The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 68: Strongest enemy

"Sister Liu, it seems that there are newcomers with short eyes, how is the brother doing the work for you?" Standing beside the female youth, it is a young man who has reached the peak of the sixth heaven.

He was Zhang Mingyi, the ninth-ranked saint, with a normal appearance. When he stared at Liu Shimei, a flash of heat flashed in his eyes.

"No need" Liu Shimei shook her head and refused, sighing: "Maybe, I am not suitable for the fierce competition in Sanctuary. After one month, I will be eliminated by the Fengyun contest."

What a storm? Zhang Mingyi's eyes lighted, anxiety flickered.

With anxiety, Shimei Liu fought with Feng Hao.

浩 Feng Hao is good at body and boxing.

"Bangshanquan!" Feng Hao whispered, his figure floating.

The body-building method is fast, resembling a tiger, full of explosive power, but without losing speed.

Waving his fists, surrounded by a touch of red.

I was like a meteorite falling from the sky, burning flames, covering the blazing hot rays, and crashing and dying.

Hong 嘭 ——

The air is sobbing, the trembling is endless!

Su Suyu and Xia Jingyu were shocked at the same time!

Xiao Sheng and other exercises!

The Fengfeng Lin Empire, regarded as the first genius of Du Yuntian, just practiced first-class exercises to great success.

浩 Feng Hao from the Empire of the Setting Sun, but successfully practiced the Holy Spirit and other exercises!

Is also a king of evil nations, Feng Hao overwhelms Du Yuntian!

Feng Hao is not flattering, but it is undeniable that he is very strong!

师 Liu Shimei looked calm, a jade finger fluttered out.

Jade jade refers to crystal, as if condensed from ice.

A chill chills around the jade fingers.

嗤 啦 ——

Saitama refers to the surrounding air and immediately freezes into ice and mist, hazy and psychedelic.

Within ten feet around, the air was slightly cold.

Suo Rao is Su Yu and Xia Jingyu on the edge of the battlefield, and also feels the cold air.

The second layer of Wu Sheng et al.

明 Zhang Mingyi's eyes contained deep appreciation: "Liu Shimei's understanding is superb, born from the" Skilling Heart "of the" Skillful Heart "of the" Skills of Ice ", which has been practiced to the second level.

Qi Suyu, Xia Jingyu, and the new digital saints are all shocked!

How difficult is it to understand the exercises like Wu Sheng? Realize a small level, the strength will advance.

However, in the heavenly sanctuary, the Holy Gong and other exercises have realized that the second level of consummation is only tenth! !!

The sharp gap made Su Yu and others deeply feel the terrible genius of the sanctuary.

The tenth place is still like this, so what is the strength of the first semi-saints?

How about true saints?

Also, in this world, in addition to the holy methods, there are more powerful holy methods.

浩 Feng Hao had a confident face and was replaced by fright, like a big wolf preparing to eat a little white rabbit, and suddenly found that the little white rabbit that he looked down upon suddenly became a tiger!

Hong 嘭 ——


浩 Feng Hao flew a few meters away, and a sweet smell rushed into his throat.

师 Liu Shimei stood in place, retracted her fingers calmly, without the joy of winning a war.

In her eyes, Feng Hao is not worth mentioning, victory is not a joy.

On the contrary, a ray of deep anxiety and anxiety appeared to the eyes and murmured: "With such strength, the situation will certainly be eliminated."

Su Yu competition, Su Yu has heard from her mouth for the second time.

What is it? Sister Liu is so powerful that she must be eliminated?

明 Zhang Mingyi squinted at the wolf and Feng Hao a note, with the corners of his mouth poking: "Newcomers, it is better to eat dog food before eating!"

He said, as soon as Su Guang and several newcomers such as Su Yu glanced over Xia Jingyu's wonderful body, he suddenly stopped.

Obviously, she was astonishingly impressed by Zhang Mingyi, who was like a fairy in the painting.

Xia Xingjingyu was disgusted, no matter whether Zhang Mingyi was a person or her eyes, she did not like it.

"Haha, of course, if this little beauty is willing, my brother wouldn't mind dividing it out." Zhang Mingyi hurriedly looked at Xia Jingyu, and did not hide his lust.

I treat Liu Shimei with a bit of respect, after all, the strength gap is not far behind.

Xia Jingyu's strength was weak, but he did not cover his eyes, and his eyes were unbridled.

唰 ——

Xun Yi fluttered purple shadow, blocking one side of the wonderful body, but also blocking Zhang Mingyi's eyes.

"Jingyu, I'll bring you a meal." Su Yu looked back, Xia Jingyu's face was slightly angry, apparently Zhang Ming was angry.

The rules of the Heavenly Realm relying on fists to speak are indeed true. Such insults to newcomers have also been acquiesced!

Xun Wenyan said, Xia Jingyu cast a grateful gaze, but shook his head with a smile: "No, I'm not coquettish, I can swallow my head, and I want to grab meals on my own."

Wu Suyu shook his head: "You are independent and strong in your heart, I understand, but bear the burden of humiliation, and it is the way to survive to succeed."

Seeing her embarrassed face, Su Yu teased and smiled: "What's more, do you think it's humiliating because of your relationship?

"Okay! I'll pay you back later." Xia Jingyu was persuaded, Qian blinked, her cheeks were red, and her heart murmured, "What is our relationship?"

In the past, she slept in the same bed. Su Yu once said that she would give her an explanation, as long as she had dealt with Wang Anwei of Xianyu County and Xianer's marriage contract.

Nowadays, only his marriage agreement with Xianer has been processed.

After thinking about it, Xia Jingyufang's heart was beating slightly. She was afraid of that day and she looked forward to it.

Feng Hao is ashamed in public and has no face.

Seeing that Su Yu couldn't help it, she couldn't help humming: "I'm advised to be cautious, I'm hard to beat, let alone you!"

"That's your incompetence." Su Yu replied, indifferent and simple.

Feng Hao was so embarrassed that he no longer concealed his contempt all the time: "Surnamed Su, enter the heavenly sanctuary, you may swell too much, do you really feel invincible? Sister Liu, you are not qualified to challenge."

Meaningless, although Feng Hao was defeated, he was more qualified than Su Yu.

Su Yu strode forward without looking back, and said indifferently: "Correct two points. First, it is you who swells in your heart. It is you and not me who ate Sister Liu! Second, who said that I challenged? Is Sister Liu? "

唰 ——

Qi Su Yu's eyes flickered and she shot at Zhang Mingyi!

"I want your meal today. As for you, eat dog food again." Su Yu strode towards Zhang Mingyi.

Whether it is the new batch of disciples with Su Yu or the old disciples, they are all dull.

Feng Hao's Sixth Heaven is still tenth in the rankings, but Su Yu's fifth peak is challenging the ninth.

Is he trying his best to quarrel with Xia Jingyu, or is he not enough of his mind?

"An ignorant and fearless lunatic!" Feng Hao scorned.

Zhang Mingyi was surprised, and apparently did not expect that the new disciple dared to challenge him.

"Hehe, my brother is very confident, then my brother will let you do one or two tricks." Zhang Mingyi looked relaxed, and he would notice that there was a bit of coldness in his eyes.

Wu Suyu blocked him from admiring beautiful women, which made him unhappy.

When Wu Da came on foot, Su Yu shook her head slightly: "It's better to persuade you."

Zhang Ming smiled angrily, he was anxious to teach Su Yu a lot, because the other party was a newcomer, unwilling to lose identity, and shot too much.

Unexpectedly, the other side said such arrogant words, which fit his heart.

"Haha, okay, my brother will be welcome."

Zhang Mingyi's eyes were slightly cold, and his **** slowly raised.

For a while, a wonderful rhythm surrounds your fingers.

Misty nothingness, like a finger outside the sky, gives people a sense of innocence.

Gradually, he entered the painting world as a whole, leaving the world, unlike the people in the world.

"Sacred meaning of Chinese goods!" Liu Shimei showed her envy and awe.

When his eyes looked towards Su Yu, he felt a little sympathy.

It seems that Zhang Mingyi has intentions to give Su Yu profound lessons, and the divine will is used.

This is the case with the Sanctuary of Nuo, the fist is big.

If you don't want to be insulted, if you don't want to be worse than a dog, then try to cultivate! !!

"One finger outside the sky!"

唰 ——

This finger, as if coming from the sky, is illusory.

The lingering mood is remote and picturesque, it is intoxicating, pleasing to the eye and difficult to extricate.

嗤 啦 ——

However, when a finger strikes, it is like the world roars, the rivers and mountains boil.

It seems like a finger outside the sky will extinct the stars!

Xu Suyu's eyes were calm.

唰 ——

The next moment, Su Yu also entered the painting realm, floating like a fairy in the clouds, leaving the world and becoming a fairy.

What's different is that Su Yu did not deliberately cast a finger on the sky.

I swayed with my big hand, spreading mysterious mood.

Zhang Mingyi also became a person in Su Yuyanhua's paintings.


Qi Su Yu waved a bland palm.

With one finger and one palm, they crashed.

Crackling crackling--


Zhang Mingyi's cold eyes were filled with horror.

A spit of bright red blood spouted from his pout, his body was involuntary, his back fell, and his center of gravity was unstable.

"Sacred meaning of top quality?" Zhang Mingyi was shocked, a ray of awe and fear filled the eyes.

师 Sister Liu couldn't believe her red lips, she was surprised.

The old disciples were equally secretive.

The top ten prospective saints, Zhang Mingyi ranked second, fell into the hands of a new prospective saint!

Wu Suyu was expressionless, took away the food in Zhang Mingyi's hands, and went away with Xia Jingyu, returning to the hospital.

"Who is he?" Su Yu became famous in the First World War, and the old disciples scrambled to find out.

Finally, I learned from Feng Hao's gray face that he was Feng Yu of the Fenglin Empire!

In the squatter house, Su Yu and Xia Jingyu sat opposite each other.

I looked at the food and found out that they were all treasures of heaven and earth.

For example, the jade fire pulp that Su Yu once got, in this meal, it is just an accessory!

The real main material, which contains energy, is horrible and unheard of. Just taking a breath, Su Yu and Xia Jingyu felt that Xiu had signs of breakthrough.

The amount of rice served is very large. In addition, Xia Jingyu's meal has always been small.

Purr ~

After eating, Su Yu stretched out a long lazy waist and doubled his spirit. He had made significant progress in cultivation, and after a few more days of eating, he could directly break through the Sixth Heaven.

Xia Jingyu has already been in the fifth heaven, and has a rich heritage.

After this meal, the breakthrough on the spot, the peak of Wuzhongtian!

Qi Qianli Xuerong was full of surprises.

On the first day of San Shengyu, stagnation for a long time, Xiu Xiu made breakthroughs. Xia Jingyu was full of joy, but also grateful. Looking at the eyes, she pouted and smiled, her smile was pure and holy: "Su Yu, thank you."

With a faint wave of hands, Su Yu's heart was full of excitement: "The abundance of sacred resources is extraordinary, and we are cultivating with all our heart, we will surely surpass our past!"

It is so terrible to have a meal, other resources are unimaginable.

Previously, Su Yu's heart was sorrowful, and the boulder in Phoenix Valley had always made him breathless.

I can see that a common meal has such a powerful effect, and he is full of confidence in the future.

Phoenix Valley, you do n’t want to stop me from seeing fairy!

潜 Who has been fearful for a few years in the heavenly sanctuary?

Xu Xia Jing Yuming smiled. She liked the present day, the day when she practiced with Su Yu and made progress together.

Seeing that the residue on the table was cold and hot, Xia Jingyu was bending his waist, packing the tableware on the table, looking like a good wife, thinking about it, Xia Jingyu's lips bit slightly, her face was red, and her voice was like a mosquito. Change the laundry, I will help you ... "

Xun Su Yu's heart is different. From the inside to the outside, Xia Jingyu is perfect, gentle in nature, tough inside, and beautiful in appearance. It is impeccable in any aspect. Any man, no one wants to have such a delicate wife.

I just passed the thought, and Su Yu shook her head secretly. Xianer was far away from her hometown, lonely and lonely. How could he miss other women? Moreover, he was grateful to Xia Jingyu, unwilling to tarnish her purity and nobleness with a rude mind.

哐 ——

At this moment, the door of the courtyard came with a heavy blow.

Tong Su Yu's eyebrows twisted, and outside the house, a thin young man stood in the courtyard.

眸 Both eyes were cold and full of chill.

Although the noodles are raw, they are slightly familiar.

"Are you Su Yu?"

Qi Su Yu indifferently bowed his head: "What's the matter?"

"You are right! My name is Du Lin, I think, you already understand what I am looking for you!" Du Lin Meiyu appeared thick and murderous.


Xia Jingyu's face changed, flying outside the house, standing side by side with Su Yu.

"Brother Qiu has been judged about Du Yuntian's affairs. Maybe you are dissatisfied with Brother's decision?"

Du Lin, it is Du Yuntian who took the first step to enter the sanctuary, and the two are brothers!

According to the results of last year, I should enter all the sanctuary, but I did not expect that at this moment it actually appeared in the heavenly sanctuary.

Qi Qixiu also made Su Yu and Xia Jingyu look dignified.

The Seventh Heaven is Great! !!

He is more powerful than Fang Yun.

Whether Su Yu or Xia Jingyu, they are far from rivals!

"Brother Shaoqiu Qiu oppressed me! Du Mou came here today, not to seek revenge, but to ask Su Yu, and heard that you are the strongest of the Maple Empire, Du Mou would like to know, where are you strong!" Du Although the Lin dialect is asking for advice, it can be revenge!

He didn't dare to hate Qiu Changjian, because it was worse than Qiu Changjian.

But, he dares to hate Su Yu, because he is better than Su Yu!

After a while, I quickly noticed ~ ~ A few disciples stopped to watch.

"Dulin? Is that amazing apprentice of San Shengyu?"

"When he came, he was only a disciple of the Sanctuary. After a year, he was already the fifth quasi-saint in the heavenly sanctuary. His strength is terrible."

Feng Hao is grateful, and Su Yu is so out of the limelight. Is anyone finally coming to bully?

The heavenly sanctuary has the rules, the fist is big, as long as it does not kill, you can challenge at any time!

Xia Jingyu was angry and angry: "Dulin! Don't be fooled, why is your younger brother killed? Why do you have revenge?"

Du Lin coldly spit out the words: "Go! I'm not looking for you!"

With his gaze like electricity, Du Lin shot aggressively at Su Yu: "Today, you have to fight! You do n’t have to fight, you have to fight!"

Qi Qitian was so imposing that he was overwhelmed.

With his aggressiveness, Su Yu was so angry and weak that he had to endure bullying?

If Ruo gave him another time, he was confident to catch up with Du Lin.

现在 But now, even if it is difficult to win, Su Yu will have a battle!

I'd rather stand dead than live on my knees!

Dignity, not to give alms to others, but to earn it yourself!

"If you want to fight, then fight!" Su Yu's purple dress fluttered without wind, and her head danced wildly.

Deeply stunned if starry sky eyes, no fear at all.

No match for the powerful war, exudes.

Qi Suyu stepped forward, thunder surrounded the palm of his hand, his eyes condensed into a small black sword, and he immersed himself in the painting.

The wind under the feet is like a glimmer of light, ethereal and invisible.

Su Suyu runs what she has learned in her life and takes the initiative to attack, her strongest enemy in life!

Want to teach me? You also have to break a big tooth ~ ~ Welcome the book readers to read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all in ~ ~

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