The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1404: No one is allowed to corrupt him

Chapter 1404 does not allow anyone to corrupt him.

And she will never allow anyone to ruin the reputation of the national teacher.

Standing at the side of the night, I did not stop the wind from falling. It seemed that he was willing to see her behavior.

Tan Shuangshuang looked at the wind that was approaching her in horror. She wanted to talk, but she found that there was no longer a little bit of voice in her throat. The fear filled the whole heart...

"The wind girl is really a wife, but you can't get used to your husband to escape, just want to hurt an innocent woman."

When the wind was close to Tan Shuangshuang, the night finally opened his mouth and sneered and said: "So, today, the people of my spiritual door come here, in order to carry forward this world, you are so arrogant, not will Human life is in the eye! If this matter is not known by my spiritual door, I will never sit back and watch it if I know it!"

Tan Shuangshuang's body was stiff, she dropped her throat, and the severe pain made her unable to say a word. ,

But she is not a fool.

When she heard the opening of the night, she already understood.

The Spirit Gate is not just to destroy the wedding.


They want to make the wind like a crowd.

At this time, the spiritual **** door raised the sword of justice and killed the resentful woman.

On the mainland of the month, the man is superior to the woman.

Even if some women are strong, in all men's hearts, it is normal for three wives and four wives. If women are successful, they are disgusting.


Did the people of Lingshenmen not inquire before going out?

The father of the wind is like a single person in the past 20 years.

Can you speak more than people in the world?

The wind is acting like a bully. How many people now make irresponsible remarks?

The conspiracy of Lingshenmen is destined to be impossible.


In the temple, the night seems to have seen those people look at the wind, such as the eyes, such disdain and disgust.

What if a little woman has strength? Being a daughter-in-law is destined to be disgusted.

The door owner said before going out, if you want to shoot against the cloud country, you must make the wind become a public.

At this time, the spiritual **** door, the justice is utterly out for the people!

"Of course, the mistakes you have made are not only the case, but you are as good as the wind. When you are in the Tenjin House, you will kill countless people who will become the South Strings. With petting, squatting with Gu began to support, regardless of the prevention of the South String, it is a great disaster!"

"In this world, you should be respected by men. Your fiancé can't stand you. It is normal to escape marriage. I am here today to seek justice for those women who have been killed by you!"

"The cloud country is extinct, and such a country, such an emperor, should not exist! Our door is kind and kind, and we can't see this evil happening. This is the one who specially sent us the spiritual door!"


When the night fell, the sky above the temple, there were countless breaths.

These breaths are extremely powerful, and each has a saint.

"Holy warrior?"

Those in the secular world have not seen the holy warrior, but those who come from the hidden world have seen a lot more. When they feel the momentum, their faces are pale and colorless.

They just came to a wedding ceremony, why are there so many things happening?

What's more...

When did the Sacred Warriors have so many in the mainland? Still from the spiritual door!

(End of this chapter)

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