The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 696: Name of the Blood Emperor

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Authors must be alert when writing: Yes, the crack light curtain is gradually stable, indicating that the crack widens to the end.

Retreat on this trip, waiting for the true dragon continent, the coming of the Lord of God!

At that time, there was no escape.

Upright at this moment, suddenly, a dark smile came from behind the dark sky itself.

"Boy, you have done more than my husband expected. Next, leave it to me, the old guy." The familiar voice shook into my ear.

Old wine? Su Yu raised her eyebrows, and Jiu Lao had left a message and had gone to Jiuyou Longyuan.

I have never seen it, Su Yu still has a few doubts in her heart. I never thought of it until the last moment.

"In addition, don't you want to see the display of the **** palm again? Then look!"

The voice fell, the dark sky, and a bright moon rose.

Moonlight is more than dazzling. It's dazzling. It's hard to see directly. It's like a sunny sky!

The whole Jiuyou Longyuan is bright.

Intense moonlight, burst out of Longyuan, and shot directly into the sky.

Looking into the distance, a huge beam of light is emitted from Jiuyou Longyuan!

"This is the Tai Yin Palm !!!" Su Yu was shocked and unspeakable. The same is the Yin Yin Palm, the condensed moon, but the size of the hill, but the old moon is too large to measure, as if the real moon is coming!

Compared with him, the yin palms of Su Yu and the Five Sage Lords, like pediatrics, are harder to reach.

Shocked, Su Yu's mind was full of inspiration, and she sat on her knees immediately, digesting her moves.

"Tai Yin Palm is great? Who are you?" The Three Holy Lords were shocked and shocked.

Jiu Lao was in the middle of the bright moon, and his voice was hazy, like a voice outside the sky: "You don't need to know. Let's see, Mr. Rong, Zhongzhou government, how much life-saving magic weapon you gave."

Drink lightly, the moon falls and everything melts.


The sound of clatter came from the arms of the Three Saints, but this time it was a piece of jade.

A ray of blood spilled from the corner of the Three Saints' Master's mouth, and his eyes were shocked. He grabbed the broken jade in his arms, and the rest of his life was covered with shock.

"Fu Luan Yupei, can you instantly add vitality to the anti-sky jade?" Yuemang disappeared, and Jiu Lao's hand stood in the air, with a bit of sarcasm: "The king of Zhongzhou, never stingy."

The Three Holy Lords were shocked and uttered intently: "Dare to ask the seniors, He Fang, why are you proficient in my bright guard stunts!"

Jiu Lao smiled indifferently, glanced at Su Yu who was concentrating on meditation, and smiled hoarsely: "Identity is a thing of the past, how are you going to eat the old man?"

Holding out a palm, Jiu Lao underplayed the glory of the rising sun.

The Three Holy Lords couldn't explain the panic in their hearts: "Second style, too sun palm !!!"


In the full sun, the three holy Lords were cold and undefended, and disappeared instantly. He vomited blood and retreated.

The arm, a jade bracelet, shattered silently.

"The third life-saving sign, huh, it's almost used up." Jiu Lao smiled, and stepped forward with a lost hand.

The San Sheng Lord's face was as pale as paper: "Seniors, please wait a moment ..."

However, Jiu Lao did not answer, but at the same time stretched out his hands, the left palm bright moon, the right palm sun, and turned palms together.

"Last form, light! Bright! God! Palm! Among the bright guards, the three great guards cultivate the level of success." The three holy masters were shocked to speechlessness, and even went mad: "You, who are you?" "

The answer to him was the alternation of time and space.

With a click, there seemed to be some fragmentation in the body of the Three Saints. I was seriously injured and was in a semi-fainted state.

"Oh? I gave you four pieces of life-saving magic in a row. In order to get rid of the Kyushu Emperor, the King of Zhouzhou really did lose his blood." Jiu Lao said sarcastically, glancing at the three Holy Lords who were powerless in the battle, and landed on Su Yu side.

At this moment Su Yu, Kankan was awakened from the perception, and the joy after Ming Wu remained in his eyes.

But, more doubts.

"The way of martial arts, after solving the doubts, there will be more doubts. It is our eternal belief in martial arts to explore the limits of martial arts in our lifetime." Jiu Lao is unpredictable at this moment.

Su Yu took back her heart, and took it seriously, looking to the old eyes of the wine, full of respect, whether it was the feeling of helping each other in the past, or teaching the remnants of the immortal-level exercises "The God Palm of Heaven".

"Three moves, the old man has finished the demonstration. In the future, what step you can take part in is your own understanding and good fortune." Jiu Lao stared at the crack and said slowly.

Su Yu bowed his head: "Thank you for your enlightenment, and the younger will remember it."

Jiu Lao shook his head, grabbed his fingers into the air, and grabbed a mass of black death gas: "Now, we still have to deal with this crack quickly, it seems that within half a day, the crack can be completely widened to accommodate the Lord ’s coming, the death of heaven and earth Has gradually faded. "

Su Yu's heart froze and her eyes were cold.

"You are here, Rong Fu blocks the crack with authentic energy. The crack inside loses vitality and supplements, and it will disintegrate on its own. In this way, Zhenlong and Kyushu cross-border passage will be completely cut off." Press on the multicolored light curtain.

Su Yu Changsong breathed a sigh of relief, and after a lot of hardships, finally succeeded.

However, it was cold, Su Yu suddenly felt covered with cold, as if something terrible had swept her body!

Jiu Lao's face changed even more. Strangely, his body seemed to be hit by something, he was suddenly bombarded, and a blood arrow was shot in his mouth. He was seriously injured!

In the upside down, Jiu Lao's old eyes stared at the cracks, shaking with shock: "Blood .. Emperor, you, you want to cross the border?"

"Jiu Yuanzhou, one of the three strongest guards of Guangmingwei, hasn't seen it for many years, and its strength has dropped a lot. It seems that the rebellion that year did not bring you much benefit." A sigh of inexplicability, across countless spaces, overlapping Floating from the crack.

The sound was in the ear, Su Yu trembled throughout the body, and even the soul was constantly shaking.

Deep in the soul, the divine spirit of Jiulong trembled, so that the restless soul gradually stabilized.

Su Yu's face was ugly, and when the other side glanced over, he became cold all over, a word that made his soul extremely disturbed.

With one look, Jiu Lao was seriously injured and flew down!

How strong is that?

Su Yu has seen God ’s shot, Lu Chuyi, the Lord ’s power in the medium term, far from such a terrible power!

Relieve God ~ ~ Su Yufei grabbing and helping the old wine: "Seniors, how is the injury?"

Jiu Lao waved his hands and struggled to get up, but his eyes firmly locked the crack: "Blood Emperor ... it is him !!!"

The blood emperor heard this name again. Su Yu's mind was roaring, and Tian Jizi left his last words. One of the conditions to obtain his royal sacred artifact was to avenge him. The object was the blood emperor who had also been a teacher! !!

It was him! The person who killed Tianjizi is also the person that Su Yu needs to complete his vow and annihilate!

According to Tianjizi, the current blood emperor has broken through everything! !!

"He, is he here?" Su Yu stared at the colorful cracks, solemnly.

Jiu Lao shook his head: "No, I am crossing the border, otherwise, with a look, I have become fly ash .."

While in the cross-border, there is such a terrible power. If the deity comes, wouldn't it be impossible?

Do n’t show off illegal content and do n’t have chances. The consequences are serious, please do not make mistakes. (Already author of outstation, sentenced to three and a half years)

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