The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 952: Sun God Palm

His eyes crossed the black sun and shot in the direction of the Red Blood Palace in the far north.

"Master, you are wrong, Mo Tianxuan is also wrong, only I am right!" In his eyes, he shot sharply.

The five terrible breaths, like the light of the gods, penetrated the sky and submerged into the galaxy of the universe.

It was a breath that struck Kyushu mainland too.

In the far south, in the wild forest, a young man with a mace is lying on a huge giant beast, Ru Mao drinking blood and devouring the flesh of the monster.

His blood-filled face was extremely **** and haggard.

The beast beneath him is not dead, full of pain and fear, huge blood eyes, looking at the weak boy, like looking at a higher-level beast.

Although, it is already a strong Vientiane level.

In the land of the extreme east, a fiery red phoenix cuts across the sky, and the place where it passes is an endless burning flame.

That is the extreme flame that Vientiane old monsters can't bear.

On the fiery red Phoenix, a bright-eyed, smart and cute girl in a blue dress, wearing a knee-length skirt, sitting on the Phoenix with a smile, swinging her feet.

The flaming red phoenix filled with terrible breath was extremely submissive at the feet of the girl.

Central Kyushu, Central Prefecture.

Zhongzhou Wang Guanguan was outside. A young man in a gold suit had strange golden eyes, twinkling golden light.

"Master, what do you call me?" As a disciple, Jinyi Juvenile said, instead of kneeling, he stood straight, staring at the door of the secret room, and could not hear the respect in his muzzle, giving him a sense of pride. , As if not even the King of Zhongzhou.

In the back room, Zhongzhou Wang Piaomiao's voice came: "Wushuang, you have a trip to Linlang Wonderland."

"Just let Xuan Xuan go. I don't need the treasures of Linlang Chenxian." The boy named Wushuang, his hands around his chest, said indifferently.

Zhongzhou Wangdao: "Why not? She is the oldest dust fairy in the heavens and earth, stronger than the dust fairy of any age in ancient times."

Wushuang Lengheng said: "With my talent, it is only a matter of time to surpass Linlang Chenxian. Why rely on her ruins?"

The arrogance of this child's tone is astounding, but he can say that he can surpass Lin Langchen!

A moment of silence in the secret room: "You are strong in the confidence that no one else can. If you lose in the future, you will also lose in this confidence."

"Xuan Xuan is in detention and you must not leave. You will do it for yourself and retrieve the bones of Linlang Chenxian." Zhongzhou Wangdao.

Hearing the words, Wushuang dissatisfied, but immediately thought about it and promised: "Well, just go and take away the most important bones of Linlang Chenxian in front of all the geniuses in Kyushu."

To the world first, he has unspeakable madness.

Sky knife domain.

A mysterious man with a golden mask has a pair of mysterious green eyes, as if blooming flowers, very evil.

He stood in front of the bamboo forest and watched the elegant bamboo garden quietly.

"Ling Tian, ​​how are you prepared?" Said a man with a stature and a savvy face.

The man in the golden mask turned away, with a light tone, and was very comfortable: "Master, the preparations are in place, and only the fairyland comes."

This person is Bi Lingtian, the strongest peerless genius in Tiandao domain.

"That's good. I believe that in Linlangxian territory, you will have a lot of gains. I am looking forward to it. You can take over as me and become the next generation of Sky Sword Master." The man who is blessed is not someone else, but a Sky Sword Master.

Bi Lingtian smiled and shook his head: "The mainland of Kyushu is like a strong cloud, not to mention southeast, north, middle, and the four starry geniuses. In our western region alone, there are ancient Taixu and Ice relentless. The specific strength of the two of them, No one has known so far, and I believe that both of them have the same strength as the star genius! "

"What's more," Bi Lingtian said again, "Jinmu took away a drop of my blood and a copy of my 70% combat power. As a result, even the message was not returned, it was destroyed together. If this person is red The Blood Palace Lord is okay to say that if the genius in the Red Blood Palace is so-called, it is terrible. After all, the true strength of Jin Muzhen, Mo Tianxuan should also avoid three points. "

After hearing this, the owner of Tiandao Yu was displeased, and the death of Jin Mu had a great impact on the reputation of Tiandao Yu.

"You can rest assured, there is no way except for Mo Tianxuan to do it by myself." Tian Dao Yu said: "The Red Blood Palace is also an ruthless ice. It is worth cautious one or two. There is no master in the younger generation."

Bi Lingtian nodded and shook her head.

Dongtianfu area.

Zixiao Palace.

A piece of purple light suddenly shot out from the depths of the Zixiao Palace, covering thousands of miles.

Whenever the purple light shrouds, the aura is condensed, as if frozen.

At the same time, with eight kinds of mysterious and powerful qi and blood, rising from the sky into the sky, they are transformed into eight kinds of ancient ghosts. The weather is amazing.

For a while, the Zixiao Palace was boiling.

"It's a big brother, the bloodline talent is strong again!"

"Hisse, the power of the bloodline now, the pile of old monsters in Vientiane, may be trapped in the power of the body and slaughtered by others!"

"Well, what's more, don't you see the eight ghost images? The master's Jiuxiandan, with only the last blood of the true spirit, can successfully refined and break through Vientiane just around the corner."


Red blood palace.

Inside the fairy.

Su Yu's courtyard suddenly shot bright light, like a round of bright sun, suddenly appeared, bright and dazzling, twinkling in all directions.

From the sun, a silver-haired figure loomed.

For a moment, the courtyard was immersed in boundless sunlight, melting like snowflakes and turning into nothingness.

The defensive bans outside were unbearable in the bright sun and fell apart.

Seeing dazzling eyes, the entire valley will be enveloped, and the quiet environment inside the fairy will be turned into ruins. The figure in the sun suddenly opens his eyes.

The sunshine of the Quartet converged as much as possible, and the place where Su Yu stood has turned into a sore, and the original courtyard has disappeared.

"Pap ---" Light applause came from the railing in the central courtyard.

Bing smiled relentlessly, and said, "The King of Zhongzhou, who is proficient and proficient in" The Palm of Heaven ", has fallen into your hands, and it is still the second type of sun palm."

Su Yu looked at it coldly, and ignored it ~ ~ Anyway, she knew Su Yu's true identity, and also knew that he had trained Zhongzhou's stunt?

After two months, five hundred times faster acceleration of enlightenment, this fairy-level exercise was also stunned by Su Yu.

Cultivation has reached the introductory stage of "Sun God Palm", and its power is far beyond Su Yu's imagination.

Taiyin Shenzhang practiced to the extreme, and was able to compete with the main force of Sipin Shen, but he could not meet the master of Wupin Shen, and he had no fighting power when he met Liupin God.

But the palm of the sun god, even at the entry stage, the power is far superior to the sixth master of God.

The unexpected power made Su Yu extremely satisfied.

The only dissatisfaction is that due to the identity, this method is inconvenient to perform at will, which is not a small trouble.

"I'm guessing, you must be very tired, and you can't perform this exercise brightly." Bing came ruthlessly, met gratifying, and smiled softly and beautifully: "If I tell you, there is a way for you to perform at any time without any People doubt, how will you repay me? "

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