The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1434: Feng Lianqing (1)

Chapter 1434 Feng Lianqing (1)

The youth is speechless.

Master's granddaughter...


He can hardly imagine what it will be.

"Master, if there is nothing else, I will leave."

"Well, you go down first, don't forget to feed the cat for me." The end of the world, the old man stopped, and the tone was calm.

The wind slammed the arch fist and retreated.

Who knows that he just walked outside the hall and saw the little girl who came from afar.

The little girl's short, but very watery, a pair of eyebrows bent, especially when laughing, more like the stars of the sky.

"Lie Qing brother."

Feng Lianqing just wanted to detour, who knows that the girl suddenly saw him, and smiled even more brilliantly. She was like a butterfly that could not be bound, and flew toward the wind.

The wind rushed to the side of the body and hid the past: "Herren girl, please be self-respected."

"Lie Qing brother really wants to be so alienated from me?" He Lianyue bit his handkerchief, and his pitiful eyes looked at the wind and clear.

The wind is even clear and sweaty.

Master is right. If he doesn't like it, he must keep enough distance and can't give He Lianyue any hope.

"Herren girl, you must have the dignity of the girl's family, you can't go too far. Otherwise, there will be no light on the face of Helian's family."

Feng Lianqing feels that his own words are already heavy enough. This time, He Lianyue should understand.

But who knows, He Lianyue still walked away to his side with a dead skin, his eyes bent, and his smile was full.

"It doesn't matter, my grandfather is looking at me, he won't blame me."


So, this is the reason why you have slammed the girls in the whole city.

Even my own cousin has not let go?

However, regardless of how fierce Helen moon is in the eyes of the world, Master still likes her very much, even he does not understand why.

"I know," He Lianyue sank and sank, and he hadn’t faced the cute and cute look of the wind. "It must be that Helen greeted the monk. I saw her want to hook you a few days ago. You Do you like He Lian Ying to accept me?"

The wind is evenly brows: "Herlian girl, you don't have to blame others, I just have no mood to love, whether you or Helian Ying, for me, it is no different."

After hearing this, He Lianyue just smiled and said: "I know that even Qing brother will not like that monk, she is so bad."

Feng Lianqing: "..."

Is it true that you are really pregnant?

Of course, he did not dare to say this. Although he did not like Hu Lianyue, he also had no feelings of evil.

Just don't like it.

He Lianyue snorted: "Lian Qing brother, you are not allowed to let Helian meet you, nor let other women approach you, otherwise I will tell my grandfather."


It's no wonder that so many people in the city don't like her. This little girl is really overbearing.

Fortunately, he doesn't like the girl now, otherwise he will go to find someone else's trouble.

"Helian girl, I have other things. If you have nothing to do, I will leave first."

Having said that, Feng Lianqing did not wait for He Lianyue to answer. He hurriedly left, and he avoided the figure of He Lianyue, as if he was hiding from a god.

He Lianyue looked at the figure that Feng Lianqing left, and shyly said: "Lian Qing brother must be shy, and will go so fast."

(End of this chapter)

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