The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 782: Meritorious Exchange

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Near the hill, there were a dozen outside students in blue light shirts walking around.

Hearing a howl, his face changed drastically: "No! Here comes the sorceress, run!"

"Ah! Run away !!!"

Suddenly, a dozen outside students disconcerted into a ball.

"Well, my shoes are off."

"No matter what shoes, don't look back when your wife is off. The demon girl is going down the mountain. Hurry home and close the doors and windows. Don't go out."


In this regard, Su Yu did not know, standing outside the hall of Fafan.

To Su Yu's surprise, there were actually five disciples in blue light shirts guarding the outside of the hall, all of whom were at least six grades of flying fairy.

In the temple, Su Yu also faintly felt a breath of God.

Any family power outside the Eighteen Sects is usually just a god, plus many Feixian strong, forming a large family power.

At the gate of the Red Blood Palace, it is just a guardian of the temple.

Su Yu stepped forward and wanted to ask how to enter.

"One entry, five hundred merit," said the guardian, expressionless.

The guard on the other side glanced up and down at Su Yu. It looked like a new face, and it was strangely new. How old is it?

He scorned his heart and waved his hand impatiently: "Every time at this time, there are always new people like you who are in trouble. Do n’t go out easily before you understand the rules of the outside door. Go back and find a way to earn five hundred achievements.

Su Yu wanted to ask in a good voice, but he didn't expect to speak, and the other party was expelled with such impatience.

Folding his sleeves, Su Yu dismissed his guard defiantly: "I have an additional qualification for entry, is there a problem?"

Uh? The five guards can't help but cast a surprise look. The Fanfanchi usually needs merit redemption, and it is extremely rare to get a license to enter directly.

"What is the reason for the reward?" Su Yu stared at the guard, froze, looked again, and asked again.

Su Yu had both hands on his back and said, "Is the first place in the recruitment assessment?"

His guard was being examined, his face changed: "External recruitment review just completed?"

He was a little unbelieving, and the other four guards couldn't help frowning.

The repair is too weak, and Yipin Feixian doesn't look like he can take the first place in the assessment.

At such an old age, it doesn't look like a young disciple entering through regular channels.

The guard also had to speak, and Su Yu's face was slightly distressed: "It's nothing. After entering the Fanfan Pool, you have to go through the trial of your guard? This Fanfan Pool, if you don't enter, I will go and ask Elder Li personally. It's not like you have to come and tell your five guards once to let go. "

A simple piece of baptism in Fanfanchi was blocked by five guards.

Although not so angry, it is unpleasant.

"Hey, wait." The talking guard's face changed continuously. He also looked at Su Yuxiu as weak, so he had a mind of seeing himself and seeing the other person's seriousness. How dare he continue to make trouble?

But Su Yu turned a deaf ear and left.

This time he was very anxious. Their role was just to protect and guide new disciples how to use merits to enter the Fanfanchi.

The merit is enough to let go, not enough to refuse.

Beyond that, all actions are superfluous, such as the questioning just now is purely forbidden.

The elders above can only ask questions. Once they are serious, they must be punished severely.

Besides, the old man seems to be coming.

"This master, pay off and so on." The guard stepped down the stairs, trying to step forward to stop Su Yu from leaving.

At this time, the door of the Fanfan Temple opened silently, and an old goatee stood with his hands in the door, his face was dark and his eyes were indignant.

"See Lord of the Dragon Palace." The guards were startled and met in a hurry.

The guard who chased out also hurried back, and bowed his head to see.

The goatee's face glanced down and glanced at the guard in front of him, faintly humming: "You have completed the task earlier this month, you can go back, and you don't have to come here to perform the task again.

Hearing that, the other four guards changed their expressions suddenly, and their hearts were confused.

In Red Blood Palace, outsiders must perform at least one task each month.

There are good and bad missions, good missions, and rewards.

Bad tasks, hard work, and even danger, little merit.

Generally speaking, good tasks are well-informed, or disciples who have a relationship with the task magnification hall get them first, and it is difficult for ordinary students to catch good tasks.

The mission of the Fanfandian belongs to the middle and upper class missions. The rewards for merit are more than the general missions, and they are very safe, comfortable, and difficult for ordinary disciples.

Behind the family of five of them, they are somewhat related to the old man in front of them, so that they can perform guard duties here every month.

The talkative guard was directly deprived of his future mission rights, and it must be said that it was a great loss.

In the Red Blood Palace, it is very difficult to earn merit, and this task is unattainable.

Sure enough, the guard heard the words, his face changed drastically, and he slammed and pleaded, "Please ask the Lord of the Dragon Temple to show grace, and the disciples will be dull for a while.

In the past, there was no such thing. The owner of the Dragon Palace usually opened his eyes and closed his eyes. Relationship is ignored.

The main goat of the Dragon Hall shivered and hummed quietly, "You can even refuse the first place in the external recruitment examination designated by the Lord of the Cicada Palace. The husband ’s young seedling can not tolerate your Big Buddha, find him Come out. "

Without waiting for him to intercede, the Lord of the Dragon Palace waved his sleeves and rolled it down the stairs.

At the same time, the Lord of the Dragon Palace walked down the stairs with a smile on his face, and looked kindly: "Su Yuxian, right? Elder Li has already mentioned to me, you will come here, waiting for a long time, the guard knows no identity, hit you, do not take it to heart . "

The master of the palace all put down his body personally. Su Yu should not give it to the opposite party anymore.

"The master of the temple has thought too much about it, but only a little misunderstanding." Su Yu said, "Dare I ask how can I enter the temple?"

Guarding such a tight place is not always about entering.

The owner of the Dragon Palace grinned: "Can you carry your identity token with you?"

Su Yu nodded, but many elders of this object repeatedly reminded that they must carry it anytime, anywhere. Once they were spot-checked by the Law Enforcement Hall, they were taken to the Law Enforcement Hall for questioning, which was very severe.

"On the body." Su Yu nodded.

The main hall of the Dragon Hall pointed towards the side of the gate, and there was a cyan stone wall, which was extremely smooth and crystal clear, like beautiful jade.

In the center of the stone wall, there is a groove with the thickness of a steel needle, which can just insert the identity token into it.

Su Yu understood and inserted the identity token into it. Three small lines appeared on the stone wall.

"Merit balance: one thousand."

"Have an extra entry: once."

"This entry will give priority to additional entry opportunities."

One thousand achievements were awarded by Su Yu as the first place in the assessment.

"Yes, you will consume meritorious points next time you enter the house. Every time, five hundred people will be no exception. Even the old man can't take the lead and let people who don't insert the card enter. Once this is the case, the matrix formation in the hall will sound. As the temple master, you have to be dealt with by the outer door. "The Dragon Temple master meant that even if he wanted to open the back door for Su Yu, it was difficult to do so.

Su Yu listened to her heart and smiled slightly: "There is the Lord of the Dragon Palace."

After collecting the tokens, the two enter together.

Su Yu walked and said, "Is the younger first come, can you ask the seniors some questions?"

In this regard, the Lord of the Dragon Palace is very refreshing: "I do n’t need to call my juniors. I have cultivated to the beginning of the Lord at an early age. I am too far away from a gifted person like you. Call me for a job. The Lord of the Dragon Palace is fine. You can ask. "

Regarding Su Yu's name, it has already been transmitted to many gods outside the gate. Following the four monsters, he stepped into the fifty-story Yuyue Dragon Gate.

At the same time, he was valued by the Emperor Palace and the Emperor Palace.

Future achievements are unlimited.

I would like to ask, who is not willing to make more friendships unless he has resentment against Su Yu? Maybe after entering the inner door in the future, I can still remember their goodness and earn some benefits for them.

Su Yu thanked and asked, "Dare to ask the Lord, what is the merit? What does it do and how do you earn it?"

This kind of almost common sense question has been asked thousands of times by the Lord of the Dragon Palace. The taste is like chewing wax. Ordinary people are too lazy to answer, but Su Yu asked, but explained it with interest.

"Merit, you can use it as money in the Red Blood Palace. You can buy anything except those prohibited by the Red Blood Palace. Remember, it is anything! Cultivation opportunities, such as the Cultivation Opportunity, are available at any time as long as you have sufficient merit. You can buy them! You can buy classics, elixir, runes, magic weapons, and so on. As long as you have enough merits, you can go down to the spiritual level and up to the mythical level. ”

"Even when you are practicing, if you want to relax and entertain, you can get some cities, but all industries that belong to the Red Blood Palace can be traded with merits."

"These are deals with institutions in the Red Blood Palace. In addition, you can also deal directly with other outside students ~ ~ For example, hire them to help you explore and act as a helper! Or, he has you in his hands If you want something, both parties can obtain it from the other party through merit if you agree. "

"In short, the merit is that you settle down in the sect, even continually exchange for resources to cultivate, how much it determines how much resources you can enjoy."

Su Yu heard the words, clear in her heart.

In fact, merit is money.

For example, in the mortal world, rich people can enjoy all resources, cultivation resources, beauty resources, respected and loved, while the poor are struggling everywhere, Lu Bu is difficult, and cultivation is also very difficult.

Su Yu currently has a thousand merits. In the outside door, it is a lot of wealth. But if she sits and eats in the mountains, it won't be long before Su Yu becomes a poor man.

"So how do you get merit?" Su Yu asked.

The Lord of the Dragon Palace patiently said, "There are many ways to obtain them, but there are mainly four types. The first is the exchange of spar. This method is extremely uneconomical. Only four merits can be bought. It is normal. In this case, it should be a spar that is exchanged for four points of merit, and now it can only be exchanged for two points, and the value is directly halved. "

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