The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 658: Design into the peak

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"Born with this kind of guy in the same era is the sorrow of all of our peers." Ying Cheng smiled bitterly and shrugged helplessly. The figure of Su Yu shrouded the true dragon continent one day, and their peers would never make it.

Unexpectedly, the Linger on one side shrugged his lips in disdain: "Looking at you, there is no fighting spirit at all! No wonder you can't reach Su Yu! You know, four years ago, Su Yu was only four years ago. Set foot on the real dragon continent? Did you know that four years ago, when we were both sacred kings, he was still the lowest-level warrior? Even three years ago, we were not weaker than him, but Su Yu came this way step by step The Baiyu Alliance fought against the heroes, the dynasty division defeated the top ten domain masters, Fengming Pavilion created the end of the earth for the loved one, defeated the arrogance of the northern continent, and achieved the first genius of the northern continent! "

"Now return to the mainland, restore the name of Su Yu from the body of the Black Snow Demon King, turn the tide with one person's strength, and lead the Tiandao Alliance to create the first victory on the mainland, annihilating hundreds of semi-immortals and third-grade cents. It was an overthrow, and since then we have restored the first mountain of our true dragon continent! "

"His achievements were made by him step by step. As a man, he can do this without regret. He is not like you, but only knows complaints and jealousy." When referring to Su Yu, Linger seemed to be open. After talking to the box, he could not stop talking.

Should be embarrassed and speechless.

The middle-aged church owner laughed helplessly: "I haven't seen your girl so enthusiastic about the task. You have inquired clearly about the Lord of Heaven, and you have repeated it no less than three times. Ears are almost cocoon. "

On hearing that, Linger's face flushed slightly, and he scorned: "Dad! What are you talking about? I just do my duty as an intelligence officer and inquire about the things of the Heavenly Alliance leader, I have no other meaning."

On the contrary, the middle-aged church owner smiled deeply: "Oh, I didn't say that Linger had any other meaning, what are you so anxious for?"

I heard that Ying Cheng on one side looked a little unsightly.

As an intelligence officer, the ability to detect and observe colors is naturally higher than that of ordinary people. From the news of Linger's keenness to detect the Confederates of Heaven, he smells unusual.

Now reminded by the Lord, I immediately wake up.

Linger, I'm afraid it's interesting to that heavenly lord!

Although jealous, Yingcheng could do nothing.

Legend has it that Su Yu, the leader of the heavens, is not only powerful, very young, but also handsome and immortal, and is perfect in all aspects. Today, creating a great victory on the mainland and inspiring the hearts of the entire continent is undoubtedly the great rescue of the true dragon hero.

Which kind of girl wouldn't look forward to admiration?

"Dad! You're bullshit, I'm angry!" Linger flushed, exasperated.

The middle-aged church owner was so funny: "Well, don't say anything for my father."

He added that it was impossible for them to intersect with such mythical figures anyway, and even if his daughter really had his heart, he could do nothing about it.

"No, that man is coming towards us." The middle-aged church owner suddenly changed color.

The lingering Linger immediately found the place to vent his breath, stood up suddenly, and exclaimed: "I will meet him!"

She is half-immortal and she is considered a high-level genius, otherwise she will not be entrusted with a heavy task by the dynasty and enter the ranks of intelligence.

"Linger .." The middle-aged church owner hurried to drink, but it was too late, but he had no choice but to jump out together and protect him behind Linger.

Ying Cheng also omitted, looking up and down the young man in front of him.

Except for his handsome looks, which are too exaggerated, he doesn't see anything special in his simple white clothes.

"Dad, let me come, is this person a stranger, you can judge from the side." Linger lost a word and rushed out angrily.

"Like a stream of water!" Ling'er pointed his fingers together, and three water lotus flowers appeared above his head, one petal at a time, and shot at Su Yu at the same time.

Su Yu was helpless. He didn't know their identities, but he also saw that, unlike people from a different world, I wanted to say hello and ask about the entrance of Jufeng. Is there a doorway? Little beauty, he lost his skills at nothing.

Knowing the misunderstanding, Su Yu will never play a heavy hand.

"Is the channel method?" Su Yu meditated in his heart, far worse than Xia Jingyu.

Xia Jingyu is proficient in water system exercises, there are hundreds of them, and most of them are deeper than this year.

"Not bad." Su Yu smiled, lowered Xiuwei deliberately, and released the true spirit of a flying fairy, turning it into a shield and blocking her.

噗噗 ——

The petals shot on the shield, making a dull bang, and shattered, turning into raindrops, dense, like rain hitting a lotus flower.

It seems that Su Yu resisted easily.

But Linger's big eyes were full of slyness: "Hum, this girl's true spirit is so good at resisting?"

Oh? Su Yu was unexpected.

At this moment, in the fragmented petals, a silk thread suddenly appeared invisible to the naked eye.

The silk thread connects each drop of raindrops, or in other words, the raindrops are actually a cover-up, the real power lies in the hidden silk threads.

The silk thread spread unwittingly and became a large net. When Su Yu "reacted", it had already formed and unexpectedly covered it.

Suddenly, Su Yu was like a cockroach in a quilt, and she was quilted firmly.

Immediately afterwards, Linger flew over and pulled out a slender green sword from the waist, put it on Su Yu's neck, proudly: "Well, let me say, it is actually a scary kid, so be it Weak strength, dare to run out to scare Grandma Aunt! "

Su Yu couldn't laugh or cry. This so-called fine net was made up of true qi, and the degree of strength depends on the purity of Linger's reiki.

Based on his practice, if you like, you can talk about the fine nets at any time.

He just didn't want to misunderstand again and waited.

The words in the little girl's mouth also made Su Yu smile silently. Where he scared them was that they were hiding on one side. Su Yu hadn't noticed it before coming to the mountain.

"Teacher, what's the matter?" Ying Cheng glanced at Su Yu, so easily subdued by Linger, could not help but rest assured that he no longer cared.

At this moment, the middle-aged church owner holds a white jade plate.

The top was faintly dark red, flashing slowly.

"Responsive, we are good people from another world, Linger, let go of him." The middle-aged church owner put away the jade plate and looked at Su Yu up and down.

When Linger grasped with five fingers, he closed the fine net and said, "Kid, cultivate your strength. Now the mainland is a mess. Your strength is discovered by the strong outsiders. You can see it in person." Hades. "

Su Yu got out of trouble and smiled with a fist: "Remember the girl's instructions."

Linger glared at him: "Are you still smiling? Really, another unmotivated guy."

Linger shook his head, Linger was too lazy to look at Su Yu again.

"Little brother, many offenses, and I still hope to forgive you." The middle-aged church owner apologized, his attitude was very peaceful.

"Anyway, I understand." Su Yu waved a smile.

The eyes of the middle-aged man's eyes flashed: "I don't know what the younger brother is doing here. But the army in the other world is ahead. If it is found, once it is identified as a dark dynasty, the end is very dangerous. All of the dark dynasties in the realm are tortured to death. "

The aliens want to invade the dynasty, only torture the prisoners.

The captives of the remaining forces may not be in danger, and the fate of captives here is very dangerous.

Su Yu's eyes were shining, so this person knows the situation of the Dark Dynasty so well? It seems most of them are from the Dark Dynasty.

And, lurking here, it is likely to want to return to the dynasty.

If you follow them, it will not be difficult to enter the giant peak.

"Next is the distant relatives who fled from the Hundred Domains of the North Mainland and fled to the dark dynasty. I did not expect that the situation of the dark dynasty was so serious that they wanted to enter, but there was no way to enter." Su Yu compiled a small lie.

After hearing the words, the middle-aged church owner sighed, "It turned out that the northern continent escaped. No wonder he would come here without knowing the danger."

Although he said so, his eyes were shining brightly, apparently he did not believe what Su Yu said.

"Little brother, leave here as soon as possible, this place is dangerous and not suitable for long stay." The middle-aged church owner held his fists as a distinction, then beckoned, Linger and Yingcheng followed.

Su Yu secretly said, "Are you really guarding me, a vigilant person, I have clearly suppressed cultivation and minimized my own threat."

Watching them go away, Su Yu's thoughts turned, how can he mix them?

When the middle-aged church owner stepped out of the distance, Cheng Cheng opened his eyes and said, "The church owner, this boy seems to want to follow us into the dark dynasty."

Linger blinked and hummed, "Hum, this boy, he still pays such attention."

The middle-aged man bowed his head slightly: "Well, I heard it, so take you away immediately! Although he is not threatened, he can rashly bring it back to the dark dynasty peak. In case it is a spy from outsiders, we cannot afford this responsibility."

Ying Chengshen took it for granted: "The internal response bought by the outside world is no longer a new thing. We do have one more thing but not one less."

All three were so short that Su Yu's abacus was short.

"Wait, don't go any further!" Suddenly ~ ~ The middle-aged church owner suddenly stopped, his face suddenly changed, and a faint scent was visible to the naked eye, and he was inhaled into his nose.

Linger and Yingcheng immediately imprinted their hands, and the same scene appeared. They seemed to be able to absorb the special breath in the air through their noses.

"No, we were discovered. A group of strong men from the other world rushed over! Hurry!" The middle-aged church owner made an immediate decision and fled.

Linger and Yingcheng also changed their faces greatly. As intelligence personnel, this situation is too common, so the reactions are fast.

The direction in which the three escaped was exactly where Su Yu was.

"Yes, bring him." The middle-aged church owner drank in a deep drink.

Dissatisfaction should be caused by heart. It is bad enough to bring a burden on such a flight.

However, the host had a decree, and he did not dare to leave Su Yu here to die, and had to grab Su Yu's shoulder: "Do not want to die!"

Su Yu glanced over and found that two three-crystal semi-immortals and seven two-crystal semi-immortals chased them up, her eyes flashed, she did not resist, and Ying Cheng grabbed and fled.

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