The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1478: Take the beast to the siege (six)

Chapter 1478 goes to the city with a beast (6)

"Ahua, are you actually united with humans?"

A... A flower?

The wind and the mouth of the mouth are pumping, and the level of the beast is named... is it really so bad?

A male leopard is called Ahua...hey, it is not too shameful.

Xiaoqing looked up in the wind and looked at the wind.


The spirit of the beast is the standard of the name, and the princess has a fight.

"It turns out that you are Ahua," the wind smirked. "The name sounds good, simple and nice."

Feng Lianqing: "..."

Where did you hear that name is good?

"You stop!"

Seeing the wind approaching and waiting for people to approach, the front of the leopard suddenly became angry, it straightened up, angered: "You dare to come, don't blame us, you are welcome, Ahua, you really let too We are disappointed! We never thought that you would go to humans!"

"Ahua, can you be worthy of the people who died in our family? What benefits did this person give you, let you bring her over?"

When I heard these words from my companions, Ahua fell into meditation.

Is it a good idea to cure the wounded medicated diet?

"It seems that your companion does not welcome us, Nanxian, let's go." The wind shrugged and shrugged, and turned away.

This time, Ahua suddenly rushed, and it hurriedly rushed over and stopped the wind.

"Are we not saying that? Are they all good at working, really, you can't just go like this."

"A flower!" The leopard was even more angry. "You sold us to human beings as servants?"

"A flower, you are simply too much! In order to sell us, it is all the best."

"You leopard, don't deserve us as a companion!"


Ah Hua has not taken care of those companions. It has anxiety in his eyes and is full of urgency to explain: "My people are actually very good temper, they are very good at work, they are very powerful, they can do everything, we Isn't that good? You can't just go like this."


The leopards are all mad and look at the disappointment of Ahua’s eyes.

The wind shrugs: "They don't need it."

"No, no, I can accept them instead," Ahua can't take care of so much. "As long as you agree, I am willing to accept your request instead of them."

The wind seemed to see that the leopard was already red-eyed. She raised her hand and patted it on the head, taking out the cauldron in the space.

There is also a soup made in the pot, even with temperature.

"We are waiting for you at the entrance of the cave. Later, you will bring them out to meet me. I still have some things to ask you."

A flower eyes brightened: "Okay, thank you, you are a great man, the best person I have ever seen."

It suddenly forgot, how did it treat the wind at first, and now its eyes are full of the soup in front of it, and the saliva is flowing down.

Fortunately, Ahua is a modest person. I know that I will give the wounded companion first. Therefore, it is hard to resist the inner desire, but the eyes are always reluctant to remove from the pot.

The wind did not leave any words, she walked outside the hole.

The night of the Spirit Mountain is very quiet, but under the silence, I don’t know how many dangers are hidden.

She sat in front of the tree and looked up at the moonlight.

The night was stunned, and the moonlight fell and fell on her stunning face.

"South String... Have you found out that we have not encountered too many powerful beasts along the way?"

(End of this chapter)

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