The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 798: Spooky Montenegro

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In this regard, Xue Qi nodded and affirmed: "It is indeed the head of the four monsters, and most disciples inside the door can not grasp the secret information, but you know so detailed."

In fact, judging from the expressions of the people, except for Su Yu and Zi Xuan, the four demon are all aware of it.

They were well-informed in the inner door.

"Well, this Zhangzhuang host actually sent our group of outside students there. I want to poison him, my kind brother, and give me the extreme poison of your poisonous world. I want to poison this guy !! "Gongsun Wueie bit his silver teeth fiercely and waved a pair of pink punches.

Bai Shanliang smiled slightly, his smile was kind and warm, like the boy next door: "No evil, naughty again, my brother's name carries the word" goodness ", how can he make poisonous?"

In response to this, Xue Qi raised an eyebrow and stepped back without any trace, keeping a distance of two feet from Bai Shanliang, saying: "You are Bai Shanliang, the head of the four monsters? It is said that your method of refining poisons is pure fire , Many gods and wives who indulge in this way are beyond reach. "

Gongsun Wuxie put his hands around his chest, his neck raised slightly: "That's right, good brother, but even the late Lord can poison him, but it's terrible, good brother, give me quickly, I will poison this abominable guy."

Hearing the words, everyone was horrified.

Su Yu was a little surprised. He knew that Bai Shanliang's name in drug use was by no means white, but he didn't know that his method of refining poison was so superb that he could be poisoned in the later period? How terrible is that poison?

"Cough .. Wow .." Bai Shanliang coughed twice, a blood column spewed from his mouth, his expression quickly weakened, and he felt weak: "I am weak, how can I withstand the poison?" "

Innocent wrinkled Joan's nose wrinkled with flesh, squinted his teeth, and stretched out his small palm: "Then give me another bottle of nine-day jedi diarrhea, and it won't kill him if he poisons him.

Bai Shanliang's mouth twitched: "I only gave you two copies. Hey, you used one, and what?"

Innocent eyes dodged and muttered: "Stingy!"

For some reason, Su Yu vaguely felt that innocence seemed to sweep him.

This is the second time this little devil has glanced at him!

Su Yu was immediately alert, this little devil. Could it be that he would use another copy of "Nine Days Jedi Ladu San" for him?

At this time, Bing Wuxin said with no expression: "It is too early to conclude! Shiba Lianshan has disappeared, but judging from the number of people, there are not many, and Zhang Zhuangzhu may not have intentionally harmed us."

"The time is only three days. How much wasteland can be reclaimed and how many useful things can be found depends on our luck. It is not too late. Let's rush to Shibalian Mountain first."

The crowds bowed their heads. Although there was danger, if they returned safely, the gains would be great.

The party left the house and went to the camp.

The camp is located at the outermost area of ​​Yuling Mountain Villa. From the sky, it is on the edge of the ring.

One step forward is a continuous barren mountain.

Among them, the eighteen dark mountain peaks, even the frontiers of the city, are more gloomy and oppressive than the dark green peaks.

"Unknown mountain peaks." Xue Qi stared at the eighteen black mountains, her brows frowned: "The eighteen consecutive mountains are more dangerous than the other peaks, so be careful when you dig."

Bai Shanliang also frowned slightly: "Well, there is a faint poisonous gas in the air, which has a corrosive atmosphere. Presumably there are highly toxic substances nearby. Indeed, be careful. I have some antidote pills here, which should be able to deal with poisonous gas."

He handed out a pure white crystal-colored pill, took a sip, and was refreshed and uncomfortable.

"The detoxification medicine that is hard to see from the inside, Ningxiang Jingyue Pill?" Xue Qi flashed in front of her eyes: "This is a treasure for detoxification that is also difficult to buy for a thousand achievements. I don't think that western poison is not only proficient in refining but also detoxifying."

Bai Shanliang waved his hands in disapproval: "If you are good at refining poison, you are good at detoxifying. The two are inevitable. It is not surprising."

Speaking, Bai Shanliang said: "Each of you should prepare yourself, and when you are ready, enter Shiba Lianshan. Otherwise, if you are in danger in a hurry, you will lose more than you can afford."

Everyone felt the slightest danger and returned to their respective camps.

The tents are separated and have little space, just for rest.

However, the camps are all soundproofed, and it is difficult to see what is inside the camp.

Su Yu sat cross-legged, her eyes flashed slightly: "You can come out."


Jiubi Lingzhu's light shimmered, and a little loli in a pink tunic appeared cute.

A delicate face, looking around with amazement, eyes full of shock, lost his voice: "This aura is not a real dragon world!"

Su Yu nodded faintly: "Well, yes, I have arrived in Kyushu."

Little Loli, of course, is Shengge no doubt.

Suddenly, Sheng Ge's eyes were dazzling, and he shot out the ecstatic light.

Looking forward day and night, finally returned to Kyushu.

However, she knew her situation very well, and after the surprise, she stood in front of Su Yu honestly, waiting for orders.

"Say, what did you find just now?" Su Yu opened his door and asked.

When meeting with Zhang Zhuangzhu, Sheng Song, who was in Jiubi Lingzhu, issued a weak consciousness to remind Su Yu to be careful.

Sheng Ge looked at it, condensing: "Master, I just felt the same kind of breath just now."

similar? Su Yu's eyes flickered: "You mean, a ghost clan exists?"

"Yes, our ghost clan is sensitive to the same kind of breath, far more than human induction. Moreover, I am also very special. I have practiced the spirit world method of induction breath. Clan, could not detect me in Jiubi Lingzhu, but I have sensed his existence. "

Have you ever encountered a ghost clan up close?

From the point of Shengge reminder, it was the time to meet with Zhang Zhuang.

In other words, there is a ghost clan among Zhang Zhuangzhu and the nine elders! !!

A hundred years ago, the invasion of the ghost world almost extinct the Kyushu people. The two are incompatible.

Yu Lingshan mixed with the ghost clan, and the news came back to Zongmen. It must be a sensation. Maybe it can be credited and received a lot of merit rewards.

It is a pity that there is no evidence to explain the reason.

"Okay, you always pay attention to his existence. Once you get close, you must promptly remind." Su Yu said.

Sheng Ge nodded.

Su Yu took a deep breath: "I will use you later, if it helps me more, it will be good for you."


After an hour.

A group of seven people gathered again.

Zi Xuan crooked her head and leaned in front of Su Yu's ears: "Can you find Su Yu here? It doesn't look like it."

Su Yuzheng: "If you look patiently, maybe there will be unexpected gains?"

"Well, hope to find that guy as soon as possible, my time is running out." Zi Xuan said seriously.

咻咻 ——

A group of seven people entered the Eighteen Lianshan Mountains, each responsible for a mountain.

Their purpose was to dig out all ten mountains and open up the plain.

Su Yu held a Tianzhu silver bamboo gold sword in his hand, and flew to the top of the mountain, trying to step on the foot.

咚咚 ——

There was a continuous muffled sound, as if stepping on an iron cymbal, it was extremely hard.

Look at the vegetation growing on the mountain, which is also dark, straight and strong.

The wind screamed at the top of the mountain, and Su Yuyi's pendulum was tilted.

Look closer. Su Yu found that there were traces of artificial excavations at the foot of the mountain, indicating that he was not the first person to dig this mountain.

Even from the excavation traces, at least five people have excavated!

However, they just dug up a small hill bag, less than one tenth of the entire mountain.

Holding a sharp golden sword, Su Yu cut it to the ground.


The little golden sword rubbed a string of Mars with the ground!

As a semi-finished artifact, the golden sword actually only made a half-finger groove in the valley!

This made Su Yu startled, and with such a slashing down, it was not until the year of the monkey that the entire mountain could be hollowed out.

What's more, if you want to dig out the treasures left in the war between humans and ghosts, isn't it a daydream?

Su Yu thought for a while and called Shengge: "The environment here will become like this, will it be related to the war between the ghosts and the human race?"

As soon as Shengge Fang appeared, he stared at his feet in amazement and said marvelously: "Oh, this mountain is a bit strange. It seems to contain the essence of the blood of our ghost tribe. The blood irrigates the mountain, making the mountain extremely hard. Otherwise it will be difficult to shake the mountain. "

Vientiane-level ghost clan? Su Yu's eyes flickered slightly, and he looked at the eighteen mountains. He couldn't help but imagine that a wounded Vientiane ghost clan had spilled blood on this place, which caused the eighteen mountains to be transformed into iron and steel.

"If I want to dig this mountain, wouldn't it be as difficult as climbing to the sky?" Su Yu meditated.

Sheng Ge kept talking, but hesitated for a while: "If the host can trust me, he can absorb the remaining ghost blood from the mountain, so that the mountain will be softened and excavated, which is much easier."

Su Yu glanced at her, and nodded: "Even though you try, you do n’t need to use suspects, you do n’t need to use them, and you are recruited, naturally you are letting things go.”

Sheng Ge was happy, staring at the black hills, his face beaming.

call out--

Shengge's body was full of ghosts, and the whole man got into the mountain.

Then, the small piece of soil under Su Yu's feet changed from black to dark cyan at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, which obviously softened a lot.

Su Yu cut it off with a sword, and he could cut off the palm-sized mountain.

With a loose heart, Su Yu commanded three golden small swords at the same time.

An hour passed, the whole mountain was cut off by one percent, a little short.

At this time, Sheng Song, who softened the soil below, suddenly said, "Master, there is something below."

Su Yu's heart moved ~ ~ to speed up.

After a cup of tea, when a large stone was cut, a broken black lacquered bone claw, pulling a broken snare drum tightly.

The sculpted beast head is carved on both sides of the snare drum.

Su Yu picked it up and felt a bit creepy and very uncomfortable.

"This is the ghost clan's ghost weapon. It has a spirit level and is called human skin drum. It is made from the human spirit cover of the human flying fairy." Sheng Ge looked at Su Yu carefully and carefully.

Su Yu's eyes froze slightly, and it turned out to be a cruel race!

Remembering the little ghosts encountered in the Heavenly Gods Pavilion and the Valley of the Evil Ghosts, they were equally ferocious and bloodthirsty like a demon. It was true that they were killed.

Putting it away, Su Yu said lightly, "Continue."

The latest chapter of the 5201 novel High Speed ​​debuts the latest chapter of Kowloon Shending. This chapter is Chapter 801. The weird Montenegro address is. If you think this chapter is good, please don't forget to recommend it to your QQ group and Weibo friends!

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