The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1419: Marriage finalization (1)

Chapter 1419 Marriage Finalization (1)


Just as Hu Qing turned and left, the South String did not know when he had arrived in front of him, blocking all his retreats.

Hu Qing’s face suddenly changed, raising his fist to the south string.

The figure of the South String is ethereal, and on the slightly side, it has escaped the punch of Hu Qing.

The strength of his fist did not come back, and the old tree outside the hall was collapsed.

Immediately, an infinite amount of oppression came from the front, strong enough to make people suffocate.

The wind is like a scorpion.

After the exile of the mainland, the South String left for a while and did not go to her. Now... his strength has improved a lot.

I want to catch up with the pace of the South String, I am afraid she still needs to work harder...

Suqian calmly walked in front of the wind, and smiled slightly: "Hey, I have said that the South String will definitely protect your safety."

Her son is her pride.

If she can't even protect her own woman, just like the original Muling, then such a son... can you reassure her?

The pot pot has already come back, and it still broke into the front of it. It shook its head and rushed toward Huqing.

Hu Qing’s Nanxian string in front of him was too late to take care of the small pot. Therefore, when the small pot slammed down, he was too dodging, and he was stunned and stared at Venus. His head was blank. .


The little pot made an angry roar, and seemed to vent all the grievances and shame that he had just received.


The inner palace of the palace, which is decorated with lights, is quite quiet at the moment compared with the lively killing.

In addition to the buzz of the small pot, there is no other.

Everyone in the Liuyun country is consciously relieved, and the gaze of the South String is also with worship and admiration.

And those who are hidden in the world... are timid, can’t wait to find a place to hide, no longer want to appear...

The wind is like a bend and wants to hold the small green grove.

Xiao Qinghan’s small body side escaped the embrace of the wind.

Her eyes are cautious and more expectant.

"Mother is pregnant with a baby, Qinghan can no longer let the mother-in-law hug as before. Just before Qing Han did not endure, he rushed to the mother-in-law. Later, Qing Han will pay attention."

The little sister in the mother’s belly has not yet been born, she can’t be too much, in case she hurts the little sister... then it’s not good...

The wind touched the head of Xiao Qinghan, and the sensibility of this little girl made her feel bad.

Even though this little girl is an old monster who has lived for a thousand years, her mind is immature, and she is just like a child. Tolerance makes people feel soft.


Because the hall is too narrow, Nanxian and Huqing did not know when they had gone outside the hall.

At this time, Hu Qing was full of anxiety. He looked at the South String that came from the attack and his eyes sank.

This time, he did not evade the attack of the South Strings, nor did he contend with him. Instead, he was always on the chest, and he confronted the man with a sharp sword in his hand...


The sword in the hands of Nan Xian did not enter the body of Hu Qing, piercing his heart.

Hu Qing’s mouth is smug and arrogant, just like he is the last winner.


Under the eyes of everyone, Hu Qing fell to the ground, his body slammed on the ground and fell into a pool of blood.

(End of this chapter)

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