The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 7: 0 steps through Yang

Wu Suyu became famous in the First World War.

The Wu Wuzong Academy spread quickly, and the silver trainee played a ruthless role, destroying the poisoned widow Chen Feng.

"Aha, brother Yu is back, please sit down and pour tea for you." As soon as he got back to the dormitory, Wu Song was like a pug.

Wu Suyu could see that there was a cold sweat on his neck. It seemed that he defeated Chen Feng and made Wu Song completely afraid.

The strength is high, Su Yu is too lazy to compare with this kind of soft and scary cartilage.

"Go! Little sway in my eyes!"

Not only was Wu Song not angry, but he was overjoyed: "Yes, yes, my brother will not bother Yu brother."

When he went out, he wiped his sweat fiercely, and he was full of joy: "Hoo! Fortunately, Su Yu is not the person who holds revenge, otherwise, with his strength and fierceness against Chen Feng, I am afraid that it will be the corridor No sleep. "

Sat quietly for a moment, Su Yu pondered.

"By entering the top 100 of silver, the danger of evaluation and elimination was lifted in advance, but Qin Fenghu looked at it and I couldn't relax for a while." Su Yu secretly gritted her teeth.

He has no intention of nostalgic for a realistic and ruthless woman like Jiang Xueqing, but Qin Feng bites her bitterly and pits her several times.

Such great hatred will be reported twice in the future!

So, he must increase his strength crazy!

He is self-protection and revenge for today!

"Qin Feng, wait for me!" Su Yu clenched her fist secretly.

I took his woman away and wanted his life. If this revenge wasn't reported, Su Yu would lose his life!

However, Qin Feng, both his own strength and the family power behind him, are extremely powerful. Su Yu needs to work hard to improve his cultivation!

"I Su Yu, if you don't sing, it will be a blockbuster! This silver test needs a lot of glory!" Su Yu groaned for a long time and took a deep breath, setting herself an amazing goal.

This decision was made, albeit a bit high.

But, Su Yu Nai broke into a boat and went into battle!

For a while, Qin Feng noticed that Su Yu was gradually growing, and she would not give enough time.

His only chance is to squeeze the potential desperately, work hard to grow, and reach a new height before the next lore!

At the same time, after gaining prominence, he has become a promising seedling, which is valued and protected by the students, but not a silver student who is a chicken rib, is dead or disabled, and the university will not pay excessive attention.

"Wu Song, in the next eight days, I will go out. If someone challenges you, you will take it for me!" Su Yu prepared dry food, stepped out, and first came to the weapon hall of the academy.

Xun's practice of "A Hundred Steps through the Yang Arrow Dense Scroll" lacks a bow and arrow called a hand.

The Weapon Pavilion is the place where the university provides free weapons for students.

But, it is the same as the Tibetan scripture hall.

Each student can only choose weapons once a year.

If you want to choose a second weapon, you have to pay two silver.

Wu Suyu never chose a weapon, so he could choose it for free once, saving him a lot of money.

Yin Xuefu silver students will receive one or two silvers a month. As a living expense, only a few copper plates can be saved, and they cannot afford to pay the rest.

When he entered, several people were present in the Weapon Pavilion.

A brief glance at Qi Suyu found that the mainstream weapons were swords, swords, guns, and sticks, which occupied most of the types and quantities.

Suddenly, Su Yu went all the way to the deepest part of the Weapon Pavilion, only to find a few big bows, old and new, with occasional dust on it.

Su Yu weighed it and chose a lighter bow that was easier to pull.

He doesn't know how to cultivate the flesh, so the bowstring is too tight, which is not suitable for him.

The power of the bow and arrow depends on many levels.

First, the quality of the bow itself, material, elasticity, strength, and toughness.

Second, the archer's arm strength determines the speed and range of an arrow.

Third, the archer's eyesight, arm strength is strong, it is useless to miss the key; on the other hand, a weak arm shoots an arrow, although the speed is not fast, but it hits the point, the power of an arrow is better than the power of the former.

Qi Su Yu's arm strength is not enough, but his eyesight is one and one. The bow and arrow in his hand might not be weaker than the muscular man.

唰 ——

唰 ——

Suddenly, Su Yu's ears moved, and a sound of breaking air sounded.

Looking back, a woman with a beautiful back in white, standing in the open weapon square, practiced archery.

This place is a place for bow and arrow students to test the power of bows and arrows.

Behind the woman in white, a rough-faced man was holding a quiver in his forehand, and smiled and pointed her at archery.

"Oh, Miss Xia's talent in archery is extraordinary, and I can't teach it anymore." Crude man, who was originally a teacher of archery, had a clear compliment in his words.

For this person, Su Yu had some impressions.

The Emperor Wuzong Academy had a special course on weapon use. He had seen it from afar. This teacher taught the students to practice archery.

I was just, at that time, he was very irritable, and scolded and stupidized students, far less polite than he is now.

Moreover, the teacher's surname is Jiang, and Deacon Jiang is a fellow brother.

I remembered the day when Deacon Jiang asked for merit in the presence of Qin Guogong, regardless of his cowardly body pain, and seized it, Su Yu was unhappy.

I no longer look at them, and Su Yu remembers "One Hundred Steps through Yang Jian's Scroll" in her mind on the spot.

Rather than saying this is the practice, it is better to say that it is the archery experience.

So, it's easy to understand.

After an hour, Su Yu has gone through the time turbulence and read it for ten hours.

Looking for a few ordinary iron arrows, Su Yu eagerly tried to come to the archery range.

Breathed quietly and calmly.

Su Yu squats slightly on the bottom plate, as stable as a rock. This can prevent recoil when shooting arrows and improve bow accuracy.

He drew a bow and an iron arrow in one hand, concentrated his strength on his arms, held his breath, and his eyes stared at the target a hundred meters away.

的 The essence of "A Hundred Steps through Yang Jian's Scroll" is that when shooting an arrow, the heaven and man are united, the spirit is highly concentrated, and the whole body is concentrated on the iron arrow.

This process requires multiple coordination of qi and blood in the body to achieve a stable state in the body, so that the spirit can focus and shoot an ecstasy.

唰 ——

Su Suyu released her finger, and the iron arrow smashed through the air, turning into an afterimage, hitting a target 100 meters away.

结果 But as a result, Su Yu was not satisfied.

The cricket shot only at the edge of the target, and there was still a gap from the bull's eye.

This time, the movement attracted the attention of the woman in white who focused on archery and the teacher Jiang who instructed from the side.

Mr. Minjiang's thick black eyebrows were raised: "Where is the unruly kid? I'll wait here to practice arrows, what do you mean?"

Wu Suyu was a little speechless.

Obviously, this woman in white is in good standing. Teacher Jiang pleases her and should not be disturbed to practice arrows.

However, Su Yu's shot was an arrow target on the side, which did not affect the woman in white at all.

"What do you mean? Practicing arrows. If there is a rule, students ca n’t practice arrows here, and Su can leave." Su Yu calmly, pulled up an arrow again.

Teacher Jiang Jiang lowered his quiver and walked towards Su Yu with anger.

"Mr. Jiang, you don't have to do this, let's continue." A woman in white, softly, her voice soft and light, very nice.

During the conversation, Ming eyes glanced at Su Yu's posture, slightly surprised: "Do you shoot arrows for the first time?"

Qi Su Yu drunkenly practiced his arrows, he didn't care about them, he didn't raise his head, nodded slightly: "Well, for the first time."

The woman in white nodded with a smile: "It's okay to hit a target 100 meters away for the first time."

Teacher Jiang Jiang glanced up and down at Su Yu and shook her head and sneered: "It's hard to grasp the posture, maybe it's a bit of fur, just practice? That arrow can shoot, and luck is the most."

In this regard, women in white, do not comment.

Su Su was unheard of.

知识 All the knowledge points in "One Hundred Steps through Yang Arrow's Secret Volume" are all in his mind. His only difference is to integrate them and need to keep practicing.

The second arrow, still shot at the edge of the target, and a little closer to the bull's eye than before.

"咦?" The woman in white was slightly wrong.

With unfamiliar posture of the other side, two arrows hit 100 meters away in a row, is it really luck?

Press the third arrow and continue closer.

Press the fourth arrow and get closer.

Hit the fifth arrow and get closer.

女子 The woman in white was surprised, and once or twice was luck. How could five times be luck?

Moreover, the other person's posture became more and more proficient, and gradually became like.

Teacher Jiang Jiang raised his thick black eyebrows and stared at Su Yu.

Xi Su Yu was drunk.

From the fifth arrow, Su Yu could no longer approach the bullseye, always shooting beyond the red bullseye.

Mingming he is getting more and more sophisticated, and his skills are getting higher and higher, but for some reason, he can no longer improve, he is always a distance from the bullseye.

Instead, he was unsettled twice, didn't grasp the accuracy, and shot the red bullseye in a dim manner.

女子 The woman in white, sighing secretly, thought that she met the genius of Arrow Road.

Teacher Jiang sneered in surprise, implying contempt: "It seems that another disciple, knows that Miss Xia likes archery, and often comes here to practice arrows. Therefore, he trained a half bucket of water and pretended to be a newcomer to attract Miss Xia's eyes Such people are no longer one or two. "

The woman in white, with bright eyes, glanced at Su Yu with a helplessness and a faint disgust.

"I'm back, I'm in a bad mood." The woman in white was full of joy, and Lianbu moved lightly.

Passing by Su Yu ~ ~ Unconsciously glanced at the bow and arrow in his hand, she stopped and appeared surprised.

"Show me your bow." The woman in white showed a strange face.

Teacher Minjiang cast his gaze and showed strangeness.

Qi Su Yu glanced sideways, but at a glance, she unexpectedly found that the person standing next to him was actually a beautiful woman.

She is not stained with dust, her temperament fades out, as if she is a fairy, she walks in the dust, noble and elegant, and any filth is dirty before her.

In the painting of immortals, this is the only evaluation that Su Yu can think of, not a woman on earth.

She looks fourteen to five years old, similar to Su Yu.

雪 A pair of snow eyes are clear and touching, like Tianshan Snow Lotus, blooming in the cold cold wind, which is not pure in the world.

羽 Su Yu gave birth to these pure and beautiful eyes without any trace of impurities.

I also like Qinglian, but you can't play with it from a distance.

Su Yu didn't hide her sudden loss of mind. In her deep eyes, she was so clear-minded, frank and natural, and smiled apologetically: "I'm sorry, you're rude, this is my bow."

The immortal in the painting has a calm expression and does not take it for granted.

Similar scenes, too many encounters, so I didn't care.

It was Su Yu's frankness that made her a good impression. From the other side's short stunning, she saw that Su Yu should have seen her for the first time, not the disciples who had planned to attract her attention.

I took the bow, and in the painting, Xian Xue's eyes gazed, and the jade hand with the fat like jade touched the bow gently. Soon, the eyes were full of suspicion.

Teacher Jiang Jiang came over to take a closer look, and was also shocked: "No way ~ ~ Welcome book readers to come and read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all in ~ ~

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