The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1172: Prelude to battle (3)

Chapter 1172 Prelude to Battle (3)

But don't look at the wind as if it was a pity in the day. When I met the South String, all she could see was him. She didn't even look at the poor girl who was wronged.

The face of the South String is still light, but the heart is quietly relieved.

Well, although I don’t know how to prevent women, I have at least grown up, unlike before, even if I’m holding it in front of him, I don’t know how to avoid it.

Now... she actually knew the explanation.

"My uncle and I have just talked about it. Now come to sleep with you. It’s too hot. Let’s go back to sleep.”

The South String deliberately aggravated the word sleep, swept the ball that fell to the ground with a cold gaze, then raised his hand and grabbed the wind like a waist, a gentle smile.

"it is good."

The wind did not look at the ball again.

I was still very affectionate, and now... there are only wild men in my heart.

The ball grievances pumping the nose, obviously the owner just said that she could not bear her, in the blink of an eye... she abandoned her.

It was as if I had comforted her like a soothing kitten before the moment, and in the next second, she was cruelly thrown on the ground...

Sure enough, women are liar!

Mu Qingying looked straight at the back of the South String and the wind, and smiled helplessly.

Other people's rivals are men, but their own nephews, to compete with a group of women...


The night is quiet.

The wind just fell into the house with the South String, and her eyes fell on the handsome face of the man through the moonlight.

The beauty of a man is so beautiful that the whole world is eclipsed, and the beauty is dusty, like a fairy, and it is cold and unstoppable.

Can be such a cold man like a moon, only in front of her, will be warm like the sun.

"Peace..." Nanxian raised his hand, his fingers passed by the girl's hair, and the smile was gentle and shallow. "You want to sleep, I can say straight, don't have to seduce me like this."

The wind is like: "..."

When did she seduce him? Why she doesn't know it herself?

"Your eyes... are tempting me."

"...Is there? I just think that the national teacher is good-looking, and I will see you a few more."

"I will let you see enough after that."


"So..." Nanxian stepped forward and raised his hand into the arms. The handsome face was filled with a faint smile. "Let's sleep first."

The sleep that Nanxian said was naturally that he slept.

Inside the house, the bed yarn man dances, the cold moonlight enters the window and falls on the body of the beautiful scroll...

Early next morning.

The morning was just bright, and when the wind went out, I saw some of the beasts led by wolf dogs looking at her.

These spirits have already known that she is about to leave, and her eyes are full of disappointment, but she still insists on sending her.

The heart of the wind seemed to be hit, and her eyes swept through the familiar spirits and finally stayed on the big rabbit.


The big rabbit smashed two times and jumped to the side of the wind. He thought about it. He took out a ginseng from his arms, and some of them reluctantly gave it, but they gave it to the wind.

Ginseng is not very important for the wind, but it is the favorite food of the big rabbit, so she still received it.

The wolf dog has to see this? It took a long time to find out the bone stick that he had hidden, and the fart was sent to the wind.

The wind is like: "..."

She looked at the wolf dog's look, but she couldn't bear to close the bones.

(End of this chapter)

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