The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 651: 0 miles on loan

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Su Yu pondered for a while: "Chen, the resources stored in the dynasty branch, can you count them?"

Mr. Chen Laobang: "Every kind of elixir, exercises, materials, treasures, etc., is enough for us to consume in January."

"January, it's not too bad." Su Yu's eyes flashed lightly, and there were not many garrisons in the dynasty branch. The top ten domain masters, one temple master, and a small number of silver clothes and purple clothes. .

Their resource consumption for one year, to maintain the consumption of 10,000 in January, is already the limit.

"The convening of the master of refining elixir in the alliance, as soon as possible, refining all kinds of elixir for improvement and giving priority to the best qualified alliance members, we are too weak," Su Yu commanded.

Prior to the First World War, the lack of combat power of the Celestial Alliance was exposed.

Ten thousand people battled twenty-three people, and hundreds of people were paid before killing a seriously injured person.

This kind of combat power, if faced with the army of a thousand people facing the Five Holy Lords, is tantamount to hitting stones with eggs and no suspense.

Chen Lao was shocked. Su Yu wanted to lead the army to compete with the army of the Five Saints? This is equivalent to the real dragon continent, the strength of all alien invaders!

How can they do it alone with 10,000 people?

"Leader, please forgive my husband. Even if all the materials of the real dragon continent and the alchemist are assembled, it will be difficult to increase the combat power of the Celestial Alliance members to the level of confrontation with the Lord of the Five Saints! There are only a hundred people in a crystal and a half-century. This is the result of a change in the world three years ago and ten times the strength of the aura. How can we fight against them with such strength? "Chen Laodao expressed doubts in his heart.

They can win this battle. In Chen Lao's view, it is already quite difficult. To face a ten-times-strong five-holy Lord army is tantamount to heaven and earth.

"Do as I say!" Su Yu shouted.

Chen Lao was stunned, his heart suddenly abruptly: "Yes, the lord."

"Although the true dragon is big, where else can we find a place to stay? South or West or East? Chen Lao, have you seen a retreat?" Su Yu turned around, her eyes clear, The word contains the sound of shocking soul, shaking deafness.

Chen Lao's heart was stunned, yeah, where is the real dragon continent where they can live?

They can't escape, only to fight against the water.

"Leader of the Alliance, I'll do it, but the materials are limited, and ... Qiu Feng, the master of alchemy, is unconscious, and in January, our promotion will be very limited." Chen Lao added, eyes worried .

Su Yu bowed his head: "Well, I see. You just do what I tell you, I have another way."

After speaking, I walked back to the room.

Chen Lao bowed and retreated, immediately convened the Heavenly Alliance, and the alchemy division left by the Northern Continental Dynasty branch, and worked hard to improve and upgrade to elixir.

Life and death are here.

In the room, Su Yu's face was indifferent, and replaced by a softness.

Three figures lay quietly in his house.

Jiu Lao, Qiu Fengzhu, and Xia Jingyu.

"Are you really going to fight with the Five Holy Lords?" Jiu Lao opened his eyes and sat up difficultly. A few days ago, he awoke, but he was too seriously injured and he was always treated under the protection of Su Yu.

Su Yumu respected and calmly said, "We will die if we do not fight. We have no choice."

The old eyes of Jiu Lao Ping are always drunk. At this moment, they are clear and complex.

How did he think that the boy who had been sheltered by him had grown to protect him and took over the Heavenly Alliance, becoming the leader of this powerful force that has gone through thousands of years?

For almost three years.

"Then, do you have a way? I've seen the Five Holy Lord's avatar shots in the first place. The first-generation realm was supremely physical, but it was also suppressed." Jiu Lao stared at Su Yu's eyes and asked slowly.

Is that one palm of God? Relying on this palm, the Five Holy Lords can be the fierce Jiu Pin Fei Xian, which is extremely terrible.

Su Yu thought for a while, smiled slightly and shook her head: "No."

He said to Chen Lao, there is another way, but it is just to comfort people. Wanting to improve the overall cultivation of 10,000 people is easier?

Now asked about the old wine, Daoming the real situation.

Jiu Lao sighed quietly: "Then how are you going to house them? After one month, when the army comes, the Alliance members will not be chickens and dogs. You may not care about their lives, but what about your fiancée Qin Xianer? This Yi Yu Shengjun, has a close relationship with you? "

"The Five Saints led a large army to go out. I think it is likely that the situation on the true dragon continent will undergo drastic changes. I can feel that they have accumulated enough power to wait for the true dragon continent. Reincarnation thousands of years ago, an extermination is inevitable. "

Thousands of years ago, the true dragon continent was plunged into endless catastrophe.

After 10,000 years, history will repeat itself.

Looking at Xia Jingyu's dreamy and peaceful face, Su Yu was inexplicably heavy.

After a month, a catastrophic catastrophe is coming. How can he protect Xia Jingyu? And Xianer, just reunited, are they going to live and die again?

In his heart, he felt heavy.

In fact, besides them, there are too many people in Zhenlong Continent who need protection.

From Shenyue Island to the Hundred Domains Alliance to the Northern Continental Dynasty, many people need protection.

Once the Lord of the Five Saints leads the mighty army, everything will be razed to the ground.

Will history come back? Su Yu was unsure and could survive the catastrophe.

"I do have a way, I don't know if you would like to take a hard trip."

Su Yu was surprised: "Oh, seniors please say."

Given this opportunity, why did Tiandao League fail in the past? Even he was injured?

"It's easy, go to the Dark Dynasty! Here is a handwritten letter from me, handed over to the Dark King, who can be moved to rescue the soldiers." letter.

Did he anticipate this day already?

"Dynasty, how many troops?" Su Yu stared, but did not deny the details of the dynasty.

Although the dynasty is still under siege and has not even fought yet, Su Yu does not doubt that it has the strength to fight against powerful men from other countries.

The dark dynasty, a force that stood for thousands of years and was once founded by the five guards of the Kyushu Emperor, has always been the most powerful force on the mainland.

No one knows how much it has in 10,000 years.

This terrible force has never really appeared.

"How many troops?" Jiu Lao mysteriously smiled: "To the extent that the five lords have not dared to lead the army to go out of customs yet!"

Su Yu's eyes and pupils shrank slightly. In other words, was the Five Saints dormant in Jiuyou Longyuan for three years because they were afraid of the dark dynasty?

How powerful is the Dark Empire?

"Now the Lord of the Five Holy Spirits is about to leave, you take this message with you, and it is time for the Dark Empire to do so! Here is my hand-written letter to the Dark King, who will know how to make a decision."

Su Yu's eyes were curious: "Predecessor of wine, is the Dark King still alive? Since hundreds of years ago, after he went out of customs to sweep the eight ancient tribes, he never appeared again, and even the Seven Dark Lords did not know him. Life and death, is he still alive now, can my letter be delivered to him? "

After hearing the words, Jiu Lao laughed and laughed: "He? Huh, whoever died, he would not die. Please rest assured. As for this letter, you only need to tell me that it is a letter, and someone will present him to the dark. king."

Is that so? Su Yu had a fascination, and was somewhat curious about this true dragon continent who dominated the world.

This legendary figure is worthy of being called a peerless king.

His figure shrouded the entire continent.

Since stepping into the dark dynasty, his name has been like Lei Guaner. At that time, Su Yu was just an unknown little soldier from Shenyue Island. Now he has the opportunity to meet the mythical figure in person.

With this in mind, Su Yu became more interested.

"Well, I will go to the dark dynasty." Su Yu nodded deeply, and went to borrow troops to keep the northern continent and all his loved ones here, it is imperative.

Jiu Lao Han smiled, stuffed a hand-written letter into Su Yu's hands, and stared at him again, sighing softly: "When the husband also looked away, I met you then, never thought that you would come to where you are now, see Come, I'm old, my eyesight is gone. "

Su Yu smiled lightly: "You still have a disciple like Da Lei, why should the predecessor be modest? He is talented and will become a great weapon."

The first person, such an alien, was accepted by Jiu Lao as a disciple because of his extraordinaryness.

Jiu Lao stunned, his eyes flashed with complex colors: "Da Lei .. hey, forget it, it's useless to talk to you, you are ready to leave as soon as possible, it is better to borrow troops as soon as possible to prevent future troubles."

"Well, I'll deal with the matter before leaving." Su Yu will not forget that there are many things that have not yet been resolved.

"Senior Jiu, dare to ask Master Ling Dian to be here?" Su Yumu Yun looked forward to, and it was for Ling Xiaotian that he stepped into Tianji Shenge.

Jiu Lao patted his head: "I almost forgot."

He took off the wine gourd from his shoulder ~ ~ The mouth of the gourd was facing the ground, and he shook it hard. What was poured was not wine, but a golden yellow faint aperture.

The aperture gradually expanded and eventually turned into a humanoid size, which is a dragon-shaped coffin!

"Although this object is a broken artifact, it is a bit extraordinary. It absorbs the aura of heaven and earth and maintains the physical body of the seriously injured person. Thanks to this, Master Ling Dian can live to this day." Jiu Lao admired the dragon-shaped coffin .

However, Su Yu knew that it was impossible to continue Ling Xiaotian's life to this day only with the dragon-shaped coffin and the true spirit left from the day. It was Jiu Lao who maintained it with his own spirit.

"The seniors of the wine are big, the younger ones are unforgettable." Su Yu did not explain, bowed down.

The face of Jiu Lao Lu was comforting and admiring, and he smiled: "For the sake of the past, he did not hesitate to go to the Heavenly Gods Pavilion for the Lord Ling Dian, and go to death. This is the meaning of this world.

"The wine is too old." Su Yu smiled humbly and repaid with grace, which is his standard. In his opinion, there is nothing special.

After speaking, Su Yu immediately crouched down and opened the dragon-shaped coffin.

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