The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 791: Cabinet transaction

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"Practice makes perfect, but you need to continue practicing." Su Yu said, and immediately began to practice with peace of mind.

At the gate of the palace, the owner of the Yaoyan Pavilion smelled a scent of Danxiang, and couldn't help but look surprisedly at the room where Su Yu was located, smiling sneerly: "Another undead guy wants to practice alchemy and open up a shortcut."

Like Su Yu, she secretly hid in the fiery fire pavilion and borrowed local fire to try to refine her disciples. She has seen too much, most of them are for refining elixir and earning merits. There are also a few ambitious ambitions. Alchemy's old predecessors are fancy, and have since flew to Huang Tengda.

Unfortunately, if you really have the talent for alchemy, you should have been discovered as early as when you were assessed outside. It is just a futile struggle to try now.

At least the disciples she met had lost a lot of time, merits, and gave up.

Suddenly, a clearer Danxiang came, and the owner of Yaoyan Pavilion was slightly surprised: "The second product of elixir? It seems that there is such a bit of alchemy talent. Unfortunately, the second product of elixir may be fragrant in the outside world, in red blood. The palace master is basically nobody's attention, let alone the most ordinary Zhenqi San, in the eyes of Dan Yaotang's early batch of Danshi, it can only be regarded as a failed product. "

The Danshi of the Red Blood Palace, without exception, were all held by Zongmen, protected as a rare resource, and all their elixir was handed over to Zongmen.

I have never heard of a disciple outside of the Dan Yaotang, refining the Dan medicine by himself.

Even if one is born occasionally, it will soon be compulsorily included in the hall by Dan Yaotang, so that the red blood palace can master the right to speak of Dan medicine.

Time passed slowly, and Su Yu was sweating in the back room.

Zhenqi San has all been used up, and without exception, it is Erpin medicine, which has caused Su Yu a great blow. These Zhenqi San can be said to be waste products and not valuable.

With unwillingness, Su Yu began to make mixed Yuan Zhendan.

If Dan can succeed in the quality of Sanpin, then he can really start making money.

Abandoning miscellaneous thoughts, Su Yu paid full attention and began to make mixed Yuan Zhendan.

Not surprisingly, the first one is Erpin Lingdan, which is the same as abandoning the Dan. Of course, if the Ten Merits are sold, there will be some people who want them, but the Ten Merits are not enough even the cost of materials.

Only three products are worth refining.

Unwilling, Su Yu continued to refine.

But still failed in succession, but after a long attempt, Su Yuming found some experience, in simple terms, feel.

When should the temperature be adjusted, what is the size, when will the fusion begin, and the length of the fusion, etc., all gradually have their own summary, the refining of the elixir becomes smoother and more comfortable.

Although he still failed in succession, Su Yu entered a state of involuntarily.

As if, without the brain thinking, the body can react to alchemy.

Su Yu is immersed in a wonderful state. In his perception, he is like a silkworm in a cocoon, and is about to be reborn.

Time passed slowly, and Su Yu was still immersed in it.

There was no more material beside him, the last one in the Dan furnace.

He is not anxious, his mind is as peaceful as water, and his body is like a god's guide, exquisitely controlling every step.

From the preliminary preparation, to the manipulation of the flames, to the final melting of the Dan, each step is very smooth, there are some old people who practice alchemy.

After half an hour, the flames gradually went out.

This is the end of the alchemy process.

Su Yu opened the Dan furnace, a strong breath rose into the sky, sweeping a navy blue mellow elixir, rushed to the sky.

Su Yu's hands were like lightning, sealing it with a jade bottle.

Inside the jade bottle, the sound of thunder and crackling came, and the navy blue elixir seemed to be a naughty beast, turning slowly.

It didn't stop until after a few breaths.

And three feather-like snow-white textures bloom in the eyes of Su Yu.

"Success! Finally broke through the bottleneck, reached the realm of the early Dan Shi, and independently refined the Sanpin Lingtan! And, it is still the primary Lingdan, the more difficult to refine Lingdan!" Su Yu was holding the jade bottle, excited in her heart .

From this moment, he was among the early Danshi.

The hard work and hard work have paid off.

From the outside, rich Danxiang fluttered, and the owner of Yaoyan Pavilion's face changed drastically. I ca n’t believe that the room where Su Yu is located is: “Sanpin Lingdan is still scarce and difficult to make. It ’s hard to make it. He is really a talented early Dans! "

Immediately, she realized what, a wave of the sleeve robe, swept the fragrant Danxiang in the attic, and immediately looked diligently to the secret room.

Su Yu was in a good mood, but she looked around and couldn't help smiling.

All the materials were used up, leaving a place of waste Dan, and only one Sanpin Mixed Yuan Zhendan was harvested, which was worth fifty feats.

The material alone is far more than fifty merits, not to mention the three hundred merits spent in the Blazing Fire Pavilion.

Su Yu realized that even if he could make a successful elixir and want to make quick achievements, it was not as easy as he thought.

The first is the cost of publicity. Let others know that Su Yu has elixir, which needs to be widely publicized.

The second is the cost of sales. It is absolutely impossible to sell by Su Yu alone. Therefore, it is necessary to hire people and sell them with trust.

Secondly, it is the cost of materials. The cost of materials for a mixed Yuan Zhendan is fifteen.

The last is the cost of alchemy site. This is the biggest one. Based on the daily refining of 20 pieces, all the sales can only get one thousand merits. However, for the alchemy site fee, three hundred merits are required!

After deducting three hundred meritorious deeds for materials, four hundred merits remain.

Minus the cost of sales, roughly one hundred merits, and three hundred merits remain.

Even if the initial publicity cost is eliminated, Su Yu can only get three hundred merits every day!

If you do n’t practice in January, you will only get 9,000 feats.

Such a huge price makes Su Yu can't help thinking, whether it is worth it.

After pondering for a long time, Su Yu felt that she needed to think long-term.

After collecting the elixir and sweeping away the traces of alchemy, Su Yu opened the stone door.

The moment she opened it, she couldn't help but stun. The owner of the Yaoyan Pavilion was standing outside the door, her hands were ringing her chest, her mouth was charming.

Reached out the reddish snow arm, gently pushed Su Yu's chest, and pushed it back into the closet.

Then she entered the back room and closed the back door.

The secret room is not large, and the two have insufficient space in it.

Besides, the host of Yaoyan Pavilion still smiled and approached step by step.

Su Yu stepped back, swallowing saliva, such as a lamb forced by a tiger, and gradually entered the corner.

"Ahem, Lord, I'm too old, you're a little old." Su Yu shrank in the corner, shaking an old cheek.

Not only did the Lord of the Enchanted Court retreat from teasing, but she stretched out her slender fingers and picked up Su Yu's chin, as if she did not bully a good family.

Su Yu had an impulse to vomit blood instantly, which one was deduced?

Also, why is this cabinet owner more arrogant than Xueqi's woman?

"Giggle, the Lord of the Cabinet just likes you like this, the appearance of the mature, immature heart." The Yaoyan Court giggled.

Su Yu's forehead is blue and straight, and some can't help it: "The cabinet owner can say something directly."

The owner of the Yaoyan Pavilion retracted his fingers and smiled from Hua Hualan. His white chest jumped up and down, drawing a thrilling snow-white arc in the air.

"Oh, little guy, want to fight with the Lord of the Cabinet?" The Lord of the Enchanted House looked like a little fox who won, and the thief laughed: "The Lord of the Cabinet wants you to negotiate a deal."

Su Yu wondered: "Sale? You are the owner of a party, what else do you want to buy and sell?"

The owner of Yaoyan Pavilion was not very angry and said, "Isn't the owner a human being? Doesn't the owner need meritorious service? The 10,000 merits awarded by the inside door every month are not enough."

Having said that, Su Yu knew what the other party meant, and her eyes turned slightly: "You mean, want to partner with me to practice alchemy?"

The owner of Yaoyan Pavilion applauded and smiled, "Smart! That's what it means."

But Su Yu said with both hands: "I can make elixir by myself, why should I give you the benefit for no reason?"

"Giggle, just because I am the Lord of the Blaze Pavilion, I can provide you with my alchemy training room for free, and save you a lot of money."

Su Yu was shocked and saved two hundred merits every day, and indeed omitted the maximum cost!

"Then how much do you want?" Su Yu asked.

The owner of the Yaoyan Pavilion stretched out two fingers, like a thief fox, and groaned with a smile: "Not much, pay me two hundred merits each time."

Upon hearing this, Su Yu rolled her eyes: "What's the difference between me and my alchemy when I spend two hundred merits?"

All the remaining merits were given to this woman, and Su Yu did not take any advantage.

The owner of Yaoyan Pavilion laughed: "Of course the owner won't let you suffer. Give me two hundred meritorious orders every day. I don't need to worry about sales. I help you sell them, and each one can sell for sixty meritorious orders. I do n’t need to do it yourself, I will prepare it for you in advance, of course, you need to return the cost to me. ”

In other words, Su Yu only needs two hands to come to practice alchemy. After refining, she will give her the elixir and then wait for the money to be sold.

In this way, Su Yu also saved a lot of time.

Su Yu's eyes are slightly bright, so that his costs can be saved a lot.

Do some calculations, refining twenty pieces each day, sixty merit, can be sold for 1,200 merit.

Then subtract the one hundred merits into the Fire Pavilion ~ ~ The material cost is three hundred merits, the rebate to the owner of the Yaoyan Pavilion is two hundred, and six hundred merits are left!

In January, you can win at least 18 merit, which is more than double the previous profit!

How can Su Yu quit such a good deal?

"I didn't expect the dignified owner to have a connection with the black market among his disciples." Su Yu was meaningful.

The Lord of the Enchanted House seemed to smile, "Will there be only me as the church owner joining the black market? Do you do it or not?"

"I do!" Su Yu affirmed.

But after I said it, I felt that it was inappropriate, and the word was not used well.

The owner of Yaoyan Pavilion also noticed something strange, with an unnatural look across his face.

"I haven't asked the title of the patron." Su Yu asked.

The owner of the Yaoyan Pavilion lowered his head, and before Su Yu did not respond, kissed his forehead, revealing a charming smile that reversed sentient beings: "Xuelian, how about you?"

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