightly.

Only his voice echoed in the open wilderness, and no one responded.

Looking at them, Su Yu did not hide his disappointment: "There is a word, I wanted to say it a long time ago."

Yep? Everyone was worried, what did the trusted leader want to say to them?

"Are you really the hope of the future of the human race?" Su Yu looked at them, and then looked at the distant sky. In the eyes, there was only a distant sky, and they could not see their shadow at all.

What does this mean that many younger generations are disgusted? Suspected of their qualifications?

Some junior juniors are even more dissatisfied: "It was just three years before I was born, and I entered Tianji Shenge and got some good luck. My qualifications may not be worse than you!"

"Huh! I admit that you are terrific and famous in the mainland, but it is too crazy to degrade us so much, right?"


For Su Yu, many younger juniors have jealousy in awe. Who wants to admit that their peers who are similar to their own age and even much younger are already standing at the pinnacle of the mainland?

"When your home was occupied by the enemy, what were you doing?"

"When your friends and relatives were massacred by the enemy, what were you doing?"

"What are you doing when your woman suffers from enemies?"

"You are hiding in the Heaven Alliance, hiding in a tortoise shell that can settle down, stay out of the way, and stretch out!"

"When I raised the request to launch Guangfu Mountain, save your friends and relatives, and grab your women back, how did you answer?"

Su Yu's words were solemn and solemn, distant and misty, but like the same thunder, they bombarded everyone's heart and shocked their souls.

Yeah, what are they doing? When their gates were broken, when the brothers and sisters were massacred, and when the sisters and sisters suffered, where were they? In Heavenly Alliance, in a safe place, they silently looked at their friends and relatives, their brothers and sisters, and watched their divisions endure disaster.

However, they pretend to be invisible with the unreliable human race and hide in the heavenly league.

"If you are the future of the human race, I can only say that the human race has no future!" Su Yu said with a bit of sternness, a strong tone, and a loud voice: "The real human race hopes to be for your relatives and friends, for you Woman, throw your head and blood on all your loved ones and things, even if you only have one last breath, you can fight them to the end, instead of thinking about how to protect yourself and how to make yourself through disaster! "

"Rather than saying that you are the future of the human race, it is better to say that you are a group of self-deceiving cowards!"

The sight of blood stabbed their numb hearts.

For a long time, they will cover the future identity of the human race, conceal their inner weakness, and feel safe to enjoy the protection of the Heavenly Alliance.

At this moment, Su Yu was mercilessly pierced.

Many people were present, but the whole audience was dead and silent, because no one could speak at this time.

No one will say that they are cowards, and Heaven Alliance will not, because it is the responsibility of Heaven Alliance.

Their relatives and friends will not, because they pin their hopes on them.

Their women and men will not, because they want to escape them, they can stay alive and live.

Only Su Yu, outspoken, awakened them from the lies he had compiled.

Yes, they are a bunch of cowards!

A coward who watched his home destroyed and his loved ones disappear, but hid himself.

Chen Lao sighed silently, and had nothing to say. It was the default of Su Yu's words. In fact, not only were the younger juniors, but also the elders of the older generation did not deceive themselves? Like Xiao Sui, he believes that the Heavenly Alliance will never collapse and enjoy comfortably in the Heavenly Alliance, even if the mainland is turbulent, and it has no sense of crisis.

Standing in the heavenly alliance that will never fall, they are paralyzed, and unknowingly reduced to cowards in the turtle shell.

"Leader, let me join the battle." A hoarse voice sounded among the crowd.

From an inconspicuous corner, he stood trembling slightly for a young man, only thirty years old, but vicissitudes.

The empty left sleeve swayed gently in the cool wind, telling the sad experiences of the past.

A yellowish cheek full of dregs dazzled.

The supposedly handsome face was dull, and his eyes were bloodshot.

A line of muddy tears rolled down from the right eye, dripping down the cheek, and splattered into wet petal-like tears.

There was only one eye in tears, and his left eye had turned blind.

"The owner of the Antarctic Mountain, Du Ming." Someone recognized it.

"Antarctic villa was destroyed overnight, and the whole village was up and down, and none survived. That day was the day of Du Ming's big wedding. His bride was filial piety in front of him. His father and mother killed a blood path for him. He fell into a pool of blood, up and down the whole village, and only he escaped, but because of this he lost his left arm and left eye and came to Tiandao League, never saying a word. "

Du Ming Xiaother walked out of the crowd and turned his back to the people, but the incomplete figure touched them inexplicably.

"My parents died, Yaner died tragically, but only I lived alive. I have been thinking, will I have to run away in my life? Is it true that it is right to hide in the Heaven Alliance and become the future of the human race? Without me, Who will avenge the parents, without me, Yaner's blood, who will pay? "

"I've escaped once and can't escape a second time!"

"Leader, please let me participate, although I am disabled, my life is still alive! Let me use my last hand, in the last life, to kill an enemy for my parents and Yaner. Let me testify with my last eyes s future!"

The lonely back, screaming in the bottom, organized into a desolate picture.

As if they saw a burning life, for their loved ones, for their loved ones, and for all their loved ones, the last drop of **** heroes.

That dazzles, it hurts them.

At this moment, his back interpretation of the real human future.

"Leader, let me participate in the battle! Use the sword in my hand and the blood in my heart to compensate for it!" A figure emerged from the crowd.

"Let me also! Brother treats me like a brother, he died for me, I will fight for him, fight for his life!"

"And me, my sister's blood, can't flow in vain!"

"And I!!"

"And I!"

"and also.."

More and more people came out, more and more eyes were lit, and more and more figures shone.

They seem to rediscover the goal of struggle, and rediscover the meaning of life.

At this moment, they are the real human hope!

The crowd was infected, it was boiling, and the hard work for a long time, it was boiling!

The voices of all people converge ~ ~ The mighty momentum is like thunder and thunder, reaching the sky.

Facing such a momentum, Chen Lao was shocked to say that in his lifetime, he had never seen Tiandao League so united and boiling!

During the infection, even he was moved. Even when he was hundreds of years old, Gujing's unwavering heart even beat up, and the blood accelerated and began to boil.

"Lao Shi, this old man, the lord, let's call it as much as you like!" Chen Lao Cang Yan smiled, but the laughter was never bright and open-minded.

Looking at this scene, No Trace was shocked, but his face was slightly stiff.

From them, Wuchen felt a torrent of will!

Throughout the three years, Zhenlong and the other world war, he has never seen such a terrible will.

That is to sacrifice one's own life, to spare one's life, to shed blood on his head, and to disregard his will to fight!

One person may not be terrible, but one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand is enough to shake anyone!

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