The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1410: What he wants to guard is her happiness (4)

Chapter 1410, what he wants to guard is her happiness (4)

One night, I thought that after I finished saying this, these people in Liuyunguo would be shocked.

However, waiting for him is still a calm.

His brows were suddenly wrinkled, and his voice was cold and a bit harsh: "Is it difficult... You are so hypocritical in the country, regardless of the lives and deaths of the civilian population?"

The wind is like a sloping lip with a faint smile, a pair of black sly and translucent, but there is a light that people can't understand.

"How many sacred warriors have you been trained in the Spirit Gate recently? How much more than this?"

Her tone is calm and there is no turmoil, as if asking for a sword is irrelevant.

I don’t know when to stop screaming, but the blood in the temple is still red.

"In addition to the people who came here, there are several sacred warriors who have already gone to the gate of the city," smiled a little at night. "I have already learned that you let Gu start to defend the gates for you, so, I want to give Gu a surprise, don't know this surprise... Can he still be satisfied?"

The wind is like a smile: "The meaning of the words, in addition to the entrance to the palace, there is only the group of holy people at the gate of the city?"

"Oh," the night snorted. "Isn't that enough?"

The wind-like fingers gently rubbed the chin: "You didn't find out, what is missing in my wedding?"

Before the wind said this, the night did not find too many problems, however, when her voice just fell, he suddenly felt like something, and his eyes suddenly picked up.

Except for Gu Yiyi, no one came to participate in the entire government of the Tenjin House.

In addition to the beginning of the government, there are some other masters, but now they have not appeared!

In addition, the young lady of Fengyunfu was married, and no one from Fengyunfu participated.

Even more...

Jiuyi is so optimistic that the wind is like a dump, what about the people on the first floor?

These people who are extremely important to the wedding ceremony have now lost their tracks!

"You..." I stunned at night.

He did not think that the wind would have expected this level, and even the safety of the cloud country was considered.

Facing the almost distorted face of the night, the wind shrugged and shook his shoulders. He smiled: "There is no way. My father is the monarch of the Liuyun country. I naturally want to protect this country for him. I will not let you spirit. The people of God's Gate... have any chance of hurting my people in the country."

What's more, there are too many cute girls in Liuyun, and she can't bear to let the girls be on the spot.

"The wind is like a dump!"


Endless anger vented, leaving the night's eyes filled with anger.

The wind is like a smile, and the smile is sensational, with a chill: "Do you think that I deliberately stayed in the country, attracting you, really do not have any grasp?"

The reason why she did not leave is the safety of these people.

Therefore, she was able to find the temper of Nanxian and Qinghan, and she finally endured it!

"You took my green culvert, led my man, and destroyed my wedding..."

The girl walked slowly into the night, and the voice was cold: "This pen is enough to make your spiritual door overturn!"

The purpose of her staying in the spiritual door is not for Huqing. Now that Huqing has appeared, there is no need to exist.

When she walked to the front of the night, the girl stopped.

In the red dress, there is no wind from Yang, and the blue silk flies. Her beautiful face has no expression, but the killing in the middle is more intense.

(End of this chapter)

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