The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 719: True Dragon Solitary King

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"Still not enough." Su Yu murmured.

Fugui Taoists, ranked among the top ten bright guards, are also extremely powerful in the bright guards.

It cannot be compared with the strength of ordinary gods.

Geng Shi's armor is more than enough to resist Fei Xian's blow, and his power is very reluctant.

Su Yu needs more powerful defense!

Suddenly, Su Yu's soul entered Jiubi Lingzhu.

When he came to the Xuan Yu Ling durian tree, like a snowy white feather, a caterpillar lay on a leaf lazily and dangled.

The chaotic colorful butterfly swallowed the blood of the blood emperor, a circle larger than the previous shape.

According to Wu Aoyue, the distance from the silkworm cocoon is very close.

This time, there is still no sign of cocooning, as usual, laziness.

The silk it swallows is said to be indestructible, even if the Vientiane monster is broken.

If it is used as a defense means, the effect is self-evident.

It's a pity that it doesn't stop there, it doesn't start to cocoon.

Turning blankly, Su Yu's soul left.

However, as soon as he left the moment, he suddenly found something, and cast his eyes back on the leaves under the caterpillar.

Vaguely, he noticed the presence of a foreign body, but looked intently with the naked eye, leaving nothing in the leaves.

With a little contemplation, Su Yu raised her hand and the green leaves peeled off and fell on Su Yu's palm.

The index finger of the left hand is extended, twisting the caterpillar, and watching it in front of the eyes.

The caterpillars who were lazy to enjoy the sun, twisted their round fat body dissatisfied with some dissatisfaction, and then Su Yu was hung upside down in the air.

Removed from him, Su Yushi flipped the tender green leaves of his palm.

Leaf surface and leaf back, if observed carefully, there is nothing unusual.

However, Jiubi Lingzhu was refined by Su Yu. The space is as large as mountains and small as gravel. Any slight changes are in Su Yu's perception.

For example, Su Yu, who was sealed in the corner of the valley and endured by thunder and thunderstorms, has a weak vitality, and there is no pride in his body, all in Su Yu's perception.

Therefore, the sudden foreign body sensation just now is not an illusion.

"Just why can't you notice it?" Su Yu groaned for a moment, thinking, a green flame appeared in the palm of her hand, burning green leaves.

In the fire, the green leaves instantly turned into ashes.

It's weird that the Flames of Flames go out!

Su Yu, who has always been paying attention, clearly discovers the whole process.

The Scarlet Flame is sucked away by some substance!

"On the green leaves, there really is a foreign body! And, as the green leaves burned, the foreign bodies are attached to Su Yu's hands." Su Yu was very sure.

"So, this is the only attempt." Su Yu bit her tongue and sprayed a mist of blood.

The blood mist contaminated the palm, a very thin blood line was exposed.

"Sure enough." Su Yu looked at the bloodline and turned her pupils to the extreme, only to identify the nature of the bleeding line.

It was a colorless and invisible silk thread, thin to the extreme, almost so solid that it was hard to see with the naked eye.

Had it not been for the blood mist to be sprayed on it and manifested it, I'm afraid Su Yu would not know that he had it in his palm.

Attempt to strike a ray of authenticity on it, and shake it on the thin filaments, which are thin and light, but not moving.

Su Yu reinvented Dantian. All six true crystals were perfect and extremely pure.

Just a ray of real energy can easily set off a horrible wave, however, this filament has not changed.

It can be seen that this thing has no directional immunity in attack.

It was only after the flame was burned that the flame was absorbed automatically because of the effect of autoimmune attack.

What this thin line is, it goes without saying that the silk that chaos colorful butterflies swallow!

It is rumored that the true chaotic multicolored butterfly and the silk produced will not shake the power of Vientiane.

Although the silk in front of it is a mutant, it may be inferior to the real chaotic multicolored butterfly, but the silk's defensive power is finally there.

After collecting the silk, Su Yu's eyes flashed and swept across the corner of the valley.

There, in the thunder and thunder suppression, a small girl, pale, with a weak expression and weak vitality.

The arrogance of the past turned to dust in the torture of endless thunderstorms.

Even self-consciousness has been exploited a bit.


Su Yu struck a finger, and the thunderbolt dissipated. Shengge was relieved from it and fell to the ground, paralyzed.

"Can you still be convinced?" Su Yu said indifferently.

Sheng Ge shuddered, and Su Yu's voice was not stubborn in her ears!

Although, she is the true ghost.

Raising her head with difficulty, her eyes were full of fear, without any emotion, even half resentment.

"No, I dare not ask the master to spare his life." Sheng Ge was tortured in this way, trembling with fear.

Su Yu stared at her lightly, expressionless: "Pray that I can return safely, otherwise, if I perish, Jiubi Lingzhu will leave all the dust, you will be here forever."

After waiting for Shengge to understand, Su Yu's soul was reunited.

Xu Xu Zhengyan, silently standing proud figure.

Qiao Rong is beautiful, but it is extremely cold, giving people a cold and beautiful feeling.

"Master, are you starting? Please bring Yuer together." Wu Aoyue followed Su Yu closely, looking at his back with a look of expression.

From the capture of misunderstanding, to secret resentment, to gradual relief, gratitude, and finally to be convinced from the heart.

Now, the woman who promises to be his own, wants to accompany him, and finally fights, and reaches the end of his life.

Su Yu turned her head and looked at Wu Aoyue. Indifferent eyes, a faint soft color appeared.

However, he shook his head and refused.

"You stay here, no matter if I live or die, you have hope of survival. With me, the risk is too great." Su Yu took a step forward, thunder surged around her, and ten steps away, not to Wu Aoyue Chasing time.

She has disappointed Xianer and can no longer disappoint Wu Aoyue.

"The Soviet Union leader has appeared."

"Master of the Soviet Union, how are you injured?"

Concerns and concerns are burning with respect and doubt.

Where do they go from here?

A nine-pin flying fairy, who still bombed Su Yu to half death, repaired it to nothing, not to mention the terrible power of the Lord God.

With him staring out, they could only curl up at the bottom of Long Yuan.

Su Yu did not respond, but looked up and looked at the sky beyond Longyuan.

The sky was blue, like a washed mirror.

In Su Yu's eyes, only Xianer was smiling before she died.

He humbled in love with Su Yu, reluctantly, and returned him to Xia Jingyu, himself, without complaint or regret, ending the struggle between them with death.

There was ripples in the stagnant heart.

Su Yu touched her chest, and there was colic there, and the colic never stopped since Xianer died.

"I, there are unfinished things, unfinished battles, unrequited feelings, and we must leave." Su Yu looked back, slowly sweeping the people in Longyuan.

Jiu Yuanzhou, Fengming Pavilion Master, Fengxianzi, Qiufeng Master, Gang Dalei, Zifu Master ..

"You guys think of yourself, I'm Su Yu, go." Hold their fists at them, worship away, as if saying goodbye.

Jiu Yuanzhou, Fengming Pavilion Master, Fengxianzi, Ziyunxiang, and Wu Aoyue all caught up.

How they did not know, Su Yu was sent to death.

However, no one was blocking at the moment.

"Su Yu, whether you are alive or dead, live in the heart of true dragons, take care!" Chen Lao bowed down, and two tears ran down in his old eyes.

The words fell, all the true dragons shouted in unison: "Lord of the Soviet Union, take care!"

"Take care !!!"

Hong Liang bid farewell to his voice, reaching inside and outside of Longyuan, tilting the quiet white clouds.

Somber and tragic, like a sunset at dusk, a desolate battlefield, and a desolate horn of desolation.

Chen Lao wiped away his tears, and the old palm raised the angle of his shirt, and he knelt down on one knee. It was extremely standard, rigorous, and solemnly proclaimed: "Chen Chen, congratulations to the leader!"

Luo Xiong was sorrowful, his eyes were red, his tears were forbearing, he was holding a soldier with his left hand, kneeling on his right knee, exhausting all his strength, and shouting, "Destroy the guard, congratulate the leader!"

唰 唰 唰 ——

Many people, kneeling down on one knee in succession, seemed to break through the boundless sky of one side.

"Heavenly Alliance, congratulations to the leader !!"

Silent tragic, desolate shouts shake people's hearts and make the silent blood boil.

唰 唰 唰 ——

People of 100,000 continents, they are not members of the Heavenly Alliance, but at this moment, they knelt down on one knee, bowed solemnly and solemnly, and uttered a nearly roaring cry: "True dragon people, congratulations to the Soviet Union leader!"

The sound was shocking, and the words were shocking.

The hundred thousand true dragons, full of tragic tears, stared at their king.

Save the lonely king who is old in water and fire, and is alone in the battle.

Su Yu looked around, and in the innumerable light focusing, she nodded gently and flew up.

Sweeping Longyuankou, Su Yu touched the golden leaf with her fingers, and suddenly she shot horribly at the eyes of no god.

"Seal, open!"

嗤嗤 ——

The golden leaves seemed to be ordered by the monarch, all separated.

Accompanying it is a sky-high killer!

call out--

The figure struck the air, and in a moment, a white-haired figure quietly stood high above Longyuan.

A pale gray hair, pale in the sun.

A pair of pupils, slightly bloodshot, full of murderous power, like the eyes of gods and demons.

Eyebrow, an upright bloodline, like a bloodstain, is almost magical.

White hair, red eyes, blood marks, shaped like a demon.

With cold eyes like frost, Su Yu stood still, and said indifferently: "Come out and suffer."

Like a command, the sea has no wind and waves, slap on the reef, and splash white snow.

In the empty sea, it seems that no one is there except Su Yu.

"Do you need me? Three gods?" Su Yu said again, her voice indifferent.

Three Lords? In Longyuan, his eyes narrowed deeply, and his heart was full of despair.

One God Lord, the Soviet Union Lord, must die, let alone three.

啵 ——

A crackling sound broke from the sea below.

The three shadows ~ ~ are teleported from the sea, showing the shape of a character, surrounding Su Yu on three sides.

Those were two middle-aged men and a middle-aged woman.

His temperament is calm, his eyes are clear, and he is very lean.

The three were wearing yellow armor with jade crowns on their heads.

Man jade crown carving hot sun.

Women's jade crown with a bright moon.

The sun and the moon above the head symbolize the light, which is also the symbol of the light guard.

In addition to the ghosts, there are three bright guards of God's power.

In order to kill Su Yu, they started to move!

Even in Kyushu, there is not necessarily a half-immortal.

The latest chapter of the 5201 novel High Speed ​​debuts the latest chapter of Kowloon Shending. This chapter is Chapter 722. The True Dragon Solitary King. If you think this chapter is good, please don't forget to recommend it to your qq group and friends on Weibo!

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