The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1384: Liujia farce (six)

Chapter 1384 Liujia farce (six)

If someone looks at it carefully, they will find that there is no clearness in the eyes of the little boy, but it seems to be a bit sluggish...

The guards looked at the farce of the Liu family with cold eyes. They no longer had any stops and turned away.

If the owner of the family has commanded, he must let Tan Shuangshuang fall into a land of eternal annihilation. He will never say so much nonsense.

Just pity the child...

The child will always be innocent, but he will be ruined by his mother. His life will be destroyed...


The farce of the Liu family did not set off any waves.

Especially for the Princess House, which is preparing for the wedding ceremony, there is no one to pay attention to.

Princess House.

Qing Ling pitifully looked at the wind like a dumpling, a pair of scorpions like a deer, tearful eyes: "Princess, isn't the slave doing something wrong, you want to let the slaves and the glass leave? If we do wrong, we can change Please don't leave us alone."

The wind sighed and patted the small head of Qingling: "I want you to go to the Iron Legion to exercise. You are not weak now. The light stays in the Princess House. Some of them are overkill. I just let you play. A greater ability."

Yes, she is not stingy and does not want to pay the monthly money!

"If the slaves are gone, who will serve the princess?"

"No problem, naturally there are national teachers to take care of me, not to mention there are so many servants of the beasts, no need to worry."

Qing Ling still wants to say something, and the glass on the side pulls her away.

"The princess is right. If we want to follow the princess forever, we must exercise! We raise flowers and raise grass in the princess house and take care of the little animals all the time. There is no future! If we don't want to be abandoned by the princess, we must improve. I am like the head of Tang Zi."

The pretty face of the glass is firm and the eyes are shining with bright light.

Qing Ling then slammed the words back: "Well, after the princess gave birth to the little princess, I will come back to take care of the little princess."

When I heard this, the wind was dumping. I didn’t say much. She patted Qingling’s shoulder: “Go, I’ve arranged it for you, Tang Zi will assign the task to you, right, now the blood. The Legion already has a male general, and you can also solve the lifelong event."

"Can slaves choose to refuse?"

"No, this is what the National Teacher said. You are not young, you should marry."

Qingling and Liuli: "..."

Dog man!

"Princess, I will be back soon."

Qing Ling was reluctant to look at the wind, and this was dragged away by the glass.

Today's princesses are fascinated by men, and when they are strong, they can naturally return to her side.


at the same time.

Within the spiritual door.

Jiuyue was sitting on a chair uneasy, and the whole person was sitting on a needle and felt with panic.

My father is dead and my brother is dead...


The entire spiritual **** door is finished!

If the wind is too backward, he is not allowed to leave the Spirit Gate! In the door of the spiritual god, he is afraid that the wind will not know when he will come to his life!

at this time……

A touch of old figure came in from the door, and he shouldered his back with one hand and his face was cold and proud.

When Jiu Yue looked up, he saw this familiar old face, and his heart was happy: "Hey!!!"

But he just shouted, and suddenly reacted, the whole face was pale and colorless, and he was panicked.

Do not! No, you are already dead. This is the one who occupied the father's shell!

(End of this chapter)

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