The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1422: The destruction of the spiritual door (1)

Chapter 1422, The Destruction of the Spiritual Door (1)

"You are these days... just to prepare this Jiuhua Yulu?"

The wind is looking up and looking south.

Jiuhua Yulu, on the Jiuhua Mountain, can only be collected at the moment of the first morning.

This Jiuhua Mountain is steep, with ice and snow all year round. Jiuhua Yulu needs to go to the peak, plus the guardian of the beast, it is even harder to get Jiuhua Yulu...

"It is the snow snake group that guards Jiuhuashan. I let Xiaoqing go to the Queen of the Snow Snake, otherwise... so many snow snakes will disturb me to collect the jade, I will spend more time."

The wind is like: "..."

She silently mourned for three seconds.

"Peace, we are getting married today..." Nanxian’s fingers licked her hair. "Are we supposed to sleep?"

"it is good."

It was getting late, and the cold sunshine outside the house poured into the room and fell on the two men.

Warm, peace of mind...


The next day.


The morning light was shining, and the closed palace was slowly opened.

Snow wolves and other beasts have already waited outside the door. When they saw the door being opened, they hurriedly turned their heads.

In an instant, the dazzling red dress fell into the eyes of everyone.


The snow wolf exclaimed with excitement and rushed toward the wind.

Unsurprisingly, when the snow wolf rushed to the front of the wind, he reached over and kicked him out, and the body rolled a few times before stopping.


The snow wolf grievances a wolf, and its eyes are red and red, poor and helpless.

The battle outside the city yesterday was too dangerous, and he almost couldn't see the master.

However, thinking of a group of beasts who rescued him from the danger, the snow wolf straightened up the chest muscles.

In the Princess House, he is a wolf housekeeper, and his duty is to recruit a group of beasts for the master.

The group of beasts brought by the Three Tigers obviously did not go, it should be introduced to the owner.

Ha ha……

If the owner sees that she has deceived so many beasts for her, the master will definitely praise him, and maybe reward him with the fruit.


The snow wolf was full of pride, and even the wolf's head was raised a bit.

But when he wanted to show it, a yellow figure galloped from the back and instantly went to the wind.

The snow wolf just took out a word and squatted in the throat. It looked doubtfully looking toward the wind-slung wolf dog, with a stunned look.

It is estimated that the exiles of the spirits in the mainland will never think that they will see the wind in this situation.

The wolf dog swiftly rushed to the front of the wind. It originally wanted to plunge into her arms, but after seeing the younger abdomen that the girl had already noticed, the obvious meal stopped.

When she was pregnant because of her predecessor, she was driven away by her host. Therefore, it is natural to understand that the wind is pregnant.

Therefore, he did not dare to let go of it again, and looked at the wind with his cautious eyes, and his heart slammed.

Once he was abandoned, he was afraid... the reason for the second abandonment was the same.

Even if he is now very strong, even if he is no longer a wandering little dog...

For a dog, it only wants a home, a home that will never abandon it and give it peace of mind.

"Little dog, how are you here?"

The wind slid down and licked the small head of the jackal, and she looked at the group of beasts in front.

(End of this chapter)

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