The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1456: Little Snake's temper (3)

Chapter 1456 Little Snake's Temperament (3)

A voice suddenly came from the front, Xiaoqing turned his head into dissatisfaction.

When he saw the light in his eyes, he sneered twice.

Another woman who is confused by the beauty of her master.


Fighting with the princess, there is no good end!

Xiaoqing dismissed and grinned. He seemed to have expected the end of this stupid person...

The dress is full of smiles: "I like snakes very much. This snake looks so cute, what is the name?"

Xiaoqing has an anger in his eyes.

You are an animal, your whole family is an animal!

It is obviously a pet! pet!

It is a pity that the cloak did not see the anger of Xiaoqing's eyes. She reached out and touched the past.

Xiaoqing opened his teeth and rubbed a bite. He bit his cheek on the belly of the jumpsuit.


The cry of the heartbreaking lungs rang through the sky, and the whole forest was as if the birds were scattered and echoed.

"Sorry," the wind smirked and put Xiaoqing in his hand. "Our family snakes are not very good-tempered. They don't like strangers to touch it. Besides, ordinary people don't feel free to touch other people's pets." ""

Xiaoqing has no temper and is swayed in his hands. His body is soft and soft, and his eyes are full of sorrow, but he looks fierce when he looks at the cloak.

The face of the jumpsuit was green, and she held her fingers tightly, her eyes glaring.

The wind was clear but he couldn't wait to find a hole in the hole. He blinked his eyes and turned his head and looked at the wind: "Sorry, this lady, she doesn't know how to dress, she shouldn't move your little pet."

"Big Brother!"

"Okay, are you not too shameful? The temper of the beast is not very good. You reach out and touch it without the consent of others. Who is bitten?" The face of Feng Lianqing is not very good-looking.

Compared with the jumpsuit, he felt that the jumpsuit had lost his face.

Even if the three-year-old child knows that he should not move other people's beasts, is this woman being confused by beauty? Actually go to touch other people's snakes!

Being bitten is also what she deserves!

If he protects his short coat and goes back to Master, he will definitely teach him!

He even bit his lip, pale, and ugly face.

"Oh, yes," the fingers of the wind stroking the head of Xiaoqing, smiling. "My little snake's teeth are poisonous."


The face of the jumpsuit was green, and there was panic in his eyes: "Where is the antidote?"

The wind is like turning to look at the south string: "South string, do you have antidote?"

Nanxian calmly shakes his head: "No one has ever stupidly touched Xiaoqing. Naturally, there is no antidote. Is she the first to be bitten by Xiaoqing?"

The dress that wanted to cry, after hearing the words of the South String, the tears almost could not help but flow down.

Fortunately, in order not to lose face, she finally resisted.

It’s just that the two beautiful women with grievances and forbearances seem to be really distressing.

The wind is as bright as a doubt: "Is Xiaoqing not biting the wind like frost?"

"The wind is like a frost?" The south string brow wrinkled. After thinking for a long time, he remembered who this person was. "I was the one who was forced to press on the head of the father-in-law of the father? When did Xiaoqing bite her?" ”

Whether the wind is ignorant is the sympathy of the wind, or is happy for her.

Because Nanxian finally remembers her name.

It’s a pity... He suddenly forgot the fact that the wind was like a frost and he wanted to climb the bed and was bitten by Xiaoqing.

"She wanted to hook you up, Xiaoqing couldn't see it, took her a bite, don't you remember?"

(End of this chapter)

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