The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 816: Phantom Match

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"Let him go, anyway, I'm jumping for a few days," Wu Dan said indifferently.

Shao Qingfeng calmed down a lot, staring at Su Yu, and said lightly: "Also, the quarterly assessment is coming, you still take the opportunity to cultivate, otherwise a bad luck meets me, and the end will not look good."

The quarterly assessment is an assessment of the outside door every three months, which is held four times a year. The first assessment is most valued by the outside door.

The first quarterly assessment was just a two-month period for new entrants to join.

The right and left palace masters of the inner door will send people to watch the war, from which they select excellent newcomers and disciples to recruit into their camp.

From then on, the resources are enjoyed endlessly, and there is no need to worry about merit anymore. You can practice with peace of mind and increase with each passing day, gradually distance yourself from the same batch.

Many new disciples who have entered the country will work hard to win the favor of the messengers sent by the two masters.

In a sense, the first quarterly assessment is the most significant assessment, which is comparable to the annual end-of-year ranking assessment.

As a new apprentice, Su Yu ranked first in the recruitment assessment of outsiders, and she was in the limelight. In the quarterly assessment, she could not avoid being challenged.

Threatening him, Su Yu naturally wouldn't take his heart. Although Bapin Feixian's strength is good, but how can Su Yu?

Shaking his head slightly, Su Yu set out for the fighting room.

This is the second time that Su Yu has come to the Doudou room. This place is where the disciples learn and practice. At the same time, the aura is very strong, and many disciples have spared no effort to meditate here.

At the door, Su Yu inserted the identity token into the groove.

Options appear on the stone wall.

"Public competition room, ten merits."

"The phantom is fuller than the fighting room."

Su Yu looked at the words "Phantom Comparing Room" and couldn't help wondering. Last time, Phantom Comparing Room was occupied and now it is occupied again. What is the so-called Phantom Comparing?

Unfortunately, the only ten phantoms are full than the fighting room, and Su Yu can only check it out next time.

Is preparing to choose the public match room, a crisp sound into my ears.

The writing on the stone wall changes.

"Phantom compared to the fighting room, one room is vacant, and enters seven thousand feats."

Seven thousand? Su Yu was taken aback. Such an expensive comparison room, Fei Xian in the early stage, worked hard to enter it once every seven years.

This further aroused Su Yu's curiosity. What do the ten phantoms set up than the fighting room mean?

After thinking about it, Su Yu immediately chose to confirm and try a phantom comparison room.

I just confirmed that I heard a loud annoyance and sighed in the room where I listened loudly: "Which one doesn't have eyes, the slave family was robbed as soon as they were about to renew the contract."

A sharp cursing grinning voice kept pouring out of the house, accompanied by a fat young man with a burly body, thick legs, and rouge.

At a glance, Su Yu had straight hair behind her, shemale! !!

Later, Su Yu already knew that Tian Renyao's body was very weird because of practicing a certain method, and often changed.

He is very handsome and makes women jealous of it. This is the state that Su Yu often sees. In such beauty, Su Yu himself is embarrassed.

But if he exercises power, his body will change, from bones to meridians, flesh and blood, will change, causing the body to swell like the eyes.

There is a big difference between the two.

"Oh, why is Brother Yuxian." Tian Renyao was furious, showing a charming gesture, twisting the thick waist of the bucket, and came slowly: "Early say, if it is Brother Yuxian, I will come It's okay to pay the bill. Who made the slave family love Brother Yuxian so much? "


Su Yu shuddered. She shook her body and let her go. Suddenly, she saw dark red blood dripping from his abdomen. She couldn't help wondering: "Are you hurt? Arguing with someone?"

Tian Renyao raised his eyebrows and lowered his eyelids, such as frosted eggplant: "Hey, the slave family failed again."

Looking up, he looked at Su Yu: "Brother Yuxian cheered for me and defeated that guy."

Um, what's going on?

Curious, Su Yu entered the match room.

Looking around, he was still a dense crowd of warriors, but where Tian Renyao was walking, there was no one, and the disciples crouched inside, like the little sheep in the embarrassed regiment.

When Su Yu was found to walk in, many male disciples made resistance movements, protecting the female disciples who were familiar behind him.

The four big demon, no, are the five big demon. In their eyes, maybe they are really scared and cry.

Su Yu shook her head a little helplessly, and the demon was supreme, and no one dared to get on. This name made Su Yu's heart speechless.

After turning his eyes, Su Yu landed in the Phantom Room.

Of the ten phantoms, only one stone door opened, and the other nine closed tightly.

When you enter the open bucket room, the stone door closes automatically and reminds that you can practice all day here.

All day, but seven thousand feats, it can be seen that it is expensive.

Looking around, Su Yu found that the stone wall was carved with complicated patterns all around, and it was dazzling and uncomfortable.

But for a while, Su Yu seemed to see a phantom with a sword in his hand.

But suddenly it turned into nothingness, very weird.

"What's that?" Su Yu tried to concentrate her mind and continued watching. Sure enough, the ghost appeared again, and with Su Yu's concentration, she appeared longer and longer, and finally seemed to be there.

Suddenly, the imaginary shadow that was copying in the wall uttered: "Are you going to challenge me?"

Su Yu froze and suddenly understood the significance of the phantom compared to the fighting room. It turned out that a phantom with a residual image was left here through the mysterious lines. Those who practice here can always fight with the phantom at any time, and sharpen the cultivation during the discussion. For harmony.

"No wonder it's expensive, but it's not for no reason." Su Yu shook his head, but he didn't understand the meaning of the shadow in front of him.

"No." Understand that Phantom means more than fighting room, Su Yu dissipates more than half.

His current task is to pay close attention to the new exercises "The Devil's Decision in Jiulong Town". After training, he will watch time and fight against the virtual shadow and sharpen it.

Su Yu refused, and the ghost disappeared automatically.

Sitting cross-legged, Su Yu flattened her uncle on both knees and watched the content carefully.

Compared with ordinary exercises, the biggest difference is that magic skills need to be condensed.

Running magic exercises with magic qi is very different from ordinary true qigong exercises.

Therefore, to practice magic skills, you first need items that contain magic energy, such as spirits, heaven and earth, and so on.

The monsters are not easy to find, especially for the early Fei Xian, it is more difficult, only to receive low-level elixir from Zongmen every month to enhance the magic.

Fortunately, the Red Blood Palace is a magic gate, and the requirements of the external disciples are not strict, allowing the disciples to continue to practice the true qigong method.

"Is it magical?" Su Yu fumbled, a movement of heart, a black hair slowly floating in the space ring.

The whole body is dark, straight and hard, like a black steel needle.

"Devil's sweat!"

At the Tianji Shenge that year, he fought with the demon shadow, and finally killed him, leaving his body, a hair.

It is said that it is a piece of hair from the real devil.

Its combat power, but it is close to Jiupin God, extremely powerful.

A hair is still like this, how terrible is the real devil?

Staring at the hair of the demon, Su Yu's eyes are exquisite. This hair contains a very pure magic energy, and it is more powerful than the magic magic that Su Yu has seen, not only the ordinary magic energy.

Is it because of the true demon from the sky?

With anticipation, Su Yu stuck her palms to her hairs, and slowly inhaled the magical energy penetrated by her hairs into the meridians of her body.

When the magic gas enters the body, a cold, tingling, burning sensation densely spreads the meridians, making Su Yu's brows frown, and the feeling of inhaling magic gas for the first time is not good.

And as the amount of magic gas inhalation gradually increased, Su Yu felt more and more strange in the body, as if the whole body was filled with a foreign body, which was very uncomfortable.

A close look at Su Yu's appearance reveals that his skin, from fair to pale, gradually shows a faint dark color.

His heart is also irritable and difficult to settle.

Half a cup of tea passed, Su Yu suddenly opened her eyes, and a violent gas burst out of her eyes.

"Sure enough, my mood was affected." Su Yu took a deep breath, struggling to sober her mind, with a slight dignity.

It is rumored that people in the demon are irritable and like killings, not for no reason.

The magic path existed as early as ancient times, and the source cannot be known. The only thing that can be determined is that it must be related to some kind of fierce creature.

At this moment Su Yu's body is full of magical energy, reaching the standard of exercise.

Staring at the Sutra Scriptures, Su Yu began to perform this exercise as described in the exercises.

An hour passed, Su Yu struggled to run the magical energy in the body for one big Sunday, nine small Sundays.

According to the Gong Fa, the body should change at this moment, but there is virtually no movement.

Integrity Su Yu wondered if she would not be suitable for the cultivation conditions. Su Yu's eyebrow felt a little pain, hiding in the eye of the eyebrow, rolling out a scorching warm current and entering Su Yu's meridians.

It is the blood of the true dragon fused in the eyes! !!

The dragon's blood was quickly scattered on the limbs of Su Yu.

At the same time, the dark color of Su Yu's body gradually gathered towards his chest, condensing into a dragon shape.

It's just very vague and not enough to take shape.

Sure enough, as said in the Gongfa, only dragon blood can condense the dragon shape!

Right now, it is a sign of success. Then you just need to continue to absorb magic energy, and continue to exercise your skills to consolidate the dragon shape, and then you can cultivate the first magic dragon.

Sinking down, Su Yu continued to absorb the magical energy of the devil's hair ~ ~ Two hours passed, three hours passed, and four hours passed ..

When a full eleven hours passed, Su Yu suddenly opened her eyes, and her chest came out, a crouching Wolong, dark and black, fierce and majestic, full of wildness, vivid, like a real dragon.

Especially the eyes are spiritual and very realistic.

"The first dragon, the cultivation was successful." Su Yu's eyes were a little happy, and this exercise was much easier than expected.

Perhaps due to physical conditions and the help of the magic sweat hair and pure magic power, Su Yu could make rapid progress and successfully practice this magic skill to the first level in one day.

His eyes flashed, Su Yu stood up and looked back at the stone wall.

Now you can try how powerful the new exercises are.

The latest chapter in the 5201 novel High Speed ​​debuts the latest chapter of Kowloon Shending. This chapter is Chapter 819. The phantom match is located. If you think this chapter is good, please don't forget to recommend it to your QQ group and Weibo friends!

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