The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1122: Again and again (1)

Chapter 1122 again and again (1)

"It’s a princess. These spirit beasts look ferocious. Don’t you still obey her?”

"It is true. In today's world, I am afraid that only the Princess of Qing Dynasty can be deeply loved and loved by the beasts, just like the nine emperors who founded this world..."

"Although the princess refuses to admit it, she must have something to do with the owner of the mausoleum, she is just modest."


Sunset sunset.

There was noisy discussion around.

Fu Qingyi stands on the street, white snow, face peach, beautiful and moving.

As if she didn't notice the touted voices, she got up and stepped on the green horse and walked in the direction of the spirits.

The gates of the palace are forged from bronze and appear majestic and sacred under the light.

The group of guards guarded the gates of the palace, not moving like mountains, as always as serious and quiet.

But soon, the group of guards noticed that something was wrong...

The rolling dust floated away from the distance, with the sound of clutter and heavy footsteps, which seemed to be trampled by thousands of horses and the smoke was not scattered.

One of the guards wiped his eyes and rubbed his eyes desperately. When they saw the front, countless beasts flew in, and the speed was so jaw-dropping.

"This... what's going on? How come so many beasts?"

The group of guards were all stunned, and the eyes were full of shock.

Among these beasts, there are tigers, leopards and wolves, but why are there rabbits?

Did the Tiger Leopard and the Wolf not take the rabbit as a snack?

"Look, the one behind it seems to be a princess?"

The guards saw Fu Qingyi, who followed him, his eyes lit up, and a touch of hope passed by the bottom of his eyes.

He thought that these beasts wanted to raid the palace, but I didn't expect the princess to follow.

Oh, yes, it seems like I heard people say that there are a group of spirit beasts who want to come and go to their kingdom of Haitian. So, are these spirit beasts conquered by the princess?

"Since it is the spirit beast that the princess has recovered, then don't worry, open the door to meet!"

The guards quietly sighed.

This kind of thing is not surprising for the Kingdom of Haitian. The princess often goes outside to conquer some of the beasts. Now this time the beast...just a little more, but not unusual.


The palace gate was slowly opened, and the guards were relegated to both sides, and the expression was respectful.


Not far away, Fu Qingyi rode behind the Qingma, followed by a group of mighty teams, just like before going out.

But the more she walked, the more she noticed that it was wrong.

The direction these beasts want to go... is the palace?

Fu Qingyi is willing to put those beasts into the Kingdom of Haitian, but he wants to let these beasts have a place to live, but after all, the beasts are not owned by her, if they are put into the palace...

If she looks at it, she will not be in trouble, if...when she is no longer there?

The temper of the beast has always been unrestrained, and the scorpion of the harem is lawless. If it is a conflict, it is afraid that the palace will be chaotic.

Fortunately, there are masters at the gate of the palace to block, always able to block these beasts.

Fu Qingyi had not had time to relax, and he saw the palace door that was closed recently... was opened...


All the beasts are dislocated wild horses, without any hindrance, rushing into the palace, disappearing without a trace, leaving only the smoke from her face, so that her face has changed color ......

(End of this chapter)

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