The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 730: Trading evil god

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Wu Yan's face was bitter. In the eyes of the Blood Emperor, she was just a dispensable ant. Knowing her existence, she had no intention of saving it, and she would wipe it out of the world together.

Jiu Yuanzhou sighed, closed his eyes silently, waiting for the coming of the world to die.

All beings are desperate.

In the presence of a blood-like emperor like God, they had only watched themselves destroyed and had no resistance.

Xia Jingyu smiled bitterly, looking at the nearby palm print, unconsciously holding Su Yu's old palm, and looking back at him with affectionate gaze: "Brother Su Yu, the ending may not be too bad. At least, before this death, you can hold Brother Su Yu Hands. "

"That's good." Xia Jingyu smiled, and leaned on Su Yu's shoulder, smiling happily on his face.

This is the best ending.

Su Yu took Xia Jingyu's hand and said softly, "Are you satisfied? This is a world outside of the real dragon, have you not taken a look for me?"

Xia Jingyu froze, raised his eyes and stared at Su Yu in surprise. Did he have the power to resist everything?

Su Yu smiled and closed her eyes slowly.

Its soul enters the soul space.

Appeared among them, surrounded by endless darkness.

Holding his hand in the dark, Su Yu said lightly, "Come out."

The space was dead and there was no response.

"Please ask me to come out." Su Yu's cold eyes flashed like electricity, toward the end of a certain direction.

This place is the soul space he created. How can it be hidden?

"Ah, slacker, why do you miss the old man and want to talk to the old man about life and the universe?" A bright red blood drop, yawning, flew from the darkness.

Su Yu glanced lightly: "Oh? Some vitality has recovered."

Then, glancing around, Su Yu's gaze was slightly stunned: "So, the soul of the Fugui Taoist has been stolen by you?"

"What? Stealing? This seat is the evil **** of ancient times! Yes, it is the evil god! Imagine that year, the **** devoured the sun, the moon and the river, killed the heaven and the earth, and sent people to destroy the **** emperor. The Buddha kills the Buddha, eats the ancient spirits every day, sleeps with the ancient spirits and beauties, playing with billions of stars, a lord soul, and I will steal .. Hey, what are you doing? Do n’t do this, I It's the Emperor of Heaven, Emperor of the Gods! "

Before he finished speaking, Su Yu stepped on the ground.

"Evil Emperor of Heaven? I don't look very much." Su Yu looked down at the blood drop lightly.

Blood dripped breathlessly: "Don't bully the old man to be poor. When the God Emperor reshapes his flesh, he will wipe out the galaxy universe. Hey, do n’t step on it, old man, I have an old bone, can you take your time? "

Su Yu said coldly: "Shao, I'm here to make a deal with you."

Loosing his feet, the blood dripped a spin, grumbled and complained. Su Yu glared at him, and immediately shrank: "Cough, little guy, what kind of transaction do you want to talk to? Listen to the younger generation, or something. favourite."

Su Yuyan said succinctly: "I want to borrow your power !!"

"Don't borrow it!" Blood dripped his neck up, full of energy, and refused decisively: "My God Emperor is so powerful that a single hair can cut off the sun, moon, and stars. How can I borrow it? If I don't borrow, I don't lend it. Do n’t borrow ... oh, you come again, tap it! Do you have something to say? "

Once again, Su Yu stepped on his feet, and blood dripped screaming again and again: "Respect the old and love the young, love the young and the old, love the old and the young, and repeat important things three times!"

Su Yu stared at him coldly: "If there is a peerless enemy in the outside world, if I am killed, the soul space will fall into eternal dead silence. At that time, you will not even have a fixed point of opportunity, you will be trapped by eternal life!"

"By my strength, if I don't die, you still have a chance to escape."

The blood dripped around his neck. "No, I only have one drop of essence blood. I use my strength once and weaken my vitality by one point. How can the old man and the old bone withstand his torment?"

Su Yu's eyes lightened for a moment, and speaking of such a matter, he couldn't hear the bleeding drops, but he was just asking for benefits.

"Send you a soul, add strength, how about?" Su Yu said.

The blood drip rattle generally shook his head: "No, no, a mere Vientiane soul is not enough for me to plug my teeth."

Vientiane? Su Yu's face turned black. If he could capture the soul of Vientiane, would he still need his strength?

Besides, this evil **** wants not one!

"God has one soul, love or not." Su Yu stared at the blood drop.

Blood drop protest: "Vientiane, the emperor said that Vientiane."

"I'm talking about the Lord of God." Su Yu's eyes cooled down.

Blood drips angrily: "Thinking about that time, the God Emperor killed the Heaven and Earth, and no one can bargain with the God Emperor ..." Suddenly, a foot came over and knocked him down to the ground: "Oh, hey, My careful liver has been stepped out. Okay, whatever you say, the Lord is the Lord, and the Lord is not picky. "

Moving away, Su Yu smiled lightly: "The deal."


From the outside world, the cover of the Heavenly Palm was destroyed, approaching the real dragon continent.

The earth cracked, and the fire broke out of the surface, turning the continent into a sea of ​​fire.

Countless souls closed their eyes in despair.

They couldn't escape fate after all.

However, at this moment, Su Yu, her eyes closed, opened her eyes suddenly.

Within a pair of deep-eyed eyes, the pupils glowed strangely crimson.

At the same time, a trace of blood red penetrated from the pores.

Yan Hong is like liquid, like blood flowing out, but there is no **** gas, but the evil gas is amazing!

Watching the blood emperor destroyed in the true dragon world indifferently, he stood quietly in the icy starry sky and looked down, his mouth filled with confidence and a smile.

But all of a sudden, his brows frowned slightly, and he seemed to be aware of something, and fixed his gaze.

Then, the pupil shrinks: "A breath that is the same as that array of evil spirits! What is it? Treasure, or human?"

If it is a treasure, it may not be terrible, if it is a person, it is too scary.

The evil spirit was extremely disturbing to him.

Xia Jingyu was startled, left Su Yu's arms, stared at the blood red: "Your ghost blood?"

To be precise, it is actually the blood of evil gods.

Su Yu smiled slightly, keeping her distance from Xia Jingyu, and her body gas was spitting out like an explosion.

The amount of blood mist is quite horrible.

First, the ruins, then the dusk mountains, then Xianyu County, Shenyue Island, the northern continent, the entire continent, and then the endless sea, was also covered by rolling mist.

From the starry sky, the blue star suddenly became a blood-stained planet! !!

However, the blood mist cannot resist the destruction of the palm print.

It's not power, it just swallows it.

"True dragons and souls, I'm Su Yu." Su Yu shouted, her voice passed the whole world.

Valleys, streams, peaks, woods, caves, cities, houses ..

Everywhere, you can hear the voice from Su Yu.

Earthquake, Su Yu, the leader of heaven.

In the past, they tried to turn the tide and rescue the king of the true dragon continent.

At the time of extinction, all people were silent, and only Su Yu's voice was conveyed to every part of the world.

The whole world is listening to Su Yu's voice.

"The true dragon world has been extinct twice. The first time is Emperor Kyushu. It has given you eternity at the cost of life."

"The second time I used time and space to give you a short breath."

"Why have we been killed several times?" Su Yu asked, and this question also lingered in everyone's heart.

Why is there always a crisis of extinction?

"Because we are silent! When the powerful enemy dies, we are powerless, so we are silent and wait for death!"

"Because we are weak! When the world is destroyed, we do nothing, just close our eyes in despair!"

Every word shakes the heart of every soul.

When despair came, they did not resist, they did nothing, because the enemy was too strong, so they were desperate.

"Now that the world is coming again, do you still have to be silent and close your eyes and wait for others to decide your fate?" Su Yu said with a voice.

Countless souls shook their hearts. They never resisted because they could not resist.

"Don't erupt in silence, but perish in silence! Do you still want to continue to be the wicked souls of the nation and slaves of death?"

In Longyuan, people clenched their fists tightly.

They don't want to.

Continental humans, looking up, with flames burning in their eyes.

They don't want to.

In the forest, the fierce beast roared at the sky.

They don't want to!

"Since you don't want to, then, as I fought, this time, we do not rely on the Emperor Kyushu, do not rely on time, and use our own strength to create a new future in the true dragon world!" Su Yu roared with a long voice.

"Whether it is a human or a beast, whether it is a bird or a bird, whether it is a flower or a tree, whether it is a stream or the sea, please use your power!"

The voice fell, and the mist of blood covering the entire planet fell, covering all spirits.

"Whether you are humble or powerful, whether you are noble or humble, now, please lend me your power!"

He actually wanted to borrow all their strength from True Dragons, and gather all their strength to fight!

Blood mist poured into Long Yuan.

Jiu Yuanzhou stared at the figure in the sky and laughed a long time: "The afterlife is terrible! Facing the blood emperor, I did n’t do it, you did it! The old man ’s cultivation behavior, all borrowed from you, for the real dragon, and for our world, create a new future Come on! "

After speaking, the body melted into the mist.

Chen Lao smiled casually: "Allies in heaven, follow the leader of the oath, my cultivation, and also give it to the leader!"

Under his leadership, more than 10,000 Tiandao Alliance members stepped into the mist of blood.

"And the annihilator!" Luo Xiong shouted at ~ and led the annihilator into it.

Feng Mingge, Qiu Fengzhu, Gang Dalei, Zi Yunxiang and others familiar with Su Yu are all smiling and stepping into it.

"Hahaha, the Vientiane in World War I, how can you lack me?" The Dark King hesitated for a moment, stared at Su Yu, laughed a long time, and stepped into it with a gun in his hand.

For a moment, all the people in Longyuan stepped into the blood mist, and let Su Yu call them to fight, the blood emperor of World War I!

On the continent, the souls facing destruction, stepped into the mist of blood by Su Yu.

Human races and beasts can step into them.

Trees, flowers, and plants, all naturally, burned into a ray of flame and melted into the blood mist.

They are unable to walk and have no power, but only respond to spontaneous combustion, turning into a faint flame.

The latest chapter in the 5201 novel High Speed ​​debuts the latest chapter of Kowloon Shending. This chapter is Chapter 733. Dealing with evil gods. If you think this chapter is good, don't forget to recommend it to your friends on the QQ group and Weibo!

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